Great work in @BMJLeader from @drmolsg @shruti2711 Niamh Woods @ZoeBrummell as they interview 7 female leaders:
Clare Marx
Wendy Reid

🗣️ "Women make up 77% of the NHS workforce, yet are under-represented in leadership roles at all levels."
What are the right skills to lead? Common to them all were:
1⃣ Collaboration and facilitation
2⃣ Developing trust and respect
3⃣ Compassionate leadership
🗣️ “you often cannot change things without it upsetting people in the process, but it is about doing what is best for the organisation...
...If something isn’t right you need to do something about it and sometimes it is hard to be nice to everyone”.
🗣️ "Flexibility and support through transitions, for example, returning from maternity leave, were clear enablers for the women we interviewed."
➡️ Supporting time out of training with smooth transition back to training
➡️ Supporting men in taking paternity leave
@KathyMcLean13 as a big believer of the 'tap on the shoulder' 🗣️ "We have to encourage people is worth putting yourself out for it’.
🗣️ "men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women apply only if they meet 100%"
@NeenaModi1 discussed the concept of having quotas for number of women in certain roles.
🗣️ “when quotas are for a set length of time with a clear objective, they can be necessary to create change but a quota should not be seen as an end in itself.”
Strategies important in achieving gender balance in senior leadership roles:
💡Increased mentorship
💡Training & networking opportunities
💡Talent management training
💡Appropriate advertising
💡Diverse interview panels
💡Succession planning
🗣️ "Gender is not the only area of diversity that should be expanded among senior clinical leadership teams in order to reflect the diversity of our population as a whole.
Inclusion of individuals from a wide range of ethnicities and sexual orientations is also needed."