🧑🤝🧑 It affects 40 mil people (2017)
💵 #modernslavery generates more money cf illegal #drugs trade: $150 bn annually (2014).
GDP of:
🇳🇿 $202bn
🇵🇹 $195bn
@ilo🔗: ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/…
See @EthicalCompany:
88p coffee shops
63p coffee shop staff
38p tax
28p milk/cups/stirrers/napkins
25p company profit
10p for the coffee suppliers --> 1p goes to the farmer
Brief explanation (1 min) from @ilo: youtube.com/watch?v=pD0IT6…
A longer version here from @TEDx: youtube.com/watch?v=oIGBBP…
Do we ask whether people get paid for work?
Do we ask if people can leave their work?
Can we get accompanied people out of the room if we need to? What strategies work?
Useful link @BMJStudent link: bmj.com/content/356/sb…
Is everyone trained up on how to identify/combat modern slavery?
@RcgpFaculties @RCGPAiT @RCGPJIC @HackneyVts @carmsgpvts @NewhamGPVTS @gptraininginfo @aman999arora