Some thoughts about using #Ramadan to help our patients.
Ramadan usually lasts 29-30days depending on the lunar calendar.
We're about a third of the way in...the middle part is about asking for forgiveness.
Praying-Help a person structure their routine according to the 5daily prayers. Not everyone can manage all 5 prayers. Start with the easiest and build up
They can shorten their prayers and only read the obligatory (fard) units for each prayer time and build up

Fasting is not just a physical detox from food, it's about spiritual renewal.
Ask people about it. What does it involve? How do they feel? What is important about it? What can they do after Ramadan ends to ensure gains are carried over?…
Encourage self-compassion. Ramadan is not a competition with others. Increasing worship is common in #Ramadan, but everyone's journey is different.
People with health benefits are exempt from fasting (they give £ to charity), but can still engage in other forms of worship.

Giving £ to charity is another rewarding act if a person can afford it
Zakat is one of the 5pillars of Islam. Ppl tend 2 pay it in Ramadan due to increased blessings.That £ is not 4 them 2hoard
You can try this calc' to see how much you would give!

Praying, fasting, reading the Quran, meditating, giving Zakat (money to charity usually once a year), serving the community are all important in Ramadan and also thereafter, so can be used anytime in your sessions.
More rewarding in Ramadan that's all.
Finally, pls don't assume that all Muslims practice their faith. Best to check with the person
If it's important then bring it into the room & try the above.
Next year, have this conversation leading upto #Ramadan around Mid-April. Ramadan goes back about 10days each year