1/ At Team Earth, our heart goes to supporting projects that care for vulnerable populations. Recently, we've covered
People who are food-insecure
Indigenous Peoples missing from #COVID19 data
Everyday civilians protected by #lockdownextension & #ContactTracing

How are they coping with #coronavirus #shutdown?
Already, 8 in 10 parents in the States say their child is learning remotely. news.gallup.com/poll/307754/pa…

"Parents have to play teacher’s aide, hall monitor, counselor & cafeteria worker, while trying to do their own jobs."
"I had a breaking moment where I had to lock myself in the bathroom and cry." - Mom of 7 kids nyti.ms/3fmASiH
Low-income households (<$50K) are hit the worst. 72% are at least somewhat concerned about their child falling behind academically.
“This is a very crude bandage we’re putting on a very big wound...A video can’t look at your child’s face and see the confusion.” - Teacher in S.F. bit.ly/2Wqkt4d
We love this article by @TranscendBuilds laying out the 3-step approach #RESPOND #RECOVER #REINVENT

Schools must assess the foundational design of their learning model.
What core competencies are you cultivating in students?
Does it foster emotional well-being, empathy, connection, independence, desire to help others?
How much energy should your school put towards restarting what you did pre-COVID, and how much do you put towards rethinking aspects of your school's approach?
Consider how students will return after trauma and academic gaps, and support parents need to restart.
What is the school culture you want to help build a society that can respond well to global challenges?
How can your education be more holistic and involve parents in a supportive way?
Who are the new partners to make today in public and private sectors?
Let's take inspiration from the innovations already in place!
Like Earth School by TED for students to connect with nature through 30 unique Quests: ed.ted.com/earth-school

Teachers and schools, we care for you too. Check out these resources: thejournal.com/articles/2020/…
We can learn throughout this pandemic, and from this pandemic itself, to become better and improve the educational opportunities for our children! 💪🤓