Thread. Excellent article from JP Collins @bookofoursjp
"I am concerned that like everyone else in the world, leftists and especially anarchists have lost their minds"

"I’ve been stunned & saddened over the last month or so from the willingness of anarchists to obey and comply with lockdown orders, sheltering in place, social distancing and wearing a mask in public while at the same time condemning protests in the US and around the world"
"This is the kind of reaction I’d expect from the liberal, center-left and all its boot-licking, obedience to government officials and the mainstream media apparatus"
"I’m especially shocked at the anarchists who seem to have halted their common sense and independent thinking and have accepted fascism into their lives"

"The mere fact that these people have absorbed the lies and regurgitate the mantras put out by capitalists like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the World Economic Forum, fills my heart with sadness"……
"By condemning those who are demanding freedom; by focusing on the disease and not the secondary effects of the lockdown, we are ignoring fascism. Because what’s coming is far worse than any virus" - @bookofoursjp

"While we are all inside sheltering in place a complete restructuring of our society is going on without our notice. We are experiencing a paradigm shift on a tectonic scale" - @bookofoursjp
"Leftists, anarchists, you need to pay attention. You need to wake up. What is going on is not what you think it is" - @bookofoursjp