Today, we #SupportNursesAndMidwives by celebrating their bravery, kindness & dedication 💐
Who is your favourite nurse?
On this #InternationalNursesDay, let’s show our gratitude by doing our part and following public health advice from WHO and national health authorities.

Trecia Simone Stewart, emergency nurse, Jamaica 🇯🇲


Investing in nursing leadership is vital for strengthening the workforce as a whole. Without this, countries cannot win the battle against pandemics, or achieve #HealthForAll by 2030.

Alice Shiundu, nurse manager, Kenya 🇰🇪

1⃣ improved health outcomes
2⃣ global health security
3⃣ inclusive economic growth
#SupportNursesAndMidwives to achieve #HealthForAll!
Heather Heinrichs, midwife, Canada’s Northwest Territories

Without nurses, there would be no response.
On #InternationalNursesDay, we commit to #SupportNursesAndMidwives 💪

☑Governments must invest in massive acceleration of nursing education
☑6 million new nursing jobs must be created by 2030
☑Investments must be made in nurse leadership
Nurses & midwives are 1st responders, advocates & innovators in their:
☑healthcare systems
Name a nurse who has made a difference in your life and thank them today 💐