Thank you also for your support of the #COVID19 response, in particular for joining WHO in promoting the “#HealthyAtHome” and “#BeActive” campaigns"-@DrTedros
Sport also contributes to:
-health & education
-promotes tolerance & respect
-empowers women & young people"-@DrTedros
1⃣Advocacy for physical activity
2⃣Preventing noncommunicable diseases & promoting healthier lifestyles
3⃣Strengthening the health legacy of major sporting events such as the Olympic & Paralympic Games"-@DrTedros
4⃣Promoting grassroots & community sports programmes to reach & encourage participation by more girls, older people & people living with disability
5⃣Strengthening collaboration between Min. of Sport & Min. of Health"-@DrTedros
I am grateful for the @Olympics’ support for this global virtual event to provide a healthy and positive start to the #WHA73.

✅Ensuring the health of athletes, supporters & workers at the games
✅Addressing NCD risk factors like water quality & air pollution
✅Ensuring games leave a healthy legacy in host countries