If you haven't read Part 2 please do so as it lays the foundations for what comes next.
Let’s explore.
FORCE being identified as the 3 Operating Modes of Identity discussed in Part 2.
TELLING us what to think
ADVISING us by “so called” reliable sources
MANIPULATING our beliefs, to convince us it is our responsibility to behave in obedient lock-step.
Consciousness is the true POWER.
As #Q said: “Nothing can stop what is coming, nothing.”

Spend an evening watching left leaning media and take note of every time they use TELLING, ADVISING or MANIPULATING to influence you.
There is no objective news anymore.
It is because using FORCE against FORCE is the old way.
That is 3D chess
What happens when people learn the TRUTH?
What happens when people WAKE UP?
They will not be able to walk down the street.
The FORCE deployed to restrain him will not stop the POWER of conscious truth.
One man’s sacrifice may have just released a deluge of consciousness upon the Deepstate.
End Part 3.