Chris: Thinking holistically, it would be an opportune time to reflect on how companies can build #digitisation into a business-wide context, rather than just in the IT department.
HMRC is a great example of how it can be done well. The government had been investing in digitisation for the last few yrs. GPs and video consultation. The tech exists #QuirkWebinar
Waitrose invested time and money in their e-commerce capability. They've seen a 50% increase in online orders. 40% of total is serving vulnerable customers. Cash payments have reduced from 40 to 7% #QuirkWebinar
Chris: Is cloud technology still vulnerable?
Sales are overselling. You need to think about the support functions elsewhere. #QuirkWebinar…
What should companies do to enable this newly imagined future? #QuirkWebinar
Question: The C-suite needs to be more digital. To what extent is digital progress being held back by boards, who don't understand the technology? #QuirkWebinar
"Experts create bystanders." People switch off and so don't develop their tech knowledge. #QuirkWebinar
Digitisation: what you should avoid doing is introducing a 'shinier' version of what you've always done before.
Your product is great but how do you want to sell it? The way in which you engage with your customers will change.
Rethinking your whole organisation in the future. How you can restructure and enable shifts? #QuirkWebinar
Capita has a huge push to automate. A company with a new prescreening process for recruitment. They found 3 opportunities:
- setting up a client
- drag on their business chasing candidates
- the operation
Automating processes as much as possible.
The benefits of using systems that work better together.
Working collaboratively and with multi-disciplinary teams who will be impacted by the change. Thinking about agile businesses: they work together every day in the same office space on same problems #QuirkWebinar
Taking small steps, flushing out the problems quickly with an eye on capability.
Akin to Integrated Project Teams from the military.
They respond to what their customers are saying.
What is the data telling you?

Getting out and test it with customers is crucial for any business.
Are the effects you want actually being achieved?
Collect those data points.
Rinse, Repeat. BE AMBITIOUS.

No plan survives contact with reality.