Here are some HABITS that you must develop, to ensure your later years are healthy.
1. Stop Smoking.
This gets harder to stop, as you grow older, and really does damage to the Lungs and Body. This is quite important.

This is the primary "anti aging" secret.
Ensure you drink enough water. in addition to keeping you healthy now, you would DEFINITELY look better when you old age
Join #NoSodaMay

When was the last time you checked your blood pressure?
When you are ill do you self medicate? Do you now that your actions now will affect your life? Are you Vaccinated, Have yo done a Pap smear? What is your Genotype?.
You should be health conscious
Its easy to get caught in the "hustle" and forget to take a step back and enjoy life. We are often to busy saving lives or addressing other people's problems. This stress and anxiety can build up.
Guard your mental health. Breathe!
It is time to start living a healthier life
I hope you found this useful.
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