Me : I have no idea how blue ticks work and I don't see why I would need one or even how you'd apply, assuming you can. I don't see the point as I'm not an organisation or some sort of gov official or some form of TV personality.
Me : Ok but .. .why? What exactly is the point of doing that?
X : To get more reach.
Me : And that helps how exactly? I have plenty of conversation already.
Me : Gosh, that's a good point. The official Wardley Guide to Fashion is ... any trousers as long as it's moleskin (…), any shirt as long as it's Tattersall (…) and any jacket as long as it's Harris Tweed.
Me : Ah, I do have a "faker' - @fksimonwardley - but unfortunately they don't say anything interesting. Maybe that's the comment they're trying to make.