Me : Since we're fond of learning from the private sector in some political circles, I think we should let the private sector take the lead i.e. Eton isn't opening until September. So after then sounds good.
The line "I'm supposed to trust you in a firefight? I can't even trust you not to make unnecessary trips to the store to get twinkies" is the stuff of legends.
Brilliant, Brilliant and Brilliant ->
Me : Anything which is test, test, test and isolate - including track and trace - is a positive in my book.
Me : No. I view them as a truly dreadful idea of exclusion, labelling and marginalisation based upon science that isn't even settled. So, it is adding ethical horrors to very imperfect science. You don't get much more flawed than that.
Me : It should be possible through adaptation rather than exclusion. We will need support structures but these can be created and afforded through redistribution which would have minor impacts on a tiny minority (about 600) of families
Because, I think the Police have been pretty clear about this. Government and ministers should not try to condone such exceptionalism.
Me : No. He is no Deng Xiaoping. He can be replaced easily enough. What can't be easily replaced is trust and public confidence.
I am so delighted @Sir_David_King set this group up. Building trust with the public is essential and Gov is failing here.
There are others aspects of Gov such as the Citizen's Assemblies and use of sortition which are exceptional -
The Independent SAGE groups report is here -…
Me : No. This is test. Moments such as these are matters of faith. To fail is to invite doubt into everything we believe, everything we have fought for. England prevails.
X : Eh?
Me : Don't worry BTN is out there spinning.
What @bbclaurak points to, is political capital must have already been spent by Dominic internally ...
With a perception of failure, the support is withdrawn. Boris should have closed this down. Dominic should have gone. This could spiral.
Me : That's quite common. They're not really there yet ... or maybe they never will be. This is part of me continuing to explore culture, so don't worry. I find them a useful mental aid for myself but there's a huge onramp.
Despite our needs, there are bad actors out there. A big shout-out to all those who work tirelessly to protect our interests from attacks both foreign and home grown. Thank you so much for all that you do ->
Me : No idea.
* A decent person with fortitude would apologise with grace and resign.
* An arrogant person would claim they did nothing wrong.
* An arrogant and manipulative horror would try to deflect the blame elsewhere.
Dominic, grow some humility. Do the decent thing since Boris is too weak.…
I think, for the first time in my life I'm going to agree with the Daily Mail. What planet are these people on?
This is now only going to get worse -
I hope that someone steps up to the plate.
Oh no ... now he is back onto the "fake media" narrative, redirecting from the issues.
Yep, those well known "haters" the Bishops of the Church of England -…
A Bishop of the Church of England says what needs to be said and he receives death threats. All my support and kindest thoughts to the @BishopWorcester.
Me : No.
X : Even after that interview.
Me : That interview was designed to be both say "reasonable" / "calm" but also provide enough for others to get "angry" ... it was deliberate. It's part of the play and it has been used before.
Dominic is going nowhere and the outrage will just help him.