“… for Obama the purpose of Russiagate was simple and direct: to protect the Iran deal, and secure his legacy.”
Excellent piece by @LeeSmith about the ambush targeting @GenFlynn.
The administration was, it appears, clearing space for Obama to implement his big foreign policy idea—the Iran nuclear deal. Another aide, Ben Rhodes, had said in 2013 that the Iran Deal was the White House’s key second-term initiative.
Gen. Flynn was one of the few voices to stand firm against former U.S. president Barack Obama’s highly flawed 2015 Iran nuclear deal. This is his tweet on the very day the pact was signed.
Gen. Flynn also realized how the deal played into Iran's hands, providing the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism billions of dollars to fund a conglomerate of terror groups across the Middle East.
In August 2016 more details of the Obama/Iran nuclear deal were emerging, especially the $400 million ransom Obama paid in cash to Iran for a number of hostages.
Again, Gen. Flynn was warning about the deal.
Gen. Flynn was hated by Tehran apologists/lobbyists in the West; most specifically, members of Iran’s main lobby group, @NIACouncil, founded by Trita Parsi.
They were quick to push Tehran’s narrative against the General following his position against the mullahs’ regime.

“Evidence that Tehran was coordinating with a terror group that had slaughtered thousands in Manhattan & at the Pentagon would make it harder to convince U.S. lawmakers of the wisdom in legitimizing Iran’s nuclear weapons program.”
My take—Sep 2017
On Iran’s ties with al-Qaeda.
“U.S. intelligence officials and prosecutors have long said Iran formed loose ties to the terror organization starting in 1991, something noted in a 19-page al-Qaida report in Arabic...”
Back to Lee Smith's article:
“What was the information about al-Qaida’s ties to Iran that Flynn wanted his CENTCOM team to get out?”

Iran's New Quds Force Leader Has A Long, Shadowy History With Afghanistan
"Qaani's recent trips to Afghanistan are just the latest examples of his activities in the war-torn country."
In 1987, Ghaani was appointed as the Ansar Corps Commander, which was responsible for operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In this capacity, he organized and commanded special IRGC operations in Afghanistan.
Placed on the list of sanctions by the U.S. government, Ghaani has organized a vast network of smuggling in order to supply arms and funds to terrorist proxies in various countries, including Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.
File photo - Ghaani right of @khamenei_ir

Back to Lee Smith’s piece:
“What concerned the White House therefore was their own party… In return, Obama confronted Iran Deal skeptics in his own party with a hard choice—either support the deal, or you’re out.”
In 2012, the administration began secret negotiations with Iran. At the same time, the administration called off a multi-agency task force targeting the billion-dollar criminal enterprise run by Iran’s Lebanese ally, Hezbollah.
The administration told Congress that the nuclear deal would not grant Iran access to the U.S. financial system, but a 2018 Senate report showed how the Obama White House lied to the public and was secretly trying to grant Iran that access.
The Obama administration had misled Congress about secret deals it made regarding verification procedures, and then secretly shipped $1.7 billion in cash for Iran to distribute to its terror proxies.
“Obama was simply bribing the Iranians with hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief & hundreds of billions more in investment to refrain from building a bomb until he was safely gone from the White House, when the Iranian bomb would become someone else’s problem.”
“… Obama officials were caught monitoring the conversations of members of Congress who opposed the Iran nuclear deal."
More signs of Obama's full throttle appeasement vis-a-vis Iran's regime
Nov 20, 2016—"Obama Seeks to Fortify Iran Nuclear Deal"
Dec 21, 2016—"Obama administration, allies try to buy time for Iran nuclear deal"

Note John Kerry's relations with @JZarif.
Kerry continues to push Iran's talking points.
Interview from Feb 20, 2020
While Trump is accused of being a Russia pawn, it was Obama who provided Moscow enormous concessions.
Dec 15, 2016—"Russia says loss of Iran nuclear deal would be unforgivable: Interfax"
And Iran ends up the main beneficiary.

Flynn continued to do the job the president had chosen him for. After Iran conducted a ballistic missile test and its Yemeni proxies attacked a Saudi naval ship, he announced in the White House press room:
(Former Obama aides fumed.)
It gets even more interesting:
Gen. Flynn “was promising to conduct a Beltway-wide audit…”
Gen. Flynn would have not tolerated the likes of @saharnow of Iran’s lobby NIAC in the White House. Sahar Nowrouzzadeh worked directly on Obama’s Iran nuclear deal.

“NIAC’s most accomplished alum is Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, who is now National Security Council director for Iran in the Obama admin & the top US official for Iran policy, bringing together various departments working on US strategy toward [Iran]...”

Nowrouzzadeh probably facilitated this:
“Two high-level Iranian government backers, including a former Islamic Republic official and another accused of lobbying on Tehran’s behalf, were hosted at the Obama White House for more than 30 meetings..."
Gen. Flynn would have cancelled such pro-Iran appeasement measures:
"... the Obama administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians, including family members of government officials, while negotiating the Iran nuclear deal..."
Gen. Flynn would never tolerate providing Iran’s regime access to $1.7 billion in cash that "has been traced to Iran’s backing of Houthi rebels seeking to take power in Yemen."
Lee Smith asks an important question:
"But why Obama would choose the Islamic Republic as a partner & encourage tactics typically employed by third-world police states remain a mystery."
I believe we will know in the not so distant future.
What should be done now?
For starters:
"Congressional leaders have petitioned the Trump administration to investigate a pro-Iran lobbying organization (@NIACouncil) that has long faced accusations of acting as the Islamic Republic's unregistered mouthpiece in America..."
Finally, for those interested, this is my preliminary take on this important topic. The hard work continues.