Elitists are those who think that they are somehow superior; that rules do apply to them. You
Like the ‘Greatest Christmas Hits Live from St Paul’s by Jeremy Corbyn’, no one is buying it.
You may be a #Brexit fan and think the guy is a hero & is receiving unfair amounts of lambasting because he is the Arch Nemesis of the Remain fraternity, but even you
And the fact that during the briefing he lied about his blog (we know this to be fact) suddenly calls in to question his entire story because, well...if he lied about his blog, then he is capable of, I am just putting this
So, #Cummings has lied, & we know this to be true. He has given us the biggest ball-whiff story about eye testing to excuse his lockdown breach shenanigans, & he does not care that he has undermined the entire government strategy.
Thank you for your time and Happy Tweeting.