Open, verifiable data & Python source included
Death stats:…
Population pyramid:…
IFR for "ages 0-199" is 0.798% based on 18722 deaths, which is the total reported in table 3 (…) The discrepancy is because deaths with no age data are not included at all in table 3
• true IFR may be HIGHER due to right censoring: some infected persons may have died after 5/11
• true IFR may be HIGHER due to underreporting of deaths (…)
• true IFR may be LOWER due to false negatives in serosurvey
He calculated a 0.734% IFR
I found 1.140%
He excluded 8k deaths. He presumes they were suspected deaths as opposed to confirmed but table 3 header explains deaths with no age data are simply removed from the table
I did mine with deaths as of 11-May (the last day the serosurvey was conducted)
Because the serosurvey was conducted between 27-April and 11-May, I believe using deaths as of 11-May more accurately minimizes right censoring
If I ignore these 8k deaths, I find an IFR of 0.798% close to what he calculated (0.734%)