#GeorgeFloyd #icantbreathe #ACAB #Minneapolis
move the cars back so we aren't taking projectiles the way we have em
1280 stand by
burt we're two bocks out
gonna take awhile for us to get ready ...
so we can pull you into the rear gates mask mounted and the .... directions to push..... northbound
1405 are those the response gaurds in the alley
yes 35 on foot
gonna give you a phonecall here with further instructions
can i get that second swat team
we need to get our van inside the perrimeter
1405 im .... shortly
i can
see them
andy how long before you get down here body we have a lot of people staging locations
im gonna have to meet you in the alley
we're going midblock
meet me midblock im good with that
can you give an eta
4 mins copy
copy that
east bound between the building and start the push from there
i dont think we have much longer
1204 to 1281 to clarify 3 cannisters of triple chase
they're moving barricades on minnehaha
1405 we're moving down minnehaha there are vehicles in the street
we're taking back some of the barricades
1280 to 1281
Whole intersection gassed up now and barricade advanced
we're weak on our back
1204 copy
lets hold and get ... barricades we need ... barricades
secure those temp barricades on ... sides
hold minehaha and lake
we're gonna need more cops and more barriers
my guys are vulnerable right now at minnehaha and lake we need another ..... on the north side
i got my stick up in the middle of the street i need 10 people please
13 cops coming down hiawatha put them at lake
ok just a couple mins out
we can at least use 40mm rounds
1405 team ... they're throwing rocks at target
im sending 4 over right now
party coming from the west with sticks
we need officers to the ne corner of minehaha
officers to the ne corner of minehaha and lake
right on minnehaha on lake
101 we're looking good
Barricades are covered here
we need coverage in the street
1405 sitting good at lake and minehaha
come back behind the ---- here
come down minnehaha norht of the precinct right in front we'll take ya
just a heads up there is a large group reassembling
request for more triple chaser
1204 to 1281 not at this time
we are going to hold what we have right now i need sargent crumb and collins at the southeast corner of the precinct
Cops are scrambling to deal with the flow of the crowd
copy blast balls deployed
southwest corner of the precinct
coming in
numerous rocks thrown mineahaha and lake
2 blast balls deployed
be advised we have a local team assembled here to go mobile
Cops don't even know what's theirs anymore
lets get that dumpster back
1204 is not available at this time
1204 its a priority for us
crowd is gonna take up ----- minehaha
on the north corner of lake and minehaha
we need support
1281 group reassembling
got myself and 9 officers where would you like us
copy blast balls deployed
copy numerous officers being hit with rocks
3302 where is your 507 to take his 9 officers
are we staying stationary the whole night or whats the
working on assembling a couple teams here
we plan to go mobile and disrupt this crowd
1103 copy
1281 copy
the sooner you can get that other team here the better
we are getting a constant streams of rocks
we have 4 triple chases left
almost out
on my command
deliver deliver deliver
We got gassed. Scattered a few blocks
all 1200 units clear that area lets find a meeting place as of right now its all property and we are outnumbered no as of right now we arent going in
parking lot of 28th and 28 lets meet there
copy more rocks coming in
blast balls deployed more rocks coming in
more rocks being thrown
(I guess #Minneapolis likes to rock)
guys with 40s are empty we need another stack
for our line
we're trying to get to come back up to finish this barrier
i do have a team that just showed up are there any barriers that need filled in or a back up break or water let me know
we could definitely use more support south of the precinct
we havee a street team
1204 eta 30 mins
fthey are taking cover at autozone and getting projectiles from there
(By looters they mean expropriate crew)
[entering the target from the railroad track ]
are officers gonna --- still looters at target
they are reassembling
they were getting pelted by rocks
you guys do realize they are listening to these radio transmissions right
TOO hot send two officers at a time to drop back and rehydrate
reassemble more rocks being thrown
i have an RP someone just broke into his house 25th 11 cedar
only 6 of the bundle left we brought the rest of them to the front earlier
They need zip ties
at the front door
got a large amount of orange smoke coming from the front of target
are you asking for fire to respond there
awaiting fireworks and maybe smoke grenades
make sure youre covering each other as we do this manouver
keep coming back
walk toward mineahaha backward
the plan is to ---- start stepping back keep the line straight no one gets lef t behind
multiple drones above
they're coming at us pretty quick
------- ughghghg
go ahead
who's back in the area at the gas pumps
1281 --------
---- on the north side of the precinct
in front of the precinct he has black and tan hat
hand gun and long gun
minehaha liqours
minehaha and lake
continuing to walk east
corner of minehaha liqours
we got him
dennys as well as --- tobacco are being looted
(Expropriated! It's not looting it's expropriation)

copy that
1208 on 21st ave south
system will be up in the attic so head to the top floor
copy that receiving the 403
ramsey county fire tacs scott carver anoka hennepin dakota
{{{ thatst the channel}}}}
computers up and running
copy clear that area
we're here on you vehicle munitions
[other channel is still active]
we are downstairs in the garage
engine 31 come in
go for engine 31
you guys can clear thank u
minehaha liqours has been breeched
i put the alarm in supervisory mode right now
there is a citizen outhere with abunch of molotov cocktails
getting ready to thrown
yeah the liqour store is being looted
186 to the back parking lot
3016 minehaha
minehaha and the molotov coktails
looks like the water has come to a stop and the exterior has come to a stop so things are looking good up here
290 getting callers saying the same thing at like line and spirits
copy that
yeah we have word they are making molotov cocktails
working on getting extinguishers
we still have a team on the roof correct?
one of the witnesses talking about pipe bombs
102 to 9901 outside the perimeter and ready to roll
be advised we are going to stand down
proceede to 2-6 and hiwatha at the pumps
be available for a mission
and he had a brown hand gun
with a rifle also has ---- round
304 can we utilize --- back off of thes
out of water that was on the polaris?
----- fights trying to pick one up and a male on site refusing to return it
commander wheeler you have an open mic
im back behind by the 1280 van
thats good copy thank you
plymouth engine 21 arriving on scene
caopy that
[1281 is sargent battell?]
the wind is in our favor
1204 i need to ensure everyone has to =---- or masks
on my command to deliver 3 triple chase
everyone mask up
someone let numerous -------
1280 we're getting lazers from the autozone lot
1280 set up barricades across the street at mineahaha liqours with large pieces of plywood
copy they are building barricades to ---- bottles at- line
bottles coming back
green shirt khaki shorts seems to be working for some pest control agency
1280 multiple marking rounds deployed
(Oh the cops are emailing and using their radios simultaneously! Wow!)
delivered a pack behind those barricades and people have been digging in their
copy ppl have been digging through a bag behind the barricades
1281 ---- barricades
1281 ---- barricades
we'll be on pierce and ---- minnesota 722
glass being thrown
[ok 1281]
[should i say sgt battell]
212 able
put me on a detail
group of fifteen people drinking or something like that
1280 thats a negative
looks like they --- smoke out front --- fire
just got an update
it was a gray impala
just a couple blocks away
looks likes its southbound on ----
copy people on the roof top of autozone
i need someone from eot command to give me a call as soon as possible please
southbound 2 vehicles racing
1283 its 1280
gonna try and start a fire right in front of this barricade
1283 to 1280
1280 i need one of your personel to put the cannisters inside the van and relock it up
(Cop literally said they don't feel safe)
[badge number 3335]
[masing innocents]
[badge number 3335 masing someone]
i have the video
large flame being lit
rocks coming form --- south of the precint
large flames too
all these parties were blocked in this call
[video showing cops just masing people]
white male blue flannel shirt
mortars coming into our line [its fireworks idiots]
9901 to 180
be advised saint paul just get them in that facility there and hold them theire i want the mpd team to continue with that mission we discussed
copy that
both st paul and bloomington in route
eta within minutesl
white male down ----- description --- sidewalk
83-18 can i get ems to the back lot
copy and to the rear lot
alright we have a medic here at the station
our medics are busy
one paramedic is tied up
copy we'll just take ems in 02
message to commander blackwell
2 getting ready and we're working on more
getting fueled up right now
is there an available officer to assist on the front
anyone who has eyes on the east
flames ------
open mic audio
auto zone ------
--- response
i would bring em in here
ems is six blocks south
open mic
these food ----
83 if you wanna come to the entrance of the lot
we'lll open the gate
to tend to the woman with the wheel chair
six blocks sout
large amount of smoke inside autozone
can we move them in
36 and hiawatha
we're gonna have to
up with fire
we're gonna have to link up with fire
fire department will only respond
swat team with fire extinguishers while it's still small enough
1280 be advised that autozone is full of smoke
probably gonna be a large fire
it is a large fire inside autozone
im watching the video
[cops are watching uriot feed]
i suggest we do a crowd push
same thing
1280 large crowd went south down 27th starting to lose power in the intersection
---- the autozone fire is on the east side of the building
copy is going back away from the precinct
303 i believe the rug is still clear just used it
eta 10 mins
10 mins copy
180 whats the eta
to fire address
we are waiting --- rig --- might have got deployed ---- another
101 copy fire is being escorted in
we need to coordintate that so they can get in safe
if they can get there quikcly we need a large crowd push
9901 copy
go ahead and direct them
180 just kinda hold until 101 authorized
------ navigate ---
111 operator come in
nvm i noticed
where the water came from
be advised eta is 10 mins
officers mask mask mask
1204 to 1281 stand by
can you confirm fire will be masked
we will protect them from ----
stand by
do you need more support
we need to hold
this intersectin
stand by
do you need more support
we need to hold
this intersectin
looks like there gonna let the fires do there jobs
there are flammable chems in the sw corner of the building
we need the 40s
10-4 gonn make my way down to the unit
engine 31 come in
engine 31 you can return to qtrs.
come in
just shut off the --- system and start drainging
dumpster fire at crystal village
bonfire by the rental office
30 ft from the garage
101 make sure everyone is masked up here
deploy as planned
on minehaha
on the north side
--- to the north
[very loud now]
i noticed the alarm is off as well
can you read to me the info on the alarm panel
im trying to call the ----
1281's audio is shit
liqour store
something liqour store
there is a fire visible from the top of the autozone too
open mic audio from battell
copy explosion south side of
minehaha going south
3 at 380 2709 lake we have people inside the building
2109 lake
people inside the building
people are above the buisness with the explosion
we are getting reports of one shot in the shoulder 1-6 minehaha 2-6 and minehaha in a white sedan
---- 27th and lake
we sent fischer and battells are holding what we have until streets are clear
hold what you have
whats your location
do you have any needs
no neees
from the rear
1405 we're gonna push lake st. 27th from ne corner to se corner so we're gonna push across and hold the lot
(Cops are impatient)
-we're gonna push this crowd to the west
taking a lot of rocks
somebody with a [ford or 40] here
come to mineahah just north of lake
right where these fire trucks are
we're about two blocks away
Lots of projectiles being launched at em
404 getting a lot of projectiles from the target lot
we were succesful at taking lake and 27th
north of minehaha from lake
reinforcements needed
303 dog lodge coming up the alley be there in 2 mins
engine 11 ---
engine 11 on scene
1283 to ---- office
go ahead for 1204
1283 we're taking lots of bottles and rocks
this is a violent crowd
starting to move back
large rocks breaking window of fire truck
--- being deployed
you will have to make the call
i cannot see you
you will have to make the call
multiple gunshots
27th and lake
Passersby McDonald's shooting
do you know if the gun is still there
we're short
right now----
(Cops are overwhelmed)
requestion additional munnitions to 27 and lake
we're sending 5 or 6
do you have ability to get hand tossed munnitions to the target lot
3 would be perfect
on my command
4 triple chase
to the North of your location
i cannot get to your location for a ressuply
i say again i cannot get to your location
1204 copy
1103 [officers down?] at 27th and lake
bodies -----
we're holding the line mid block
lite crowd
NW corner of the precinct
apt fire
chemical munnitions an we move the line push it out another 50 ft to the west
we're moving them down the wet rn
1204 to 1280 can you send me down one operator one hand tossed
down to the back lot
we have two triple chase left
1204 to 1280 asap please
already in route
[make sure is wrong]
throwing large fireworks at us? mark em
rocks and bottles
106 west side of the precinct parking lot lots of rocks glass bottles and other items
we are ---- on lake
battalion 6?
brooklyn park ---- has arrived
North of Lake and Minehaha
copy north of lake and minehaha large mortars
come in 31
dont let him get that car
102 be advised both ------
can you stop in the walmart and pick up a report
copy people on top of the roof of the pawn shop
--- firetruck
1103 i need the air
they have doubled in sixe
48-35 soon
minehaha south of the precinct
101 to lt fischer stand by we're gonna psuh south on 27th avenue and this group of officers will link up with you
one solid line
across to you
do you need more bodies?
1405 in the alley in that liqour store/
do you need more bodies?
stand by
copy standing bt
lets hold that area for investigations
message received
[maybe unrelated]
just hold off on that push
negative we'll hold what we got
(Cops are losing grip)
right now they're blowng off fireworks but we're holding what you go
they're throwin rocks at us
[battell is really mad about something]
rocks being thrown at the fire trucks and the barricade
[battell is flipping]
hold our on all gas munnitions we need a re-up
1204 copy
they're hitting the truck
behind the fire truck on hiawatha
behind the makeshift barricade about 20 of em chucking rocks out of there
on the n front of hopkins crossroad
6 to 26 ill tak command
can i get one at park lane south and [overland] rode
i would say its in the 50 to 75 people range
ok copy
vehicles ------- and thats where the mortars are coming from
we need to resupply with 40 mm
Blast balls
for a resupply
or wait
copy we'll send someone
copy that
j1283 to 1204 do we need someone at the front
of the precinct
380 or 180 there squads gonna be in the lot next to auto zone also told five officers are to report to the first precinct
y----- 11 you have an open mic
lasers from the middle of the target parking lot again
massiv massive massive----
our squads are gonna be back in the lot of the autozone also told that 5 officers are supposed to report back to station
is that correct?
check with 3301 lindsey harren
she is handling the staffing plan as we make the transition
im not sure whos going where
we are spread out over 3 blocks
i dont know where those officers are at this time
you got medics now is there any way you can let them in
we have a group south of minehaha getting unruly
we're gonna head your way
i can see it there is smoke coming from the building
1281 to the front of the precinct
multiple shots fired on 27th
and there is smoke coming from the front of the dollar tree still
no flames but heavy smoke.
and there is smoke coming from the front of the dollar tree still
no flames but heavy smoke.
1405 minehaha also throwing rocks and bottles
they're throwing stuff at us
1281 is in route
in route
1405 a line on lake and 27th
push your line straight forward and start a line with molly's line
crowd throwing bottles permission to --------
once again your muffled
just looking for permsiion to deploy triple chase
whats your location]
permission granted
I cannot see your position
@FINALLEVEL kept it real as fuck when it came to police brutality
Artist: Body Count
Track: Cop Killer)
17 please help with that truck in front of us
vehicle ----- we might need --- in here
target does anyone have eyes on this
hundreds of vehicles in that lot right now
copy thanks
black truck southbound
[ you still here ]
barricades coming thru now
1280 copy
hold up one second we have
one of the firetrucks backin up still
left here once fire pulls out of here we are going to head on east lake street and systematically
so for the team leaders that are left make sure we dont leave anyone hanging and we'll regroup
wlaker can we get moving here?
911 ---- road north trouble breathing
watch watch ---- self
fuck to the south make sure squad verifies that
5503 can tell transit on camera if something is actually going on there
5503 i think one oc the pc's is still talking to transit
ugh hold the perimeter for now
not at the moment if you push em north they're gonna loop around and it's gonna be -----
can we get 0----- anoka county there as soon as possible
should be on scene
anoka county one block from ---
[all i got on that one]
squad 204
hold what we got now until ---- after the ---- is out of here we'll close this down and regroup from there
on this north end by the autozone til ur ready
copy that
and the
are out here
illl assign you a car
---- next location
copy that im in the truck that has the --- lights at the autozone
Major fire on 28th & lake
residential or unoccupied
we cant tell we're a block and a half away
1200 it is occupied
people on the roof and coming out of it
commercial building with residents in the back
Requesting mpd assistance
strike team 1 squad 180
you can break away from that other escort your doing --- to assist the fire on an occupied structure
180 copy
---- detail on the ---- by the autozone
and move
no protestors
if you can move strike team 1 do you want to head on east lake street and provide security 9601 to all other officers that left precinct there is a priority to get these strike teams set up as sooon as possible
other two strike teams
180 i need all of --- precinct searched to --- and lake
no --- can get over there
pushing them north
1226 all units clear
1226 copy
Fire has arrived
28th and lake
copy 28th and lake
... was talking
the --- and other --- here gonna --- have em move forward to the north?
if you feel there is one [mark] you do whats necessary
two in the car now
copy ill get behind you
re-establish that md block area
we need to
copy that
we'll take a look at it
pulling out of here once that bus moves we're going to re-evaluate the perimeter
we did not have any trucks on scene yet.
copy that
gonna try and re-evaluate thiss to see if we can re from 27th to 29th push east and hold at 27th
jcollapse this thing down as much as we can
[re-establishing the perimeter]
[caps are entirely accidental]
lake and minehaha --- bus
two on lake two ---- back of the building right now and they're-----
fire vehicles are all unsecure
s302 i need precinct three mids
precinct mids 3 report precinct role call room
[mids might be meet]
to 180
gonna have to use squad to go with Fire dept to hook up to fire hydrant and stay there so im gonna lose a squad
go ahead and take 2 squads
fill em up
---- police officers
435 to 122 u see anything
check fire ---
Set up security squads
once the bus is out of here we are going to collapse the perimeter back to the station
with the vus coming through
do you still have the two in custody
we need transport
fire apartment [25] lake street
station 3rd precinct and fire they are
sarge your hard to understand
on minehaha ------
yeah movement on minehaha you can send the troopers out now
dont leave anyone behind
not out
1405 troopers are slowly coming back intersection of lake and minehaha
yeah i need a ---
six cars at --- park
troopers are taking a little more time
They need more time for back up
back to the flagpoll to resupply
yup just hold right at the liqour store guys
liquor store wait for ----
i see copy gas deployed
parking lot suspect --- tshirt blue jeans
what about to the south i the alley weren't they holding? they're gonna be looking for weak spots
affirmed we have em in the alley too
Thank you
180 480 fire chief -----
a second how your coming with --- strik team--- eta ready to mobilize and move
eta to mobilization is 12 mins
when we roll out as a team
i anticipate we're gonna need some of --- of the bottles here
and thats both strike teams
they're working the fire out on 28th and lake