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Sanitäter*innen üben starke Kritik am Polizeieinsatz in Leipzig! Image
LEIPZIG Die Demosanitäter*innen der Demonstration für das Grundrecht auf Versammlungsfreiheit am Samstag, den 3.6.2023, kritisieren das Vorgehen der Polizei scharf. In der Karl-Liebknecht-Straße wurden ab 18:30 Uhr ca. 1000 Personen der Demonstration für ca. 11 Stunden gekesselt.
Die Polizei ist rechtlich dazu verpflichtet, festgesetzten Personen - darunter auch viele Minderjährige - eine adäquate Versorgung zu ermöglichen; also Zugang zu Wasser, Nahrung sowie sanitärer und medizinischer Versorgung. Dies war in der Nacht vom 3.6. nicht gegeben.
Read 12 tweets
Wasserwerfer, Räumpanzer, Steine, Böller und Bengalos: Im Bremer Steintorviertel ist es heute anlässlich der Verurteilung von #freeLina und weiteren Antifaschist*innen zu wütenden Protesten gekommen. #hb3105 (1/4) Image
Mindestens 200 Antifaschist*innen waren unangemeldet aber öffentlich angekündigt gegen das Urteil und für einen Antifaschismus der nicht auf Recht und Gesetz schaut sondern ob er Nazis schadet, auf die Straße gegangen. (2/4)
Es kam zur Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei und Steinwürfen auf ihre Fahrzeuge. Zur Stunde gleicht das Bremer „Viertel“ einer von einem massenhaften Polizeiaufgebot besetzten Zone während es weiterhin zu leichten Auseinandersetzungen kommt. (3/4)
Read 5 tweets

Two British Black girls sucking on a hot dog in a supermarket.

A White Supremacist bigot riffs on "degeneracy" and "Think of the CHILDREN!!!"


It's a HOT DOG, not a double-headed dildo. Image
Even more hilarious is the absolute jumping to conclusions that two young fully dressed women sucking on and biting a weiner is the equivalent of a full-on GG paid Only Fans sex scene; or the pronounced fear that the former would corrupt children with "bad ideas".

I mean....SERIOUSLY.

We Black folk rightfully decry lynching and abuse when it's done to us by others, but the millisecond our Puritan sexual radars are even slightly pinged by implicit acts, we go straight to the "We gotta BEAT THEIR ASSES and PUT THEM UNDER THE JAIL!!!" card. Image
Read 5 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (May 5, 2023)🧵:

This is the face of US fascism (and the neck of an ostrich or giraffe, apparently?)

Along with two as-yet-unnamed accomplices, Daniel J. Penny is one of three police-like ghouls who lynched Jordan Neely in NYC, NY this week. ImageImageImageImage
[img. description(s): a pasty fascist with dirty blond hair and an improbably long neck in four profile-style face photos.]
Read 17 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (May 4, 2023)🧵:

"How disgusting to be a cop"
[h/t @VIM_Media] Image
Do not dance with cops, soldiers or other fascists. This is too basic a rule for too many to be forgetting.
Read 13 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (May 3, 2023)🧵:

You never forget your first "skeet." I do not like police (olaas...
You can follow me there in the event I get axed here. I am not moving the digest there yet or even simulposting it. Yet.
"Community policing" is not some innocuous, nicer kind of policing. It is counterinsurgency. There is no context where it isn't.
Read 18 tweets
Don't you know
that to vote
or Republican
is to vote against your own class interests??
#ACAB Image
Why are you fighting a culture war when you should be fighting a class war? Image
The most senile & dangerous president in
US history.

#BidenIsTheNordstreamBomber Image
Read 4 tweets
Je vois tout le monde râler sur le slogan "acabeeeuuuh", peu inventif, moche et pas percutant, c'est vrai; mais je vois personne partager les bons slogans anti-flics qui nous font kiffer à gueuler en manif sur la flicaille.

Alors je commence une liste, à completer. ⤵️
#ACAB Deux flics en equipement anti-eumeute de dos, identifiés re
-On a le magnifique "Tout le monde deteste la police", simple, efficace, ca donne direct la temperature.

-Le bon vieux "Police partout, justice nul part" de V.Hugo, toujours beaucoup de style et justesse.

-Il y a un radical "Flics, violeurs, assassins" toujours tres pertinent.
-Le "Police Nationale, milice du Capital" qui marche aussi tres bien pour une critique marxiste de cette institution vichyste.

-Sinon l'historique, un peu oublié, et assez chiant a crier "CRS-SS".

-Le tres concret "Mais que fait la police? Ca creve les yeux!"
Read 10 tweets
Ce soir, les actionnaires d'alsetex (famille Bares) qui fabrique les GM2L et autres grenades et gaz, vont se coucher un peu plus riches de la marge captée sur l'arme qui a envoyé cette deuxième personne entre la vie et la mort, payée sur fonds publics. #ACAB #GOULAG #SainteSoline
Jean-Jacques (le vieux, le grand patron), va déguster un bon pinard sur un bon repas en se disant qu'il a "bien travaillé aujourd'hui". C'était fatigant mais il a "développé son entreprise".
Il fumera un petit cigare sur la terrasse de sa baraque, avec un armagnac hors d'âge et réfléchira à toutes les perspectives de développement qu'offre la période à son "entreprise".
Read 4 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (March 15, 2022)🧵:

Today is International Day Against Police Brutality. screencap of page from The Onion. Title reads "Officer
"March 15 is the International Day Against Police Brutality... It has its origins in 1997 through the work of the Montreal-based Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COPB) and the Black Flag group in Switzerland."… via @libcomorg
That's a calendar of events that @libcomorg provided last year, not this year. I couldn't find one for today, unfortunately. But the history of the day being observed since 1997 and coming from anarchists in Canada and Switzerland is important to know.
Read 37 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (March 14, 2023)🧵:


Marielle Franco (July 27, 1979 - March 14, 2018). Assasinated by the state and its police forces in Brazil. photo of marielle franco gazing skyward, hopeful, determinedin the streets, fist up (black and white)with other Black women, one who holds a sign reading "mwith a microphone speaking at a rally
Brazil | They murdered Anderson Gomes as well.
Read 52 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (March 13, 2023)🧵:

🎶I believe the children are our future... 🎶 four frame meme. 1st frame:...
One of my favorite things ever in the history of things.
"staffing shortage" stories have been part of the copaganda corpus since 2020 (wonder why? maybe because PEOPLE ARE DEAD from a once-in-a-century PANDEMIC??? Nah... must be the tone of police critics!) Anyway, keep your eyes on this narrative formation.
Read 26 tweets

Não é novidade de que a burguesia odeia os pobres e toda sua cultura. No Brasil, atacaram e proibiram a capoeira e o samba. No futebol, esporte mais popular do planeta, não poderia ser diferente:
No último final de semana, mais uma vez, o BEPE (Batalhão Especializados em Policiamento de Estádios e Eventos) lançou mão de mais uma estratégia, uma espécie de cavalo de troia da repressão, para criminalizar os movimentos de torcidas
organizadas. Mesmo alertado pelas lideranças da Torcida Jovem do Flamengo e da Raça Rubro-Negra, o comando do policiamento, ligado à PMERJ, conseguiu efetivar um confronto de grandes proporções no entorno no clássico deste último domingo.
Read 8 tweets
If only this was something rare. But time and again cops take the side of the far-right who are engaging in hate crimes and even when engaging in outright assault.

Here's one example:
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" least 5 undercover officers deceived women into sexual relationships in these early operations, and there was evidence that the unit’s managers knew about the deception. “There is also evidence that the risk of sexual misconduct was both obvious and recognised.
More could and should have been done to reduce the risk of sexual misconduct by the undercover officers.”

...At least 15 other undercover officers deceived women into intimate relationships that occurred between the 1980s and 2010, including fathering children with them.
The undercover unit compiled the information gathered about activists into “extensive and deeply personal” reports that were “on many occasions sarcastic, or otherwise unprofessional...
Read 6 tweets
A friendly reminder to cops suggesting to do away with bail that based on the presumption of innocence, the Criminal Code and legal decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada have emphasized that liberty while awaiting trial is a basic principle.

@AltTextUtil OCR Image
The accused, the Prosecutor, sureties and a Bail Verification and Supervision Program may propose conditions of release for the court to consider.

It's up to all involved as well as the cops complaining and advocating for no release (bail) - for teenagers at that who clearly...
...could benefit from community and other interventions and are in fact the most likely to benefit from these programs should they be funded well enough to 1. Exist and 2. Function properly and in a timely manner - help ensure conditions are followed.
Read 7 tweets
Not surprised @JamesDBowie porn ⭕️ loader Joe Morin is GOOD w/ DADs posting nudes of own kids on internet while grifting $ 4 heat & rent & 👰🏼‍♀️🤵🏻‍♂️ while harassing “dangerous” RWNJS & 🟫☪️🇵🇸👩🏽 & ME, my 👧🏻🧒🏻 & my 89 yr old 👵🏼! Y’all we’re good w/my “research” til it pointed at y’all!
Invite 2 join @ResistanceCats discord Aug 28, 1st snooker or porn 📥 Aug 28 while my 🧒🏻showed me how 2 use discord, saying, “2 many dirty adults in discord!” Should’ve 👂🏼 but my damn curious nature! 🛑 yr 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛s harassment or your disclaimer means 💩! @OttawaPolice @LawSocietyLSO
I didn’t feel safe w/ 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ B4 their invite. & they’re were worse than I thought. Exhibitionist kink porn ⭕️ jerk! I stated that I gave Serious Mother as my name cuz U folks scared me more then convoy folk 2 @resistancecats. Not so scary, just UGLY through & through! #ottnews…
Read 10 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (February 7, 2023)🧵: 6-frame comic. title frame reads "Cop shoots someone&qu
16,000 views, only 28 RTs. But I'm right. It's bad and inarguably wrong - and I won't stop saying it's wrong, why it's wrong, who it erases and the bad politics and misguided strategies it reveals in those who keep saying it anyway.
Alamogordo, NM | "Robert Gutierrez Jr., fled on foot. Authorities found Gutierrez at an abandoned house and they say at some point he was armed with a gun. Officials say an Alamogordo officer and OCSO deputy fired their weapons and struck Gutierrez."…
Read 40 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (February 6, 2023)🧵:

[art by @nobonzo] Artistic representation of "Tort," (1996-2023) wit
An article, implicitly about the absolute failure of existing "duty to intervene" policies, itself becomes a call for *more cops.*

"the police department has a supervisor shortage and called the lack of a supervisor at the incident “a major problem.”…
The sophistication of #copaganda is breathtaking. Even an article about how "duty to intervene" policies have existed since Rodney King and existed in both Minneapolis and Memphis before high-profile police killings ends with a call for more cops. It's amazing.
Read 33 tweets
We are not as loyal as dogs
🐈 🐈‍⬛ 😺 🐱 🐈 😻
but we don't tell police where the drugs are.

#ACAB Image
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Ich bin der größte Fan des staatlichen #Gewaltmonopol​s einer Demokratie. Ich glaube, es gibt keine historisch bekannte gesellschaftliche Ordnung der Dinge, die besser versucht, prinzipiell gleiches Recht für alle zu schaffen. #FCSPHSV #HH #Hamburg #Polizeigewalt 1/15
Ist sie perfekt? Nein, bei Weitem nicht. Aber da muss man es mit Churchill halten. Statt Feme, Kiezmiliz, Volksgericht, Friedensrichter, Kanun, Beth din, dem DFB-Sportgericht oder Hokuspokus würde ich stets die ordentliche Gerichtsbarkeit einer Demokratie bevorzugen. 2/15 Image
Genau deswegen aber bin ich der größte Gegner der schlechten Ausübung dieses Gewaltmonopols, wie wir es mMn diesen Freitag mal wieder beim Hamburger Stadtderby zwischen (na, Sie wissen schon) beobachten durften. Hier zum Anschauen: 3/15
Read 15 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (September 2, 2022)🧵:

"They need more training."

The training:
Read 70 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (September 1, 2022)🧵:

[🎨: @RSGAT] Stencil. Blue lettering on ...
Beginning of/End of the Month Pledge Drive:

The digest is "daily" and I live and breathe because of your continued support. New patreons encouraged, tips always appreciated. 🖤❤️

Cashapp: $CraigOlaasm
Today in #PigTech | "Police have used “Fog Reveal” to search hundreds of billions of records from 250 million mobile devices, and harnessed the data to create location analyses known among law enforcement as “patterns of life,”…
Read 20 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (August 23, 2022)🧵: 8 police officers carry a f...
Police are not here to prevent or solve "crime." So when they are tasked to do so, they're not particularly good at it.
Read 34 tweets

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