Great to see @maxabillioncruz, @MedPedsMike, Dr Doolittle, et al. all on the call!

@nmpra: #MedPeds residents org + med student membership. Incoming prez @maxabillioncruz
#MPPDA: Med-Peds PDs org that collaborate w/ ABIM, ABP, and other communities. Prez is @MedPedsMike (U of MN PD).
#AAPSOMP: Keeps everyone up to date on ACP, AAP, cert

To @KapilSasha, send name, email, year to sign up for updates or sign up on for up to date info!
(For what it's worth, I never thought I would be in Texas, but I love it here!!! So worth considering other places 😄)

You can do both, and you have all the options of an Internist and a Pediatrician
See below 👇

1⃣ Communicate to the program what YOU think is important for your CV
2⃣ Make sure you can talk about your hobbies! You don't want to be matched w/ a faculty who is avid about something you casually list 😂
3⃣ See @gradydoctor thread below

Into the Q&A - 1st Q: Away Rotations! from Dr. Doolittle @YaleMed
+ specific geographic preference
- hard to adjust
- takes time to hit stride & impress
▶️ Read the guidelines, but there may be more leeway given COVID
▶️ Make sure they are uploaded through ERAS
▶️ If you upload LoR after Oct 21st, please email programs to let them know (since they've already downloaded your app)
Ooo... Great Q: Should applicants interact w/ residents on social media?!
Overall, PDs saying that it may be beneficial this yr if you feel comfortable. Just be sure that you keep it professional!

▶️ Patience & working with programs (Dr Doolittle @YaleMed)
▶️ Connect w/ recent grads or current residents from other programs who can tell you about their experience
▶️ Make friends w/ 1 or 2 #MedPeds residents who can connect u

#MPPDA asking for applicants to be patient... Our #MedPeds programs are excited but also trying to figure this out, too! How to do videos, design websites, etc to be sure we convey to you about our program, hospital, and residency vibe!
▶️ There will still be happy hours
▶️ You will recognize familiar faces & be able to connect
Chat saying #MedTwitter is a good opportunity!
(Think this is great because I LOVED meeting all my co-applicants. Met my ppl on the trail!)

#MPPDA stating that this year will be a holistic review, understanding that not everyone will be able to do Sub-I or aways. Focus on wholistic application, PS, etc
Also, working to design system to be fair from ground up
1⃣ Test WiFi
2⃣ Good lighting/play with lighting
3⃣ Would test a call w/ a few friends
4⃣ Still dress nicely & check your background
5⃣ Try to keep noises to a minimum
6⃣ Recognize that something will go wrong & take it in stride
#MPPDA saying that they are impressed w/ people who roll w/ punches, so take a deep breath and forge on!
1⃣ When will interviews start? Later than Oct. since that's when apps come out
2⃣ Peds Hospitalist w/o Fellowship? Institution dependent, but some places can do it w/o fellowship (like @YaleMed). Won't be able to sit for boards, though.
3⃣ IMGs in #MedPeds: Definitely! May need to apply to 10-15 programs, choose wisely, have mentors guide you.
4⃣ Regionality preference: #MedPeds values diversity of ed, lived, and training experience! If a program matches well with you, apply!
5⃣ CS delays: #MPPDA still figuring out how this will affect everything! Dr. Friedland reassuring applicants that Med Schools will have to waive it for grad & residencies will waive for residency. Overall, all PDs confident it will be OK
6⃣ @MedPedsMike states "1/3 of MP programs view Step 1 as pass fail" anyway
7⃣ Dual apply to IM or Peds? For some ppl (geographic, couples match), makes sense. Sometimes ppl advised to, but Dr. Friedland says ppl match #MedPeds if they want
8⃣ Clear that dual applying somewhat controversial. Think the most impt take aways are:
▶️ Being transparent may be safer (and does not bring up ethical issues)
▶️ Find a good #MedPeds advisor who can help you w/ apps
▶️ If no advisor, contact @nmpra or #MPPDA
9⃣ USMLE stress: #MPPDA will be very flexible & clear w/ requirements. Understand this is an odd year.
🔟 Virtual clerkships: Sometimes residencies won't even know it was virtual! Everything is diff now & is part of the system now. #MPPDA understands.
11) Dr. Solomoindes (future #MPPDA Pres): PDs will give you benefit of doubt if something goes wrong!
12) Aways/Electives - Talking w/ someone outside of your institution can be helpful if you need it to decide on #MedPeds!
We have got your back & want to help you thru this process every step of the way! Buckle up for a #MedPeds bonanza!