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One of the greatest mysteries of life is the mystery of pain and suffering. It all seems so wrong and so arbitrary. If you have lived for any length of time you have known pain and suffering #BreakingBarriers @thefireofOla @gbemle @liveway
#BreakingBarriers @jide_martins @yinkanubi
#BreakingBarriers @seunakinola_
Paul gives us another insight,
13 But we continue to preach because we have the same kind of faith the psalmist had when he said, “I believed in God, so I spoke.” @solaadio
@Ibilola_Amao @drthema
Paul tells us that the trials of life help our spirits to be renewed. We grow spiritually through hard times.
@doctorkanayo @mpbeads_fabrics
If you’re not one please make this confession: Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, forgive me of my sins, I forsake my old ways and accept you as my lord and personal savior. Amen