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Mar 17th 2023
1/ ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ€Excited to share 17 ways GPT technology can foster a much-needed shift towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) tech space. This powerful language model has immense potential to boost #DEI efforts in our industry. Are you ready? Let's dive in! ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ
2/ ๐Ÿ“š Mentorship: Create AI-powered virtual mentors for individuals from underrepresented communities, helping them navigate the tech industry, improve their skills, and enhance their knowledge. An inclusive support system goes a long way! #MentorshipMatters #DEIinTech
3/ ๐ŸŒ Translation Services: Break language barriers and ensure everyone has equal access to knowledge or work opportunities, by using GPT to provide translations for multi-language documentation or resources. Say no to linguistic limitations! ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ๐Ÿ“– #BreakingBarriers
Read 20 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Looking forward to what should be an insightful webinar on how to use research to make impactful communications campaigns #BreakingBarriers
First, @essity's Gareth Lucy speaks about the value of research led communications. Gives a potted history of Essity, its brands and products #BreakingBarriers
Lucy argues that there are a number of reasons to use research to drive communications & campaigns, including:
- relevancy
- credibility
- justification
- leadership
- news
Done well, research can also be a "gateway to content generation"
Read 37 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
With each leadership opportunity I've had during my @usairforce career, I've been extremely honored, blessed, & is no exception.
@usairforce I'm proud to follow extraordinary leaders. Chiefs of Staffs from Spaatz to @GenDaveGoldfein, who have lead our @usairforce through Cold War competition & deterrence, through conflicts around the world, & through challenging #budget cycles & tough decisions.
@usairforce @GenDaveGoldfein This is a very historic day for our Nation & I don't take this moment lightly. Today is possible due to the perseverance of those who went before me serving as an inspiration to me and many others.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
Tonight on #BreakingBarriers I will be sharing insights on Seeing Beyond the Storm. This is a session you canโ€™t afford to miss. ๐Ÿ˜Š Please RT
Trust we had a great day?

Thread ...

One of the greatest mysteries of life is the mystery of pain and suffering. It all seems so wrong and so arbitrary. If you have lived for any length of time you have known pain and suffering #BreakingBarriers @thefireofOla @gbemle @liveway
It may be physical injury or disease; it could be a significant and devastating loss of life or a loss of a relationship; it might be a result of injustice or prejudice. Whatever your loss one thing is certain: it has impacted your life.
#BreakingBarriers @jide_martins @yinkanubi
Read 39 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
As I sit in my little garden, all alone, the cool breeze tussles my hair gently, todayโ€™s golden Sun appears above the hills, the koel is singing.

Is she chanting the Gayatri? I wonder.


Have you wondered about the fact that everyday is a new day?

Or do you compare it with yesterday and allow the pictures of the past to cloud and cover the fresh innocence of today?

Todayโ€™s Sunrise is not yesterday's Sunrise.

The hues of orange and pink that nature has painted today, are different from yesterday.

The bird song has a different feel today.

Read 8 tweets
Apr 11th 2020
I am here, and I need to go there to reach the goal or get what I want. This is the linear approach.

What if, what I seek, is right here.


How do I then find it?
By not reaching out.
By not desperately trying to grab, or grope about in the dark towards something I do not even know.
In this case, the Truth.

I know only the definitions of others. So I construct the idea accordingly and try to reach out for it. This what we are taught to do from childhood.

What if there is another way, where I refuse to define, or construct the idea according to someone?

Read 7 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
In a small village well, lived a frog. He was very proud of his great ability to jump across, from one side of the well to other. His co-well-dwellers crowned him the King. None of them could beat him.


So lived the King frog, proudly boasting that he was the emperor of the world and no one could excel him. The narrow well was his world, for, he had never been outside the well or seen beyond.

One day,there came a flood & a frog from the large temple pond was washed into the well. โ€œHello!โ€said the King of the well, โ€œwho are you & where do you come from?โ€
โ€œI am Yogi Frog,and l come from the vast water-body called the temple pond. Itโ€™s huge,you cannot even imagine.โ€

Read 8 tweets
Mar 18th 2020
#BreakingBarriers starts now..... Life Patterns @dayus4heaven
1. What we call chaos is just patterns we havenโ€™t recognized. What we call random is just patterns we canโ€™t decipher.โ€ ~Chuck Palahniuk
2. Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons. When there is something you need to learn, something that you need to work on, the same situation will continue to repeat itself until you either learn your lesson or find a healthy way of dealing with that particular issue.
Read 26 tweets
Apr 6th 2019
Read 4 tweets
Mar 20th 2019
Tonight on #BreakingBarriers ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Letโ€™s declutter our spaceโ˜บ๏ธ

Please help to spread the message ๐Ÿ’—.

@BreakingBarrie3 @FireOFola @bofiasdiaries @segalink @SuperGirlTimidi @JajaPhD @ebuka_akara @solaadio @Mentor_Grace
Good evening all and trust we had a great day? Itโ€™s time for #BreakingBarriers ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

@Antom_dapper @bofiasdiaries @mpbeads_fabrics @BreakingBarrie3
1. The simple life is a โ€œmanly/womanlyโ€ life because a man defines himself not by his possessions but by his character, virtues, relationships, and experiences. #BreakingBarriers
Read 44 tweets
Mar 13th 2019
1. Too many people spend their lives counting down the days until the weekend so they can bask in their temporary reprieve. Then itโ€™s right back on the hamster wheel. #BreakingBarriers
2. Some live their lives in comfortable ignorance, unaware of their true potential. They have it good; you canโ€™t agonize over anything you donโ€™t value. #wednesdaythoughts #BreakingBarriers
3. But then there are those who know better, that feel like life is passing them by because they have so much to offer. #BreakingBarriers
Read 31 tweets
Feb 13th 2019
#BreakingBarriers starts 8pm Topic: Handling Rejection
Rejection is one of the most unavoidable and painful aspects of being human.

Most of our failures are nothing more than a form of rejection and knowing how to deal with rejection will help you lessen pain and bounce back to your normal emotional state. #BreakingBarriers
Whether you were turned down for a date, dumped by someone you thought loved you, or hurt in some way by your long-term partner, the pain of rejection is undeniable. In fact, a 2013 study found that the brain responds similarly to physical pain as it does to social rejection.
Read 36 tweets
Feb 6th 2019
1. Let me start by letting you know that the best thing that can happen to you is not being in a romantic relationship but getting to discover what your life purpose is. So find purpose before life partner. #BreakingBarriers
2. It is frustrating to be married then finding your purpose only for your spouse not to support it. Two definitely cannot walk except they agree #BreakingBarriers
3. You need to honestly answer the questions "why do I want to get married" & "why do I want to get married to this person?" Your answers will determine if you can keep going in the face of challenges in your marriage #BreakingBarriers
Read 35 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
@BreakingBarrie3 @Antom_dapper @mpbeads_fabrics @bofiasdiaries @oluthomas03 @Olawale2809 @akin_more @magarya @bellajohn005 @Mosopemi @segalink Am pumped๐Ÿ˜ƒ! Good evening fam and welcome to tonight session on #BreakingBarriers trust me you need to follow this thread!
@BreakingBarrie3 @Antom_dapper @mpbeads_fabrics @bofiasdiaries @oluthomas03 @Olawale2809 @akin_more @magarya @bellajohn005 @Mosopemi @segalink The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts of excellence. Really, itโ€™s a matter of programming our minds with the kind of information that will set us free.

#BreakingBarriers @AishaYesufu @SamAkinlotan @DrJoeAbah @TerryannScott
@BreakingBarrie3 @Antom_dapper @mpbeads_fabrics @bofiasdiaries @oluthomas03 @Olawale2809 @akin_more @magarya @bellajohn005 @Mosopemi @segalink Making minor changes in your daily life will make a major difference to the ease with which you fulfill your dreams. Why settle for mediocrity when simple changes can lead to a life of excellence?
Read 32 tweets
Jan 16th 2019
Thank you @BreakingBarrie3 and @dayus4heaven for the opportunity to feature this evening on #BreakingBarriers.

Our discussion tonight will focus on "9 Principles to Getting a Recognition, Promotion or Salary Increase at Work." # #HRwithEM

"Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men" is a great ancient saying which is true and relevant today. #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
The saying could also be said differently, thus "if you are uniquely gotten in your work, you will rise and be promoted. You won't be held back- you will stand before kings!" #BreakingBarriers #HRwithEM
Read 34 tweets
Oct 10th 2018
@dayus4heaven Humanism and Feminism
These labels have become very loaded words in recent times - with people asking - can humanists be feminists? Are feminist fight for all rights of sexes? Is humanism a way to ridicule the feminist agenda?
@dayus4heaven Some see these labels as mere linguistic preferences but many seem to differ.
I like to believe that both feminism and humanism seek to achieve the same thing
Read 33 tweets
Sep 26th 2018
Essence of LIFE & TIME #Breakingbarriers loading 7pm
Good evening all and trust we had a great day? Tonight promises to be phenomenon on #BreakingBarriers ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ @Antom_dapper @bellajohn005 @bofiasdaily @Amakamedia @LanreAgboola1 @TerryannScott @babaidris090 @joshua_adesogan @mpbeads_fabrics @liveway @jide_martins
@Antom_dapper @bellajohn005 @bofiasdaily @Amakamedia @LanreAgboola1 @TerryannScott @babaidris090 @joshua_adesogan @mpbeads_fabrics @liveway @jide_martins 1. What is the essence of life?
Is it waking up with hope or despair?
Hope, to keep pursuing what?
Despair, to what end?
What is the essence of life?Honestly one of the best way to trigger clarity is asking yourself thought provoking questions. Let's go there #BreakingBarriers
Read 38 tweets
Sep 19th 2018
Life Is Not A Race: Move At Your Own Pace #BreakingBarriers loading...
Good evening all and trust we had a great day? Tonight promises to be great on #BreakingBarriers as I will be sharing insights on MOVE AT YOUR OWN PACE.

1. We all have expectations for our lives. Abstract timelines that we
formulate in childhood and end up comparing our accomplishments
against. Life does not work that way. Life is not perfect!

#BreakingBarriers @Antom_dapper @LanreAgboola1 @bofiasdaily @kayjavu @mpbeads_fabrics
Read 44 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
Tonight promises to be great on #BreakingBarriers as @dayus4heaven will be sharing insights on ๐Ÿ‘‡

Help RT
@Antom_dapper @OmosuleIdowu @bofiasdaily @LanreAgboola1 @segalink @mpbeads_fabrics @AishaYesufu @SamAkinlotan @Saamira_S @Ibilola_Amao Trust we had a great day Tweeps! Someone is about to have an encounter. ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ”ฅ #BreakingBarriers
@Antom_dapper @OmosuleIdowu @bofiasdaily @LanreAgboola1 @segalink @mpbeads_fabrics @AishaYesufu @SamAkinlotan @Saamira_S @Ibilola_Amao 1. Our generation tends to do things for the wrong reasons. We've wrapped
our minds around the idea that life should be lived the way people
glamorously exploit it on social media. #BreakingBarriers
Read 32 tweets
Aug 18th 2018
There are many things I would have loved to share with you about my lifeโ€™s journey but the time allotted is not enough to do justice. Let me just share with you the story of my self discovery for those who may be driven to think I got here overnight. #BreakingBarriers
I was a peculiar child right from my formative years. At first my parents thought it was stubbornness, then later concluded I was damn right rebellious. In those days you do as you are told without having any other ideas. You simply obey. #BreakingBarriers
I wasnโ€™t wired to simply obey & my parents would have none of that. I was the last born of 4 with enough gaps between myself and siblings to fit generational civilizations. So there was no excuse for my parents not to try to break me based on past successes. #BreakingBarriers
Read 66 tweets
Aug 8th 2018
Good evening all and trust we had a great day? Tonight promises to be great on #BreakingBarriers as I will be sharing insights on DRIVING YOURSELF CRAZY?
Almost got stuck getting design for tonight session, hope it comes through before we draw the curtain. #BreakingBarriers @Antom_dapper @LanreAgboola1 @bofiasdaily @kayjavu @iamkingsmithA @OmosuleIdowu @mpbeads_fabrics @moradekedebbie @oyinloyesunday let's kick off ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
Read 47 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
Tonight promises to be great on #BreakingBarriers as I will be sharing insights on THE POWER OF FOCUS. You can't afford to miss this session.

Please RT.
@oyinloyesunday @AishaYesufu @Ibilola_Amao @bofiasdaily @OroAdunni @WaleMicaiah @iamkingsmithA @LanreAgboola1 @lanrelewis @segalink Good evening all and trust we had a great day? Tonight promises to be phenomenon on #BreakingBarriers
@oyinloyesunday @AishaYesufu @Ibilola_Amao @bofiasdaily @OroAdunni @WaleMicaiah @iamkingsmithA @LanreAgboola1 @lanrelewis @segalink I will be sharing some life insights on how you can stay FOCUS. You don't want to miss this! #BreakingBarriers
Read 56 tweets

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