The thread is a little long but could be useful in the context of enhancing the customer service standards in branch banking specifically for PSBs..
Out of my 13+ yrs of experience with three different kind of banks..
You may get a clue n a way to act on for the survival of PSB status of (y)our bank n #StopPrivatisation
It took time to realise d competition they have from pvt players to retain elite customers..
PS: PSBs have highest ratio of customers per employee..
All burden of customer service n the business development lies on the shoulders of BM alone..
For PSB, good Customer Service alone can easily attract business devlopment..
And the branch banking people are the front line runners to fight with the survival task of PSBs..

And bank management #YouFailedBankers with your robotic approach to manpower..And the responsibility lies to you if privatisation is staring at us..
1. Your smile and politeness is the key.. whatever may be workload on you, if you gets a smile in reply of ur smile, it makes ur day..
7. Generate the list of HNI customers and distribute it department wise among the officers of your branch for garnering relationship with them.