Mike Mullen

"I thought I was watching a scene from something in Turkey, and not in the United States," Honore, who commanded National Guard troops in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, told CNN's @andersoncooper.
(h/t @stevesgirl56)
McCraven wrote a powerful statement last year in his Op-ed and CNN interview with @jaketapper.
But he has not spoken out now on Trump response to #GeorgeFloydProtests #BLMprotest.

"The wait is now on for other officers to speak out..." Kaplan then explicitly notes McCraven.
John Allen, retired Marine Corps four-star general
@DanaPittard, retired Army major general
@LoreeSuttonNYC, retired Army brigadier general
(via @NPRinskeep)
"That's not right. That should not happen in America."
"That was unconstitutional."
in exclusive interview with @ErinBurnett @OutFrontCNN

William Mcraven—retired Navy four-star admiral, commander of Special Operations Command—joins former military leaders speaking out strongly against POTUS response to #GeorgeFloydprotests
"There's nothing morally right about that."
h/t @JeffGovCon
Strong rebuke of Pres. Trump's threatening to use military in #GeorgeFloydProtests
"a sacred trust has been breached"
h/t @DaveLapanDC