So here's a thread to RT anytime some1 responds to #BlackLivesMatter with "but black on black crime" like this yahoo.

But instead of getting into opinions and feelings, let's just look at data and facts.
Now, the first racist fact these people will say is: "13% of the people (Blacks) commit 50% of the murders"
Well, I am part of that 13%.
I haven't murdered anyone.
So let's look at the FBI data. But before we do, understand these stats are for ARRESTS. Some of these crimes were committed by the same person. Some of these people were proven innocent.

So, Karen, I would DEFINITELY talk to black murderers if I knew one.
So why are black people considered to be criminals?
Because you're racist, Karen.
Now truthfully, it's because we live in a country where whiteness is the default. Black people are considered "black people" while white people are just considered "people"
But again, let's stick to facts and data.
The Black on Black murder rate is 89%
The white on white murder rate is 81%.
So, Karen, how often do you discuss white on white murders?
When they wonder why we don't address black on black crime in our communities, there's a great explanation (Remember we're sticking to facts):
Because white people don't know shit.
Seriously, that's an actual fact.
Usually only black hands are left
Well, this is the part you do at home. And this part may be trickier now that COVID canceled everything. I once used Eventbrite for this part but Facebook Events is way easier.
Go to FB and look up "stop the violence" events going on in your city...
I BET there were more stop the violence rallies
It is a verifiable fact that black people work harder to stop violence in their communities than they EVER blame police violence. They commit more money and time to the issue.
Well, anyone who actually went to a black church, barbershop, cookout, grandmother's house, strip club or anywhere that black people exist, would know that black people talk about this issue INCESSANTLY.
Why the fuck would any black person talk to a white person about black on black crime?
If the black on black rate crime is damn near the same rate as white on white crime; if black people work HARDER and spend more money on it; if the insignificant differences in interracial crime can be explained by poverty...
I could tell you that people use it to deflect from the real problem of white supremacy. I could tell you that some people are idiots. I could even explain that "wypipo gon' wypipo" but we're sticking to facts.