I think I already know what he's working on and — I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
I agree with Tim Scott.
A thread:
That was a rhetorical question because I don't either. No one does.
Even if you think you know, you're probably wrong.
@washingtonpost's "Fatal Force" database only counts SHOOTING deaths. For instance, George Floyd isn't listed. Neither is Eric Garner. Or Sandra Bland
They also don't count off-duty killings like Botham Jean's death
That's still probably not right.
Because police don't have to tell us when they kill someone.
What about the police brutality victims who don't die? What about the people who are shot and paralyzed for life? What about people who just get choked unconscious? Who counts those people?
No one.
On April 4, 2015, North Charleston, SC police shot and killed Walter Scott during a traffic stop.
Protests ensued.
In 2015, @TimScottSC decided to do something about it. He wrote a standalone bill: The Walter Scott Notification Act.
2. The officer’s name, race, age, & sex
3. Whether the victim was armed or not
4. A description of the cop's weapon
5. A detailed description of the event
6. Whether the shooting was ultimately justified or not
Scott's OWN PARTY said no
So, in a last-ditch attempt, as the First Step Act worked its way through the Senate in December 2018, Scott attempted to slide it in as an amendment.
When Obama tried to do the same thing, Republicans fought that, too.
See, the First Step Act simply made Obama's 2012 CJR bill retroactive.
BUT they also refused to include @TimScottSC's Walter Scott Notification amendment.
So he stopped trying.
But Tim Scott is black. He knows.
Which begs the question:
How the hell would the Walter Scott Notification Act enforce this policy?
Wait... this reminds me of something we already talked about. But instead of giving my angry negro opinion, let's ask an expert.

Before police kneeled on George Floyd's neck...Before cops shot Breonna Taylor... The ONLY Senate Republican who was advocating for police reform was a black man.
And what was his solution?