Okay—adding to the resources for all who are looking to #dothework to be anti-racists.
I’ve suggested all of these before—but not in this current context. In medicine, we know that background knowledge serves as the foundation for foreground.
This is no different. 👉🏽

This series is absolutely essential to anyone wanting to #dothework of wondering how we got where we are. @SceneOnRadio Seeing White is nothing short of brilliant.
I’ve listened to it 3 full times. 👉🏽

This eye opening documentary by @ava on @netflix is a perfect companion to @SceneOnRadio’s Seeing White.
It will hurt your heart and open your eyes about the atrocities of revised US slavery (aka mass incarceration.) It is a must for those who are serious about allyship.👉🏽

Have you watched this? Even if you know the story of the #centralpark5, this series will convict you in new ways.
My sons watched this with us and we all wept together. They couldn’t believe it was true and in my lifetime.
It was. It is. 👉🏽

You want a glimpse into the complexity of blackness? Read this book. @KieseLaymon has a voice unlike any other.
My favorite lines:
“Don’t you let them shoot you from the sky.”
“It’s that Black abundance—and they don’t even know.”
Read this and learn. 👉🏽

One thing Bryan Stevenson always says is that we must #getproximate. Stories get us proximate.
The @serial podcast season 3 shows you how the vicious cycle of structural racism in courts hurts generations. I trained in Cleveland where it is set.
Worth your time. 👉🏽

Have you ever been to an HBCU? If not, you should visit and tour. All are overflowing with history, joy, and triumph. Each tells our story.
My alma mater @TuskegeeUniv was built by hand by students! I’m a 4th generation TU alum—and a @MeharryMedical made MD.
Yup. 👉🏽

Guess I’ll end with this—an impulsive HBCU video from 2015. I was primarily addressing the black pipeline—but it really celebrates our legacy.
Black folks have been through a lot. But we we still have a song in our hearts.
See that, too.
Don’t be afraid to find what will disrupt your thinking and ignite real change. All of these things did that for me. There are more—there always is more.
Let’s #dothework together, y’all.
#CDICWeekofAction #BLM
@EmoryDOMRyse @EmoryDeptofMed