but she is (was) so obscure that her wiki was near deletion in both 2018 and 2019:
#RobinDiAngelo #WhiteFragility

The WHITE FRAGILITY concept / phrase / meme / endzone-dance / soft-blood-libel.
2011: coined;
2010s: made rounds on academic-left-fringe;
2020: broke through with George Floyd riots.
Using Ngram and Google Trends data and more. Story in 21 parts (thread).
One from 2004 refers to the 1994 OJ Simpson ex-wife murder but not related to the late 2010s/2020 meaning:

The article was by Robin DiAngelo, a 2004 PhD in Multiculturalism and obscure person on the academic-left circuit.

The rise is associated with the Baltimore race riots of that year (when the mayor famously gave rioters "space to destroy")

It then has another round of upward movement starting in July 2016, this time associated with the 2010s-era-peak of Black Lives Matter and the BLM massacres of police that month.

It is by then 'established' on the racial-theory academic-Left fringe (the "Tim Wise"-wing of US discourse), occasionally heard but not yet mainstream.

Soon it's June 2018 and DiAngelo publishes a follow-up to her 2012 whiteness-studies book. The new one is "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism." The biggest turning point yet..

There is zero doubt this is tied directly to the George Floyd riot cycle...

It is no flash in the pan. It holds high for two weeks (over 35 on the arbitrary Google Trends scale from May 30 probably lasting at 35+ to at least June 15 on current trend).

This follows the general pattern (points 6 & 8).
(See also the breakout of the #SystemicRacism term associated with the Ferguson Riots in 2014:)
The gains of March 2015 (see point 6) to April 2020 are worth a look: By what vector did the term/concept set itself up for takeoff?
Here is an image with the top 20 metro areas. Madison, Wisconsin is the top in the USA.
Unsurprisingly, these are all either college towns or big-blue-cities...

162 Little Rock AR
163 Charleston WV
164 West Palm Beach FL
165 Augusta GA
166 Huntsville AL
167 Wilkes Barre-Scranton PA
168 San Antonio TX
169 Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen TX
The top-interest places (see 17) are some of the highest educated/SES whites in the USA.
The process was boosted by energy from "below," incl. criminal riots/violence at several key junctures, observable in the data.
Thus: A portrait of the "High-Low Coalition" in action.
That's #WhiteFragility. (End)
Posted July 3, 2018 (see points 11 & 12). The first words from the woman introducing her (0:07-0:30) are worth recording and commenting on...
"If you are white, and you have not devoted *years* of sustained study, struggle, and focus on this topic [racism], your opinions are necessarily *very* limited." (-- #RobinDiAngelo)
Cult trainers talk this way.
"Critical Multicultural Education; Whiteness Studies"
About this time, #WhitenessStudies was first emerging, and was being mocked by conservatives. It's easy to see who's laughing last and who holds cultural power...
If find she put it into print earlier than the 2011 paper, namely in 2006, just before she appointed professor at @WestfieldState
Notice the title: "Addressing Issues of Diversity." This scolding phrase, "addressing issues," was not current yet then but is now.
It "debuted on the NYT Bestseller List."