E.H. Hail Profile picture
Hail to you.
Jul 22, 2024 14 tweets 2 min read
"The Democratic Party as Regime 'apparatus'; the day after the anti-Biden palace-coup succeeds"

[A thread]

(originally posted to Peak Stupidity at )peakstupidity.com/index.php?post… A palace coup. The leading coup-plotters having been identified by many of us in late June already.

Biden's rise to the presidency itself was engineered in early 2020. His take-down, the insider-elite coup against him, was also engineered. There was never anything organic here.
Jul 3, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
Curt Doolittle speaks:

twitter.com/i/spaces/1BdGY… "Do You Consider France Part of 'The West'? Steps For Survival?" host: Frank L. DeSilva; featured speaker: @CurtDoolittle.
Mar 13, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
@Outsideness Thoughts on the origins of the Ukraine-War-Panic: @Outsideness more thoughts on the Ukraine-War-Panic:
Jan 10, 2021 19 tweets 3 min read
ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt called (Jan. 7) for Trump to be life-banned on all social media.

Less than 24h later, it happened.

ABC interview:

bitchute.com/video/Azp0CCPP… INTERVIEWER: "In the five years since Donald Trump 'descended the escalator' [June 2015], we've seen an unprecedented and abnormal rise in violent extremism in the US and beyond....Will the threat go away when he does?"

GREENBLATT: "Well, White Supremacy existed before Trump..."
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Ben Garrison
of @GrrrGraphics
Life-banned from Twitter

Pro-Trump cartoonist
Cartoons highly influential

His final cartoon,
before he was "disappeared"
by regime digital forces, was: Image Prophetic:

"Rendezvous with History"

(Posted Jan. 2) Image
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
"Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol Building are protestors, NOT terrorists. Words matter. Words are weapons." -- Ben Swann "They TOLD us an appropriate form of protest is to destroy property. They justified it. They deified it. They told us it was righteous to do so." -- Ben Swann
Jan 9, 2021 35 tweets 11 min read
Signs of a major political Twitter purge ongoing:

By my count I've lost over 2% of followers in past few days, most of it in last 12 or so hours Lost a few more followers in ongoing #TwitterPurge
Now at a 2.3% loss in past days.

Many others reporting same:

Nov 23, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Sweden to hit +0.03%, maybe +0.04%, excess deaths in 2020.

Some years that had comparable excesses in Sweden:

1957 (+0.03%)
1960 (+0.02%)
1962 (+0.02%)
1968 (+0.03%)
1969 (+0.04%)
1976 (+0.03%)
1985 (+0.03%)
1988 (+0.05%)
1993 (+0.02%)
1995 (+0.03%)
2002 (+0.02%)
2012 (+0.02%) The picture we have is that Wuhan-Corona as an indisputably severe flu wave, but just as indisputably as one within the normal-historical range for such flu waves. A Sweden born in 1957 has lived through 13 comparable severe flu waves.
Nov 23, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
As we of the Anti-Panic side told you would happen, deaths in Sweden were below normal for months following the late March to late May flu wave.

The period of sustained below-normal mortality beings July 10 and continues to at least the end of October.

#SwedenWasRight Sweden total deaths

For the full month of August
2020 6781
2019 6829
2018 6791
2017 6824
2016 7005
2015 6712
'15-'19 avg. 6832
Nov 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
They "used an 'all of the above' strategy to steal the 2020 presidential election...includ[ing] old-fashioned ballot stuffing, pay-per-vote, ballot harvesting, dead voters, double-voting, illegal voting, and intimidation of voting officials and volunteers."
-- Kenneth R Timmerman He is a longtime investigative journalist (@KenTimmerman)


Nov 17, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
It seems the death rate of people with The Virus on an all-population basis for a first-world population is 0.03% to 0.25%, depending on which subdemographics it hits disproportionately and on baseline age and health of the community. 0.03%-0.25% deaths of people with the virus,


(1) There is no virus in history that 100% of people get. Expansion then end with #herdimminity. Wuhan-Corona, like other coronaviruses, looks to fade out at a <30% threshold.

(2) 0.8% to 1.0% of society dies any year anyway.
Nov 17, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Tucker Carlson opens his Nov. 16th 8pm EST show bashing lockdowns.

Why no Election Fraud coverage?

Tucker should have been slamming lockdowns back in March and April instead of cheerleading them. At this rate, he'll be hitting election fraud in June 2021. 8:20pm EST, after Tucker does several sub-segments bashing lockdowns, he says:

"Well. You probably heard about Dominion voting software used in the election some places. There are claims that it cased massive fraud, turned the course of the election. Update, after the break."
Nov 15, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Scott Adams predicts, or semi-predicts:

(1) The media is lying but "trying to hold the republic together" at this point;
(2) Trump will prove voter fraud;
(3) Trump will step down anyway;
(4) This for the good of the country to prevent civil war

Scott Adams fans are critical: @ScottAdamsSays that Trump stepping down AFTER proving election fraud will be "like George Washington."

A reference to Washington supposedly declining to be crowned King of America when he could have, and/or declining a third presidential term when he easily could have had one.
Jun 20, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read
The International Finance Corporation says:


Reminder: When a "protest movement" is endorsed by EVERY part of the regime, it's not a protest movement. Choose your side:

Are you with BLM, corporations, celebrities, all the politicians, the US State Department, and.....International Finance ✊? Or against them?🤨 #Choices
Jun 12, 2020 36 tweets 23 min read
@V8POW Robin DiAngelo is an #ethnomasochist nobody who got a frivolous PhD in "multicultural studies" at age 47, and is known for her "notable idea" of White Fragility,

but she is (was) so obscure that her wiki was near deletion in both 2018 and 2019:

#RobinDiAngelo #WhiteFragility @V8POW On #WhiteFragility:

The WHITE FRAGILITY concept / phrase / meme / endzone-dance / soft-blood-libel.

2011: coined;
2010s: made rounds on academic-left-fringe;
2020: broke through with George Floyd riots.

Using Ngram and Google Trends data and more. Story in 21 parts (thread).
Aug 22, 2019 32 tweets 11 min read
"Donald Trump is an absolute disaster. His presidency is a disaster. He's worse than nothing. He's totally betrayed his base." -- #EricStriker, Aug, 9, 2019 "Tulsi Gabbard is pretty solid, but the Jewish groups are going after her." -- #EricStriker, Aug. 9, 2019