What, exactly, is National Socialism, and Where do the Democrats Fall on its Spectrum?
Here's my brand new, 2020 reading strategy. I buy a book on Kindle, read some or all of it, and if I need it for my library, I buy the hard copy also. Luxurious, yes?

1) Patriotic Americans who are Center-left on down to Far-left.
2) The Surface Level Leadership
3) The Evil, Vile Influencers and Hidden Power Brokers
I hope it's obvious that I love and respect the first group.
Have you heard of Godwin's Law?
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches."
"Here is the theory:
"It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual ego is...
Hitler at Buckeburg, 7 October 1933.
"These statements were made in our century by the leader of a major Western nation. His countrymen regarded his viewpoint as uncontroversial. His political program implemented it faithfully."
"The statements were made by Adolf Hitler. He was explaining the moral philosophy of Nazism."
This, my friends, is their great weakness. It is also their great threat. To understand the threat, let's get back to Peikoff's guidance.