No particular colour defines the Small East African Goat as it comes in various shades. Bucks attain live weight of 30 to 40kgs, does 25 to 30kgs
Galla goats is large and mostly referred to as boran or somali breed and has subtypes of Degyir and Degeun. Docile goats.
They don't do well in high altitude where its cold n wet but will thrive in low and medium altitudes. Can produce good quantity of milk, 0.5lt daily.
These two indigenous breeds do better when crossed with others.
Is anyone able to provide credible contacts for goat breeders?
Please do share.
This is one venture that once in it, you will learn a lot and benefit immensely.
Such best practices increase meat production and profitability.
Mention feeding and farmers think about costs and labour intensity.
If you have paddocks, lucky you as all you need to do is plan the paddocks to ensure they have enough supply of grass and weeds/shrubs. You can supplement the nutrition with minerals and other forage.
You will also need a brush cutter machine to harvest grass and weeds.
Feeding program should be fixed to 3 times a day and same time daily. If using molasses apply sparingly to avoid soaking.
Pasture and Fodder: Napier, Pigeon peas, desmodiun, hay, leucania spp, sesbania, potato vines, and natural grass.
Crop Residues: maize stover, sorghum stover, groundnut straws, rice bran, and bean straws.
Meat goat concentrates are in agrovets.
A livestock farmer must have a pest control program as most pests act as parasites and cause diseases.
Fumigation is important.
You must have a vet on call to always check on your goats whenever you notice something abnormal. Don't wait for diseases.
Branding will ensure you can identify your goats.
Install CCTV to monitor your kraal against malpractices.
Approach your local market as the first option. However, value addition can ensure you target city and global markets.
Sell to restaurants that have high daily consumption of goat meat.
Linking up with exporters to the Middle East could give you an added advantage.
Do you want to start? What do you know so far?
Your contribution and criticism on this thread is welcome.