It's closed to many people. Some people love it that are cycling. People are concerned. How do emergency vehicles get through? Restaurants? Vanc Tourism, Van Seniors
Um - Giesbrecht just left the meeting. WTF
No questions
Giesbrecht - Stop speaking to this and speak to the motion specifically.
So, Oppose.
Now speaks to PB revenues, budgets and parking revenues. Cites various stats.
Worked at Prosp. Pt Cafe - most rev comes from mv visitors. How will PB make up $
Difficulty with changes of traffic, your family transport. If your ability to access were not to be impeded by traffic flow, would it change your position.
Chen: Tries to answer. Cut off by Giesbrecht
Spkr 11 - Phyllis Cain (sp?) - Reps self but aff. w/ a party (NPA?). Have grown up and enjoyed SP. Brings up Emergency vehicles being impeded. Brings up mother who's had a transplant. Would like her to have access.
Sorry, Giesbecht looking bored
Spkr 12 - Rick Hurlbut - Reps self. Motion troubles him. Implies that staff are not doing their job. Staff should be empowered without political interference. This motion has populist whiff about it. Not leadership. Jumps the gun on permanent changes.
Spkr 13: 1 person yes - only telephone not allowed at office. Are a huge number of people - took you 30m to set up the first speaker. Disenfranchising ppl
Giesbrecht Q?: Surname pls. [Doesn't seem to know who Colleen McGuinness is. Weird. ]
Small biz owner, active in West End. Husband not well and concerned about park. Was open, he has mobility problems. Could enjoy views, walks. Cannot go anywhere now. Rely upon the park to space
Speaks to financial crisis, PWD, and no consultations.
No questions
Irwin: Video Freeze.
Is there a question to Ryan?
Dumont: Ask a question.
Irwin: Aware of Climate change & driving?
Spkr 17- Harold C. Vancouverite, in his 70's, Rep self, family & friends. Supports the motion. Personal loss, not reopening... missed taking grandmother who is immobile to park & grandchildren Metrovan & Van
Any questions for this lawyer Rankin? NOPE.
No questions.
A: Not included. Called a few times, did finally get a zoom meeting with park staff. Surprised me. There would be a barrier. Only contacted 1 time
Spkr: We have a counter and also survey our customers on number of issues.
Coupar - Did you share with PB staff?
A: Yes.
Will you have to limit customers, you'll get 1 lane to every parking spot. Hope you'll realize must deal with COVID.
Dumont: Question?
Spkr: Yes, we would adhere to all precautions.
Spkr 21 - Visitors will be down but hoping to see local guests that will come - Restaurant, cafe, ice cream
Nancy: lots of local visitors but also from afar as well. Reopen roads for all, might see more locals, seniors, families.
Dumont: They can call back
Spkr 22 - Lloyd ___ - Support the motion to 2 lanes, all pkg. Not just for physically fit, lots of bikelanes throughout Vancouver. Many people don't. Limited & delayed access.
In the 80's experimented w/ traffic, backed up all the way up Georgia
Questions? Coupar.
Coupar - didn't realize that happened before re: study in 80's. Good to know.
Ok - now working haha
[Um, no that's not what he's said]
Difficult to transcribe b/c no closed captioning.
Supports motion, reopen the park.
No questions from PB
Group A & B that didn't get through or were missed. To be able to call in.
Short recess.
No longer any reason to keep close.
Point of order raised, Commissioner feeling maligned. May have been Demers but not sure.
[ sorry missed some details]
Irwin Q?: What party did you represent on PB?
Spkr: Don't think that's appropriate. Citizen speaking
Dumont: Moving on
Why do drivers need 2 lanes. Don't understand. Don't feel safe w/ 2 daughters 9 & 6 cycling, not just around the seawall. Business - Capilano group can create ride destination.
Lee: All struggling, look to us in order to drive local and regional tourism. 69% BC'ers intend to use car or RV to travel & visit BC places.
Dumont: It has been limited to 11 pm, then debate.
Coupar: It should be extended to allow speakers who want to speak.
Coupar Barker/ NPA oppose denying speakers
Historically handled traffic well compared to other cities.
Would like to see access for those denied but [1 lane]
Will volunteer for rickshaw to transport people.
Support separation lanes. Excited about new options with transportation options like tri-cycles for seniors. Some members express concerns about access. Larger threat to pedestrians than cars. BC Hydro - less park space
Dumont notes that he is "sorry that others could not talk".
Reiterates that the reopening & covid context, figuring out. To [hear more speakers] will delay the process more.
Demers: Yes.
Demers: There was 2 hours spent discussing with partners today. Uncertainty is warranted for situation under development...
Demers: If meetings not happening, we have to request staff have the meetings. Staff has been in meetings for weeks on this.
Demers: refers to staff integrity
Demers: Not finalized, trust staff to bring to fruition, to reopen park as soon as possible.
[ Uh, stats are low in the park]
Vancouver's doing everything to help small businesses.
[What does that have to do with a separated bike lane and reducing traffic for one mode ?]