Think Pumpkins.
Short Thread
Pumpkins are the easiest crops to farm. Take less time to maturity, about 3 months, and yield in high volume.
In the market, this produce retails an arm and leg with 1kg going as far as ksh200.

Plant using farm manure at 2m squared. You can soak the seeds in water with rooting solutions for 4 days then plant directly.
Dont use any fertilizer during planting as this might interfere with sprouts
If using fertilizers, apply CAN or Urea but not directly. Growth needs nitrogen in plenty. Make a 2inch hole 4~6 inches away from the stem, put in the granules, one spoonful, n cover.
After 1 month, the crop starts producing male flowers. Apply NPK+Te. Also spray folia with high boron, zinc, phosphorus n potassium with Te (trace elements). Important for fruiting
Wholesale buyers will be the best option as 1 acre can yield over 10 tons!
You can also put in water and throw the floating ones.
The seeds are expensive. You can decide to sell seeds only. @IrriHub