#100DaysOfCode #interviewtips #CodingTips #community
1. OS and its types.
2. Process Management
3. CPU Scheduling Algorithms (FCFS, SJF, SRTF, Round Robin, Priority Scheduling)
4. Process Synchronisation (Necessary Conditions, Bakery Algorithm, Producer-Consumer Problem, Dining Philosopher Problem, Read-Write Problem)
6. Threads
7. Deadlocks (Banker's Algorithm, Prevention, Avoidance, Recovery, Correction)
8. Memory Management (Multi-partition, External and Internal Fragmentation, Paging, Segmentation)
10. File allocation (Continuous, Linked and Index File allocation)
11. Disk Scheduling Algorithms (FIFO, SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK, C-LOOK)
1. OSI Model
3. Data Link Layer (Error detection, Framing)
4. Network Layer (Routing protocols, IPv4 & IPv6 - Supernetting & Subnetting)
5. Transport Layer (3 way Handshake, TCP & UDP packet components, Advantages of UDP over TCP, Applications)
1. Concepts of OOPS
2. Types of polymorphism
3. Virtual Functions - Run-time Polymorphism
4. Inheritance (Types, Virtual Class, Dreaded Diamond Problem)
5. Constructors and Destructors
6. Smart pointers
7. Singleton class
8. Friend function and friend class
1. SQL Queries
2. Normalization (Reasoning, Different Normal Forms)
3. Lossless and Lossy
4. Types of keys in a table (Primary, Composite, Candidate, Super Key)
5. ER model (Meaning and Components)
6. File Structure (B-trees, Indexing)
7. Concurrency issues