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As the warm story-inspiring light of #Sagittarius dissipates, we feel the darkness creep around us w/ our days shortening.
At the pt. of the shortest day, where night & darkness would seem to prevail, we step into the mystery & power that is #Capricorn
From a spiritual point of view, #Capricorn symbolizes that moment when the darkness of matter SEEMS to prevail over the light.
Read 96 tweets
Qui le mie considerazioni sulle potenziali misure relative al price cap! Grazie a #rienergia #staffettaonline per avermi invitato!… #natgas #ttf #henryhub Image
Considerazioni di natura teorica, di microstruttura dei mercati, di relazioni mercati fisici/finanziari, di applicabilità dello stesso…#ttf #pricecap #henryhub #futures #curvaforward #contango #backwardation #lng #gas #naturalgas #cap #nopricecap
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1. Good morning 👋
Tuesdays 🧵Given that most of #Mayo has #Peat soil, it should come as no surprise that the water flowing through the Burrishoole catchment is full of #Carbon, giving the rivers and lakes their typical brown, dark colour
📸credit G. Rogan & J. Cooney Altahoney river Lough Feeagh and a harbour
2. There’s nothing particularly special about Lough Feeagh. It’s a fairly typical, deep, #Humic lake (45m deep), similar to many lakes that you find in all the mountainous regions along the west coast. It’s a pretty nice place to work
3. The impacts of #ClimateChange & #LandUse that we measure in Feeagh, therefore, are likely to be replicated in lakes in any of Ireland’s blanket bog catchments (to varying degrees). We'll look at #LandUse change 1st, and how it impacts rivers and downstream aquatic ecosystems
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NEXT: Corticosteroids in Bacterial pneumonia? By @antoniotorres Barcelona Spain.
Starting with 30-day mortality of severe CAP is very high. Microbial etiology is Strep pneumoniae, Legionella, Staph aureus, Pseudomonas and Polymicrobial #LIVES2022
@AntonioTorres @ESICM anti-inflamm Rx :steroids / macrolides may reduce mortality. Rationale : local and systemic inflammatory responses are increased in CAP, thus "down-regularte" them. Delfi consensus : no recommendation for any CAP but for in icu CAP patients, recommended. #steroids #ards @ESICM
@AntonioTorres @ESICM Rx steroids 0.5mg/kg/12 hr methylpred for 5 days for CAP. However influenza patient -- steroids may increase mortality. What happen also with Macrolides and Steroids combination ? In study : no synergistic effect and no additional improvement. #steroids #cap #ventilation @ESICM
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#Strasbourg 👋 @FZores @EricBillyFR @DocArnica mais aussi @Prefet67 @RimaAbdulMalak
➡️ Questions importantes pour arbitrer dans ce dossier :
1️⃣ de quand datait le vitrail qui a été restauré ?
2️⃣ peut-on considérer que le phénomène rayon vert était voulu par les vitraillistes
d'alors (qui auraient alors eu un talent et une maîtrise particulièrement remarquable - ou beaucoup de patience avec des tests sur plusieurs années) ou était-ce le fruit d'un heureux hasard ?
3️⃣ est-ce possible aujourd'hui en reprenant la restauration d'obtenir le même effet ?
4️⃣ pour quel coût ?
Voilà des questions que j'aurais aimé lire pour mettre en perspective l'information @franceinfo
#patrimoine #vitrail #verre #maitreartisan #CAP #BMA #DMA @les_compagnons 👋 @CGrandjean_
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Last week I gave a talk at #ECCB2022_Prague, entitled “(How) can the EU Common Agricultural Policy #CAP still address the crisis of farmland biodiversity?”. Here I give a short summary of the presentation. 🧵
1/x we are facing several interlinked crises: #ClimateCrisis (extreme events like droughts, heat, floods), we are losing #biodiversity, #pollinators and natural pest control; we face soil erosion and land degradation, water scarcity and loss of water quality.
2/x Environmental factors are THE key factors leading to crop failures and risks to food security. Farming and farmers are at the core of a major conflict around land: both as a driver of losses and the sector most affected by it. We need to act fast, as it has impacts on us all.
Read 34 tweets
🔴Action by XR Animal to demand a halt to all #FactoryFarms.
#Meat production needs to be reduced by 83% by 2050 in 🇧🇪 to reduce greenhouse gases by 58% and nitrogen emissions by 40%. This would reduce pressure on biodiversity by 76%. #RebelForLife #StopSpeciesism Image
...Proximity, violence and disease are the daily lot of the animals exploited in factory farms.
No-man's-lands where cruelty is a daily occurrence and where ethical and health scandals are constantly breaking out. #AnimalCruelty Image
...From the mad cows (1997) to eggs contaminated with Finopril (2017), via the dioxin crisis (1999) and the massacre of thousands of poultry due to the umpteenth re-emergence of avian flu, factory farms favour the proliferation of dangerous pathologies. #zoonoses Image
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Is food supply in the EU at risk due to Putin’s war against Ukraine? No

Is there a problem on global maize🌽and wheat🌾markets? Yes

Is this a reason to throw sustainability targets and #FarmToFork overboard? Definitely not

Here’s why 👇 ImageImageImage
The EU is largely self-sufficient for several key food products.

Production in 2022 of cereals, rapeseed, and sunflower is projected to surpass the previous 5-year average.

▶️!wwBwMj Image
In fact, about ⅔ of cereals in the EU are used as animal feed. Human consumption accounts for the remaining ⅓ and biofuels take up 3%.

Meanwhile, 20% of EU food (about 88 million tonnes per year) is lost or wasted. ImageImage
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THREAD. Looming food crisis caused by invasion of #Ukraine seen by “Big Ag” (agricultural lobby & their political allies) as an opportunity to throttle the EU’s Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy. But this could compromise future food security + puts animal feed over food. We explain: Image
Big Ag’s argument is: the war threatens EU’s food supplies so we should roll back environmental considerations in #F2F & #CAP, like curbing the use of chemical fertilisers & pesticides and keeping some land to restore & protect nature
But take cereals, one of the key commodities at stake: The EU is a NET EXPORTER of cereals & has a self-sufficiency rate of 112%. Last year, the EU exported 44.8m tonnes & imported only 19.7m tonnes. Source: EU data. Image
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The story of the #BuildBackBetter has yet to be written. Let’s examine the 50 Republican US Senators who are voting against lifting children out of poverty, education,elder care, affordable prescription drugs, child care & family leave? What does this mean for YOUR STATE? Image
#ALABAMA Sen. Richard Shelby is voting against the #ChildTaxCredit “The Center on Budget &Policy Priorities found making the program permanent would benefit 93% of #AL children,lift 162,000 #AL children above/closer to poverty line & benefit 480,000 #AL children under 17. Image
#ALABAMA Sen. Tommy Tuberville has offered you no solutions; he has admitted that he “wouldn’t have a clue” how to address the current pandemic and recently told people that $600 per week in federal unemployment benefits was just “too much.”… Image
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1jour d'atelier du CAP menuisier !
On fait des copeaux et de la sciure... Pour mon plus grand bonheur !
#teambois #menuiserie #groskiff ImageImageImage
Oh le chouette et bô livre sur la menuiserie ! Une petite pépite pr un apprenti comme moi !
#TeamBois #menuiserie #menuisier ImageImage
Allez hop on fait des copeaux !
Après un passage à la mortaiseuse on finit les angles au ciseau à bois et on fait enfin des #copeaux
#menuiserie ImageImageImageImage
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EU auditors report on #climate impact of the #CAP shows what a disgrace this policy is

"the €100 billion of CAP funds attributed to climate action had little impact on such emissions, which have not changed significantly since 2010"

The next CAP deal promises to be much more of the same - nice headlines but underneath no accountability for actually achieving any results
Not only is there no evidence of improvement, the CAP actively "supports climate-unfriendly practices" like draining peatlands and promoting livestock consumption
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1. Ministeri Jari Lepän kyselytunti toimittajille uudesta CAPista pidettiin juuri äsken puhelinkokouksena. Ympäristövaatimukset nousevat selvästi, vaikka julkisesta keskustelusta voisi saada toisenlaisen kuvan, ministeri Leppä sanoi. Mikä muuttuu?...
2. Neuvostolla oli 3 keskeistä uutta ratkaisua, kertoi maatalousneuvos Kari Valonen. I Jokainen jäsenmaa tekee strategisen suunnitelman kansallista toimeenpanoa varten, jonka komissio hyväksyy.
3. II Uusi toimeenpanomalli. CAP on jatkossa tulosperusteinen kuten kaikki muukin EU-rahoitus. On oltava konkreettisia tavoitteita, joiden toteutumista seurataan indikaattoreilla. Jos tavoitteeseen ei meinata päästä, niin kannustimia (toimenpiteitä) voi muuttaa kesken kauden.
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"Les systèmes agroalimentaires d’aujourd’hui ont réussi à fournir de grandes quantités de produits alimentaires aux marchés internationaux. Cependant, ces systèmes produisent aussi un grand nombre d’effets négatifs …" 1/
"... dégradation généralisée des terres, de l’eau & des écosystèmes; fortes émissions de GES; perte de #biodiversité; faim & carences persistantes en micronutriments alors qu'on assiste à une augmentation des taux d’#obésité et de maladies liées à l’#alimentation." 2/
❕ Nous constatons également "l’épuisement des #agriculteurs 👩🏾‍🌾 dans toutes les régions du monde".

🔎… 3/
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Gisteravond stemden christendemocraten, sociaaldemocraten en liberalen voor een deal die tot minimaal 7 jaar stilstand in de vergroening van het Europees landbouwbeleid (#GLB of #CAP) leidt. Een korte toelichting in een lang draadje. 🧵
De basiseisen waar een boer aan moet voldoen om subsidie te ontvangen blijven in de deal hetzelfde. Dat terwijl onderzoek na onderzoek toont dat deze eisen veel te zwak zijn en daardoor bijdragen aan het achteruit hollen van de natuur.…
Voorbeeld: het is cruciaal dat er een goede basiseis komt om ruimte voor de natuur te creëren op landbouwgrond (houtwallen, bloemenstroken, biodiverse slootkanten). Maar de deal neemt alle achterdeurtjes waardoor die eis nu niet werkt gewoon over: "Using existing flexibility".
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Mentre si discute di pettegolezzi, il futuro del clima, della biodiversità e del cibo - in altre parole, della vita - è stato devastato da un voto in sordina e antidemocratico al Parlamento Europeo, completamente ignorato dai media. #FutureofCap
Un accordo sottobanco tra lobbisti delle multinazionali agricole, il @EPPGroup i popolari (fin qui niente da stupirsi), @RenewEurope (centristi belleparole tipo Macron e @matteorenzi) e gli incredibili @TheProgressives (tra cui @pdnetwork), ha permesso di bypassare discussione...
…seria, di tradire ogni intento di #EUGreenDeal, #EUFarm2Fork, agricultura biologica e le altre belle parole.
Hanno dato il colpo di grazia definitivo alla tutela della biodiversità, alla mitigazione delle emissioni per fare un favore agli amici lobbisti.
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Die Abstimmung über Agrarhilfen, in der CDU/CDU/SPD/FDP 400 Milliarden resolut an Umwelt, Grundwasser & Nahrung schädigende Agrarindustrie ausschütten wollen, wurde überraschend auf heute Mittag vorgezogen - um weiteren öffentlichen Protesten aus dem Weg zu gehen... Smiley!
Dieses Vorziehen ist absolut unüblich, viele Parteien erarbeiten gerade erst unter größtem Zeitdruck (mit Deadline Mittwochmittag) die Abstimmungslisten...
Eine luxemburgische Grüne schreibt, sie hätten gestern Abend um 20.30 Uhr durch Zufall von der Vorverlegung erfahren. Es geht um die größte Summe im EU-Budget für die nächsten 7 Jahre.
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THREAD: and that was one of the most idiotic statements ever uttered by him, unless he wrapped Friar Pacioli in copper coil inside s magnet in order to produce limitless electricity.
(1/11) @nglinsman @amlivemon @Halsrethink @bondstrategist @tyillc @mtmalinen @jeuasommenulle
Politicians have mastered the art of "we tax X to invest in Y", egged on by #Thaler aficionados thinking that #Nudge is not lying, but it should be properly called by its name: Bulls**t. None of them ever bothered to unravel the intricacies to make that remotely true. (2/11)
That's because one of the principal functions of money is being FUNGIBLE: the bank note you hold in your hand has infinite potentialities, good and bad, up to its face value limit, irrespective of the way you earned it. It could be stolen or hard earned, it doesn't care.(3/11)
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WATERFALL THREAD ON #RecoveryFund: Sit back, it's long.

Few people outside the finance world are familiar with CDO structures. @jeuasommenulle @macrodesiac_ @DavidBCollum @amlivemon @nglinsman @Halsrethink @RobertMCutler @vtchakarova @chigrl (1/13)
And yet, the concept of "seniority" is pervasive in our daily lives. everyone prioritizes expenses, otherwise we'd see at least someone live a s a vagrant but driving sweet exotic cars. But we need a roof over our head and food on our table first. (2/13)
Institutions don't "Eat", but they have their own priorities betrayed by behavior: we are NOT what we say we are, we are what we DO under duress. In CDOs, this is expressed as a "waterfall", i.e. money falls into tubes filling containers in a predetermined order. (3/13)
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#AgriculturalProductivity 🔥🔥

1/ From the ZW statistics shown, tobacco&cotton are the only agricultural commodities that are being exported that are in the #Top10ExportGoods (2018).

There is need to consider agricultural productivity commercially as a vibrant economic sector. Image
2/ From this… & the book image below, one realises that the Gvt sets producer price for tobacco, cotton, maize, wheat & soyabeans.

Ironically this is a carry over from the UDI (1965-79) statist policies. This is against how the market needs to operate. Image
3/ The agricultural value chain (#AgVC) & business environment consist of: ImageImage
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Some really good #ClinicalPearls about #Psittacosis with a short #medtweetorial

Something mentioned in today's @CPSolvers #VMR

It's not something that I commonly ask patients with #CAP but I think I will insert the question about them owning a parrot or bird into my questioning
In the 1960s and 1970s it was the model organism that laid the foundation for modern chlamydia research.

Psittacosis is also known as avian chlamydiosis, ornithosis, and parrot fever.

It causes an atypical pneumonia when it infects the lungs.
All birds are susceptible, pet birds and poultry are most frequently involved in transmission to humans but not human to human

It can also be found in non-avian domestic animals, such as cattle & sheep, but cases of clinical disease & transmission to humans have not been proven
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🗞️ IPES-Food co-chair Olivier De Schutter spoke to @POLITICOEurope on the 'world after #coronavirus' and the shortening of #food supply chains 👇

"Never before has there been such an incredible interest in short supply chains," said @DeSchutterO.
"There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that there'll be more and more calls for re-localized, 're-territorialized' #foodsystems," Prof De Schutter said.

This was echoed by @EUAgri Commissioner @jwojc, who called for "better care of #local markets" and shortened supply chains.
Prof De Schutter also told #Politico's @zosiawanat that there was room for improvement in some #EU policies such as public procurement, competition, #CAP and #Farm2Fork.

They could be improved to give advantages to local, smaller and organic #farmers, said the article.
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#BAC2020 #brevet2020 Dans les circonstances exceptionnelles que nous connaissons, les modalités d’examen sont modifiées pour tenir compte des impératifs sanitaires, logistiques et pédagogiques
#brevet2020 Comment seront évalués les élèves de 3e ?
Ils seront évalués sur la base du livret scolaire de l’année écoulée, à l’exception des notes obtenues pendant la durée du confinement.
Tous les élèves de collège auront donc cours jusqu’au 4 juillet.
#BAC1ère Comment vont se passer les épreuves du bac de français ?
Pour l’écrit, la note de l’épreuve sera la moyenne des notes obtenues durant l’année scolaire en français, à l’exception des notes obtenues pendant la durée du confinement. Les épreuves orales sont maintenues.
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#Live in Brussels 🇪🇺 IPES-Food's Nick Jacobs is at the European Committee of the Regions (@EU_CoR) for an exchange of views on the impending #EUfarm2fork Strategy.

Nick will be joined by @GuidoMilana @rozathun & @SchilthuisGijs.

⌚️ We'll bring you updates from 15h30 CET 👍 Image
The @EU_CoR is exchanging views on #EUFarm2Fork Strategy. For our director Nick Jacobs, initial thinking on the #F2F has taken an "à la carte approach", failing to map out a real "paradigm shift".

#FarmToFork #CommonFoodPolicy

Some thoughts 👇
1. #EUFarm2Fork targets not enough. #Pesticide & AB reduction targets won't be effective w/o viable alternative products/production systems. 2. Techno-fixes (gene editing, feed additives, #data-driven ag) reinforce current system & entail trade-offs! 3. Support for #agroecology? Image
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