-Regime’s claim of last night’s incident being a gas explosion is a lie.
-Huge blast was in an ammunition production site specifically involving ballistic missile warheads.
-Parchin complex includes dozens of military factories & hundreds of buildings.

-Eyewitnesses in the town of Hamamak & the village of Nik, just east of the site, reported a massive blast
-Many are killed & injured
Homes in nearby villages are damaged
-Residents of Hamamak & Nik are under lockdown

-Ambulances & fire trucks from Tehran dispatched to the town of Pakdasht
-Choppers flying over the site constantly
-Parchin also has many tunnels & underground facilities
April 2017: NCRI unveiled 12 secret nuke projects in Parchin
Nov 2014—Iranian regime has built explosive chambers that were to be used particularly for high explosive impact as part of its nuclear weapons program.
An explosive chamber was installed and used at Parchin Military Complex.

-Why did state media quickly claim it was a "gas explosion" without any investigations?
-Why is there no other footage?
-Why no aerial films of this claimed site?
-Why were no other reporters allowed there?
It has even left the teflon tape on this valve intact.
My take:
Rest assured the regime in #Iran is lying & covering up something big.

-Do they use simple gate valves at sensitive gas tank sites?
-And why didn't the massive explosion burn the paint of these ruptured tanks?
-And shouldn't these tanks be blown to pieces after that huge blast?

Footage from Pardis, north of the explosion site.
The fact that only the military is talking about this incident is quite telling.
Here is one example from July 13, 2013 in Florida.
"The entrance to Code 7500, which lies in Khojir, Tehran, is hidden under a number of narrow winding roads across mountainsides in the province."
Testing of a UD3 neutron initiator is extensively discussed in the Nuclear Archive, helping explain the IAEA’s detection in 2015 of uranium from sampling done at the Parchin high explosive chamber in 2015, despite Iran’s extensive sanitization.

-Site was a key part of that nuclear weapons R&D effort.
-Info shows Iran conducted far more high explosive tests at the site than previously understood.