No reports yet of any sound of an explosion. If this was an actual explosion many would be reporting a very loud sound. Nothing yet.

Around 12:25 am Friday local time
Sound of explosion was not heard.
Iran Investigates Large Explosion Near Key Military Site
Defense Ministry says blast was from an industrial gas tank in a civilian area of Parchin…
Iranian authorities said they were investigating an explosion in the early hours of Friday at a Defense Ministry facility east of Tehran, near a site that has been crucial for #Iran’s development of missiles and munitions.
Another military site, the Khojir missile base, is also located in the general area of the blast.……
"The entrance to Code 7500, which lies in Khojir, Tehran, is hidden under a number of narrow winding roads across mountainsides in the province."…
Testing of a UD3 neutron initiator is extensively discussed in the Nuclear Archive, helping explain the IAEA’s detection in 2015 of uranium from sampling done at the Parchin high explosive chamber in 2015, despite Iran’s extensive sanitization.…

-Site was a key part of that nuclear weapons R&D effort.
-Info shows Iran conducted far more high explosive tests at the site than previously understood.…
My take:
-The size of the blast would have obliterated this entire site, not just rupture these tanks
-The regime is in cover-up mode as the site was a military complex.
"Location of last night's explosion about 15km east of Tehran on Sentinel-2 satellite image."…
"The blast in eastern Tehran occurred in a complex in #khojir that belonging to Hemmat Missile Industries Factory of Iran's AIO that her Ext' Unit also responsible for establishing SSM Precision Missile Factories in #Syria and Lebanon."