Well, because it goes to the very heart of the 'level playing field' issue.
It cuts hard across UK desires to be 'sovereign equals' with EU after #Brexit trade deal takes effect.
But the EU are determined to guard against UK free-riding/2
Here are the EU and UK positions side by side, taken from EU mandate/UK Future Relationship document. /3

This, it argues, is because of the "size and proximity" of the UK. Otherwise UK will be free to unfairly subsidise while getting 'zero tariff, zero quota' access to EU single market./4
@GeorgePeretzQC explains it here. /6

Why? Because it doesn't give reassurance commensurate with UK access demands./8
What might be the compromise that would
a) allow the UK to retain judicial sovereignty
b) reassure the EU on the point of UK free-riding on the single market.
So here, best to ask a lawyer or three! /9
There would also need to be, set out in the FTA, what one EU official called a "joint philosophy". Some ground rules./11
So you agree to rule out some areas (so aid below 75m euros, say) and accept obvious "manifest negative effects", like subsidising to steel jobs. /12
It all sounds logical, so what's the problem? /14
See this letter. /21 committees.parliament.uk/publications/1…

Both sides say they are "ready to tango". How far that survives contact with reality, we'll see. ENDS