** #Thread on chinese territorial disputes with various countries like India, Japan, Vietnam etc etc
** how India can exploit Chinese fault line.

1) china- Japan dispute
**China claims the administration of Senkaku Islands (Diaoyutai Islands), curently held by Japan.
*The USA administered islands from 1945 until 1972
* Its oil rich area

2) China- Taiwan dispute
**The PRC claims the de jure administration of Taiwan Province, as well as mainland-nearby islands of Kinmen and Matsu Islands, currently controlled by the Republic of China(Taiwan)

3) China-Vietnam dispute
**Paracel Islands administered and occupied by the People's Republic, but claimed by Vietnam.
** recently china drowned a Vietnamese boat in south china sea
** see image of parcel islands

4) china- Philippines dispute
**china Involved in a dispute with the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal.
** tensions between China and the Philippines in 2012

5) china- Bhutan dispute
**29, 2017, Bhutan protested to China against the construction of a road in the disputed territory of Doklam, at the meeting point of Bhutan, India and China

6)Involved in a complex dispute over the Spratly Islands with Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, and possibly Brunei.

1) The United Kingdom is seeking to form a new alliance of 10 5G countries, dubbed as ‘D10’, to align against China and reduce its reliance on Beijing, especially on Chinese telecom giant Huawei.

2) USA president Trump cancelled this year G7 meeting and said it wants to expand G7 and include India
**(G7) Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,UKand USA, which are the largest IMF-advanced economies in the world

3)quad group includes India, USA, Australia, Japan to counter china in indo-pacific region and south china sea

already there is quad + dialogue to include more member
like Africa , etc etc

Ind-China dispute
I wanted to keep this till end cos tis is the main bone of contention for us
*we had been seen as weak till 2014 for our one sided bow down to china under congres on various ocasion
until 2017 dokhlam and 2020 galwan

1954 panchsheel agreement ,
1993 CBM( confidence building measures )
one china policy etc etc