A group of #stroke survivors trusted us to develop a play script from their personal stories of trauma, survival, #resilience, growth & disability pride. They learned playmaking skills, & performed the piece.
#StrokeStories @ABCTV
@HMRIAustralia @rehabinnovat @StrokeBrainPRC @HNEHealth @strokeCRE @blackdoginst @georgeinstitute
#ArtsForHealth #theatre #playmaking #DevisedTheatre #stroke #rehabilitation
Only around 6% published rehab studies have examined cognitive function, mood or well-being in people w/ long-term stroke
But, you cannot be what you cannot see.

He was an awarded theatre professional, script writer, set designer, director, stage manager and play actor who owned and operated the Intimate Theatre Company in #Newcastle for 16 years. He lived through three strokes.


She advised the research team around how to optimise the group learning environment & ensure participants feel valued, through attention to language and sharing of power.

We need $$ to test how well #StrokeStories works as a rehab therapy, but we already know that it positions #stroke survivors as educators & experts in their lived experience.
Bev's been #zooming & has gathered the group together & they're shaping an online version.
Who wants to fund this?!