Estimated from CDC Weekly Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes last updated on July 1st
Data is only complete through week ending May 23rd.
States sorted by composite ranking.…

129,931: JHU CSSC COVID-19 Deaths
165,759: XND Estimated Deaths, Constant Delta
177,370: XND Estimated Deaths, Constant % Delta

US Excess Deaths Estimate, Updated to 7/5:
161 ,589 (95% CI, 148,611-181,433)
US Excess Natural Deaths Estimates, 7/5:

"Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)"
This appears to be a major source of misattribution there.
For instance, Texas has reported a 1.3% CFR, while New York has reported a 7.6% value.

I estimate 36.5% using only "Excess Deaths by Natural Causes".…