A lot has happened since lockdown, so perhaps you'd be so generous as to let me spill the beans on everything I've been up to over a coffee:
Through this I've hosted a few local & international live streams for various children's groups - Cubs, Brownies, Guides, Scouts, Schools, etc...
Get in touch if you'd like to book one.
Watch Jew Talkin' To Me? @JewTalkin on Facebook (facebook.com/JewTalkin) & YouTube (bit.ly/JewTalkin) or listen as a podcast in all the usual places.
Check them out here: bit.ly/Daddy_Pig

Facebook: facebook.com/PhilipsComedy
Instagram: instagram.com/PhilipsComedy
Newsletter: bit.ly/P_S_Newsletter
Here's the link again: ko-fi.com/philipscomedy
It's only £3 for a virtual coffee so you could filling me up for the week or set up a recurring payment to keep me caffeinated for the duration.
Thank you.