I said I was expecting this two months ago.
We can do a lot better.
The rules of alt season have changed a lot since 2017.
We have an arsenal of weapons that didn’t exist back then.
I’ll look for a much steeper drop -- at least as strong as the drop in February.
(data from @santimentfeed)

I think there's plenty of room to grow.
(platform is @glassnode)

Orderbook delta is a leading indicator -- and a dead giveaway.
Delta should skew heavily short when whales are ready to sell.
We're not there yet.
(platform is @tradinglite)

That’s the beauty of a leading indicator.
Use it right, and smart money's next move is often obvious -- like the market is naked before your eyes.
@santimentfeed found that anytime a cashtag rises into the top 3 positions of their proprietary emerging trends list, it's likely a top.
But there's a signal-to-noise problem:
the sheer size of $LINK's unusually huge community renders social volume a less accurate signal.
Take partial profit if you like. I think we go higher.

I want to see Mean Dollar Invested Age drop hard, at the same time that on-chain volume prints a huge spike.
After that, I expect @binance orderbook delta to skew heavily short.
I’ll find the biggest orders, and slide mine in just underneath.
I expect to see multiple layers of big orders. The lower they are, the likelier they get hit.

These are just a few of the weapons worth using.
There are others, new ones are invented all the time, and they just keep getting better. 🔥