China has no other plans for the Uighurs, so they are better hosts for #COVID19 than

Let's never forget what sorts of research Dr Mengele performed on the population of the Nazi death camps.
This is not unprecedented in BioWeapon development.
This is not an indictment of vaccines - I've had 4 in the past 4 months, myself.
Nor is it an indictment...
I don't believe that they deliberately released the BioWeapon against their biggest customer for goods, as we *were* also their source of food for their population, not to mention the source of the US government's operating funds...
Without Chinese loans, our government would not be able to pay its employees nor maintain world leadership in the production of weapons systems which we've used sparingly and reluctantly, regardless of what "Justice Democrats" have...
Big bombs don't need satellite guidance. They just kill more innocent bystanders.
And they lose more pilots/combat troops.
There's always more where they came
But we have already been attacked even if you don't agree that #COVID19 was deliberate - our 2016 Election was rigged against Hillary by PUTIN.
The evidence is overwhelming.
This photo proves PUTIN installed Trump in the White House.
Kilimnik is pals w/ PUTIN and is...

That's getting caught red-handed. Let's not get fall for the old "99 truths to sell one big lie" bit. Good...

Trump makes it a point to ALWAYS call it "the Chinese virus", pouring the foundation for a war with China that would destroy us
Russia is only about as powerful as Italy, so he won't fight us face-to-face. He'll rely on China and NKorea to do the heavy lifting, and attack whatever's left in a clean-up operation with Warren as POTUS, surrendering at the first opportunity.
She's said as much in the
I was the #2 architect of SDI, for better or worse, and that scenario is called "surrender". It's been examined already, and it's not a viable...
Followed by another...
Until there's nothing left to defend.
I hope Biden sees the danger and stays with Kamala, because he's not queasy about assassination.
💥 - and the
I'd recommend that Biden not put his entire trust in the @SecretService, but hand-pick a few seasoned "Deep State" agents who know what to look out for, and aren't scared of PUTIN's goons.