In 1960 ASI uncovered the hidden treasures of this brilliant creation thru scientific excavations.
#RanikiVav stepwell is in 7 levels of stairs decorated with more than 500 principal sculptures & more than 1000 minor sculptures.
@MrsGandhi @ShefVaidya @Bittu_Tufani

This patterns on the walls of #RanikiVav refers to motifs that are used in handwoven world famous Patan Patola Sarees.
@ShefVaidya @MrsGandhi
@LostTemple7 @IndiaTales7 @gopugoswami @JIX5A @VarierSangitha
@ToTheeePoint @devswarup_

There r sculptures of around 24 different forms of Bhagwan Vishnu & 8 Avataras in #RanikiVav.
1) Varaha Avtaar
2) Shri Ram
3) Shri Parshuram
4) Vaman Avtaar
@rightwingchora @desi_thug1 @Itishree001 @Dharma_View @Saru81589968

Beautifully carved sculptures of
1) Buddha
2) Kalki Avtaar
3) Mahishasura Mardini
4) Mahakal Bhairav
@MeenaDasNarayan @bhav2406

The sculptures of various Gods & Goddesses are found in #RanikiVav
1) Agni Dev
2) Ganesha
3) Brahma with Saraswati
There r various other carvings of Elephants, Yoginis, Nagkanyas, Apsaras in #RanikiVav.
#RanikiVav amazes us with its artistic, architecture, engineering.

1) Video- Just Travelous
2) Anup Gandhe
3) TravelClix
4) Rani ki Vav FB page
5) Abhi Photography
6) Trav3lblogger