Headline: Hospital numbers not in... maybe they will be by the time I'm midway through this... Anyhoo... We're ok... But things are not getting better
(how's that for a long headline?)
TESTING: Wow (more than 10K for first time)

This is a story, folks, even if you don't like the ramifications of it.
Colorado is seeing increasing rate of spread. There is no doubt.
Is it manageable? Right now. Yes.
Will it remain that way? I hope so.
there is some reason for concern (not "the sky is falling" concern, but concern nonetheless)
Epi curves are headed up in a number of areas.
Link: covid19.colorado.gov/data/incidence…

Yeah, sure, cases were bound to go up with a record number of tests being processed
(CDPHE says a backlog got a bit unjammed today and that's partially why)
And... don't let reporters get away with "Most Cases Since Blah, Blah, Blah" without that context
We knew that going in... This isn't a virus that wants to just disappear
The question is... what happens now?
Here's where we need to at least do some minimal things to help out.
Keep an eye on vulnerable populations.
Be kind to one another... (as long as they aren't trolls :)
And, yeah, consider wearing a mask when around strangers inside.
As always, be safe. And enjoy the weekend... within reason
Just saw this... VENTS... Note last day movement...
Any explanation @CDPHE or @COHospitalAssn?