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Jul 12, 2020 402 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Thread: Since so many claim that cancel culture doesn't exist, I propose a challenge: For every additional 1,000 followers I get, I will present 10 examples of cancel culture. I'm willing to bet I can provide 150 examples before running out. Right now I'm at 2680 followers.
Here are the first 10 cases gratis. And in order to counter the false narrative that cancel culture only affects the rich, famous and powerful, and that it's just about "critique" these examples will all be about *regular* people whose actual *livelihoods* were targeted.
It's also worth noting that these cases are not about people doing deliberately offensive things. There are no neo-nazis here. They are simply normal people (some even avowedly progressive!) who have incurred the wrath of the mob because they violated the tenets of woke dogma.
1. NYU cafeteria employees fired after preparing a menu in honor of "Black History Month" that was deemed racially insensitive.…
2. A yoga studio that was so woke they had gender-neutral bathrooms and person-of-color yoga nights where “white friends and allies” were asked to “respectfully refrain from attending” has closed down due to racial accusations.…
3. After woman posts a Facebook video explaining why she doesn’t support BLM, she not only lost her job due to a deliberate campaign to have her fired but continued to be targeted afterwards and ended up having her GoFundMe fundaiser removed too.…
4. This article details the case of a Palestinian business that is wrecked because of some very ugly tweets his *daughter* wrote seven years prior. Even after firing his daughter, they still kept punishing him.…
5. High school teacher fired for admitting that he is against abortion. This admission was made not to promote his personal belief about abortion, but in the context of explaining the difference between people’s private morality and the law.…
6. Kooks Burritos, a Portland-area pop-up food truck run by two white women was forced to close after hit with public outrage at what some called the restaurant’s “appropriation” of another culture’s “intellectual property.”…
7. Nick Buckley was dismissed by the trustees of Mancunian Way, a charity he founded nine years ago, after an online mob accused him of ‘inappropriate’ and ‘insensitive’ views over his criticism of BLM and demanded his removal.…
You can express your support for him by signing this petition to have him reinstated.…
8. A progressive data analyst was fired after tweeting a study done by a black scholar which argued that violent protests are not as effective as non-violent ones. He was also kicked off a listserv of professional colleagues amidst charges of racism.…
9. Mexican-American utility worker fired for unknowingly making a white supremacist hand gesture while driving his truck. He was photographed by a random stranger and then reported to his employer.…
10. A first person account by @EPoe187, a former tenure-track assistant professor at a small college, of his ordeal being fired for promoting scientifically accepted, but socially controversial, facts about human evolution.…
That's the first ten. There's lots more! Please show this to anyone who is skeptical about CC, anyone who claims it's just a right-wing trope that isn't relevant to everyday people. For every additional thousand people who follow me I will list another ten cases. Spread the word!
Looks like I already almost got 100 people to follow me so here's another one:
11. @li88yinc recounts how she got kicked out of the theater company that she herself started for writing about transgender issues in a way her peers deemed unacceptable.…
12. In response to a student complaint, Doane University in Nebraska suspended a librarian for showcasing an exhibit that included photos of students from a 1926 Halloween party wearing blackface.…
13. Within hours of the gallery's email announcement promoting the exhibit, there was a backlash, with people alleging that PL had appropriated Indigenous culture and art. The gallery owners felt they had no choice but to cancel the exhibit.…
Follow-up to #10: Bo Winegard elaborates a bit on the sorry state of academia and the difficulties so many well-meaning truth-seekers struggle with being a part of that dysfunctional system.
14. One the most progressive performances ever conceived has been cancelled because it is now considered "not inclusive enough". As hard as this may be to believe, this has actually occurred on multiple campuses, as the next few tweets show.…
15. Mount Holyoke College, an all-women’s university in Massachusetts, also cancelled their traditional performance of the play over concerns that the play — long championed for its political correctness — is not politically correct enough.…
16. American University is changing the name (and presumably performance) of its annual Vagina Monologues performance because referencing the female anatomy implies “that in order to be a woman you must have a vagina.”
17. EMU's Women's Resource Center also decided that it is cancelling their yearly performance of "The Vagina Monologues," noting that the play's version of feminism excludes some women. The WRC made this decision based on responses from a survey.…
18. WaPo reports on a 2-year-old incident where someone with no platform or influence wore blackface (under the guise of mocking Megyn Kelly), resulting in her getting fired. “We blew up this woman’s life for no reason.” Cancel culture is the reason.…
19. This first person account by @SwipeWright of his academic cancelling is worth paying attention to. Reputational smears, job market sabotage, lies, etc. Brutal. Follow him for thoughtful insights and smart analysis of scientific subjects.
While on the subject, I also recommend reading this thread from @SwipeWright on the topic of cancel culture and academia.
Also figured I'd link to one of his articles:…
20. A prominent composer's performances were cancelled from a music festival (and her merch removed) bec she gave a talk that referred to certain musical compositions by their actual names - compositions which deliberately had the 'n-word' in the title.…
Also worth linking to this first-person account of the incident in the previous tweet. Thanks to @SecularSaulsa for bringing it to my attention.…
21. If you looked at the details of #19, Colin Wright mentions that he got in trouble for tweeting about Lisa Littman's work. This article explores about the controversy around Dr. Littman's paper, and the unfair treatment she was subjected to.…
22. A Vermont principal was promptly fired for expressing disagreement with aspects of Black Lives Matter.…
23. Guy posts a playful ad for a new cafeteria worker full of sarcastic jokes, and one of his lines is "I need a new slave to boss around." Cue the outrage in 1, 2, 3......Fired!😩…
Related to #21, this book excerpt was just published. "Activists denounced her to her employer claiming she had written a paper "harmful" to transgender youth. They demanded that her employer, the DOH, terminate its relationship with Littman immediately.”…
24. The group “Friends of Ascend” initiated a petition titled “Hold the CEO of Ascend Public Charter Schools Accountable for White Supremacist Rhetoric.” More than 500 signed it, and out Wilson went from the school he founded 10 years ago.…
25. An NYU prof crusading against political correctness was booted from his classroom after his colleagues complained about his “incivility.” He chose to be anonymous, he explained, "because he was afraid the PC Gestapo would ruin me..."…
26. Another professor out. What was the offense? She made the mistake of using the n-word—during a discussion in which she was admitting her own shortcomings about race. She didn’t use the word maliciously: She was, quite literally, checking her privilege.…
27. "In most respects, Schwarz was a model RA. But according to her review, her zeal for wide-ranging debate on subjects like diversity and social justice called into question whether she could be trusted to behave like a good social justice advocate."…
28. Well before "cancel culture" was a commonly used term, in 2013 this poor woman's life was turned upside down over an "offensive" joke that wasn't even being interpreted in good faith. Back then I think it was known as "outrage culture".…
This was the incident that crystallized for me that this social justice movement, which was ostensibly about making the world a better place, was really actually about something else entirely. So many social justice call-outs since then have only reinforced that feeling.
29. Another oldie,from 2015: Gay people were never discriminated at their shop. But bec she said they wouldn't cater a *hypothetical* gay wedding (that would never actually happen in real life) the mob hit them with such an onslaught they had to shut down.…
Follow-up: It was pointed out to me that #25 is not an accurate story. He was not put on leave for the reasons stated in the article. However, it's not inaccurate that he was indeed censured by a diversity committee for his views. See here:… @JeffreyASachs
30. For writing a polite email that suggested the school shouldn't be policing their student's Halloween costumes, students demanded the head of @ErikaChristakis and @NAChristakis on a pike. He stepped down from his post (but not his teaching) as a result.…
Another well-written article on that Yale incident:…. Side note: @NAChristakis has been one of the leading figures on Twitter (and elsewhere) in regards to talking about, and explaining, COVID-19 issues. Very much worth following.
Here's a video of Dr. Christakis engaging with the students at Yale, patiently trying to have a productive conversation on the issue. It doesn't go so well. See the student meltdown at 10:30, for instance, or the confrontation at 13:45.
31. NASCAR driver loses sponsorship for something offensive that was said, but he didn't even say it, his father did! And it was said 30 years prior, before he was even born. And his father didn't even intend it to be offensive. None of that matters.…
For those curious about what exactly he said in 1985 that justifies him (and his son) being fired 33 years later, here's the details: (from…) Image
32. Guy makes a mildly inappropriate joke to his buddy while at a conference. Woman sitting nearby overhears it, gets offended, posts about it online. They get kicked out of the conference and shortly afterwards the guy is fired. Then she gets fired too!…
33. "The Google Memo". It's actually hard to find an article that fairly documents this atrocious debacle. Almost all are unfairly biased against Damore. This is the incident in his own words. tl;dr: They asked for feedback. He gave it. He was fired.…
This Atlantic article details just how misrepresentative the vast majority of the coverage was of this incident. A guy who sincerely meant to help get more women in tech and increase diversity was smeared as a sexist, anti-diversity troll.…
And for those misinformed folk who will insist that the memo's ideas were based on unsound pseudoscience, here's a few experts in the field who mostly agree with his presentation of the science.… and…
I'm going to shift the focus a bit now and highlight examples of cancellation within the literary industry. Before I get into specific cases, I highly recommend reading this overview to the topic, by @katrosenfield:…
This article by @jessesingal also dives into the deeply disturbing culture that is the young adult literary scene:…
34. Fantasy book "Ember Days" cancelled by author after accusations arose against her that as a white woman she shouldn't be writing a novel about other cultures. Keep in mind, this author is EXTREMELY woke herself, and she still wasn't good enough!…
Also related to that story, see this:
35. Another title, written by a progressive writer that was trying to tell a story sympathetic to immigrants and Muslims, faced a massive backlash because the story is centered around a white character who doesn't overcome her racism fast enough.…
36. This one sounds like poetic justice, but it's still pretty disturbing. An author, who himself was involved in getting other author's cancelled, has his own book cancelled for not being sufficiently attuned to the sensitivities of the woke mob.…
37. A Chinese author of a fantasy novel about a fictional world where "oppression is blind to skin color" withdraws her book amidst allegations of "internalized racism and anti-blackness". (It was subsequently rewritten and published.)…
38. Another progressive author whose story was meant to be about "how privilege allows us to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others" was taken to task for supposedly racist depictions. She withdrew the book and rewrote it.…
39. They were fine with his book until it started getting blowback online, at which point the publisher said that because it supposedly “perpetuates harmful narratives regarding Muslims that we cannot support" they withdrew it.…
40. Another author criticized for cultural appropriation and accused of misrepresenting Navajo teachings and not respecting Navajo sensibilities. (Important to note that in this case, despite the criticism, the book was not withdrawn.)…
41. The publisher canceled the book tour owing to physical threats against the author as well as bookstores where her events would be held; some events were even repurposed as “town halls” to discuss the brouhaha.…
I think it's really important to note that these authors who are the target of these campaigns are for the most part *extremely* progressive. Their books are meant to provide a sympathetic portrayal of minorities/immigrants and shine a light on oppression, racism, discrimination.
They themselves are often even minorities. They are trying to be good liberals and support the cause. These are not bigots, racists, or even (god forbid!) conservatives. And yet, they could not escape the mob of social justice inquisitors who deem them sinners.
42. This very long blog post details some more of the outrageously chilling environment that is the progressive literary establishment.…
One story in this article is about a literary agent who tweeted about a gas station near her house that was being looted, so she was going to call the police. People objected to her doing that. She pushed back. The ensuing argument escalated so bad that it destroyed her business. ImageImage
43. This is an archived page of a small publishing house whose site is gone. Seems there was some argument online, that the owner said some nasty things and it escalated, and now it's as if they never existed. I can't find any more info on what happened.
44. A bookstore with a long standing policy of staying out of politics got in trouble for their silence. Employees quit their jobs, book events were canceled and partnerships were severed over their refusal to speak up for racial justice.…
45. The poem "caused harm to members of several communities." As with so many of these cases, the target isn't an actual bigot but a sensitive progressive who is simply unaware of the ever evolving rules of what's deemed acceptable to the wokescolds.…
The funniest part of this incident is that after apologizing for the poem using "ableist" language he was then reprimanded for his apology too, since his use of the term "eye-opening" is insensitive to blind people.
46. After writing a poem about Donald Trump that not only did not condemn him outright, but actually humanized him, she said, “I have never experienced such intense and constant hate aimed at me, my family, my race/religion/you name it, in my entire life.”… ImageImageImage
47. After publicly supporting a feminist who was being silenced, a very pro-LGBT Canadian literary editor found himself out of a job. Why? The woman he had supported was accused of being a transphobe, and his support for her upset his bosses.…
48. A popular children's author tweeted #IStandWithJKRowling. The result? A torrent of criticism online and emails to her employer calling for her to be fired. The publisher eventually caved to the mob and cut ties with her.… Image
49. Another progressive writer pilloried for having the temerity to write about an indigenous culture. Even after doing everything imaginable to be sensitive to cultural concerns, she was still subject to a barrage of criticism accusing her of racist sins.… ImageImageImageImage
50. When the editor of a magazine for writer's tried to defend the idea of authors writing about cultures and experiences different from their own, it elicited so much outrage, he was tarred as a racist and promptly fired. Oops, I mean he "resigned".…
51. Ironically, one of the main instigators of the cancellation of the prior incident has now been cancelled herself! It's like a circular firing squad.…
Before moving on to other areas of cancel culture, just want to share this article by @katrosenfield, which highlights how these illiberal trends in YA lit are adversely affecting not just authors themselves, but the very nature of the industry itself.… ImageImageImageImage
52. Elsewhere in the arts, a white conductor made a joke to his black friend, in which he imitated a southern American accent. A woman overheard it, felt it was racist, and reported it to the authorities. Fired! Black friend insists they have it all wrong.… Image
Related: NY Times writer @bariweiss just announced her resignation and publicly posted her resignation letter. To be clear, this is NOT an example of cancellation. However, these excerpts from her letter describes exactly the *effects* of "cancel culture".… ImageImage
53. Even obscure academic fields are affected. She challenged SJ propaganda at a meeting of the Society for Classical Studies and defended Western Civ, and was subsequently forbidden from attending the rest of the conference, and lost a gig as a result.… ImageImageImageImage
The video for the above incident (and the whole panel it describes) is here. The specific incident takes place at 45:00
54. Even the seemingly safe hobby of knitting has been roiled by cancel culture. A truly innocent blog post caused a firestorm of criticism with accusations of racism, and another knitter who disagreed with the mob had her store boycotted.… ImageImageImageImage
55. Knitting Wars, Part 2: For the heinous crime of not speaking up about the scourge of whiteness in the knitting community, a disabled knitter's store was boycotted. When she did finally speak up her statement was denounced as “very harmful”.… Image
56. A yarn store was targeted for the grievous sin of giving a line of yarns a name that would reflect their concern for others. Their “Inclusivity” colourway was white, beige, brown, and black to reflect various skin tones, but it was pulled from sale after furious protests. ImageImage
57. There's even a blacklist being compiled of knitting related business that don't measure up to the woke standards of anti-racist activism. Image
58. SJ Knitting, Part 3: After a gay knitter wrote a satirical poem suggesting that all the recent anti-racism mobbings might be having a toxic effect on the community, and pleaded for tensions to cool, the mob went after him and his supporters.… ImageImage
But things only got much worse. The online attacks aimed at Taylor were so virulent that he ended up suffering a nervous breakdown, was hospitalized as a result, and was even put on suicide watch. Image
59. A gaming studio community manager said that he thinks people should have the right to express bigotry in the privacy of their own home w/o being punished. For expressing this outrageous view supporting free speech and privacy, he was promptly fired. Image
60. A Jewish progressive with Holocaust survivors in his family was accused of being a racist, fascist, Nazi apologist and faced calls for boycotts because of an argument over an ironic t-shirt at his flea market. Written by podcaster @kittypurrzog. 😉… ImageImageImageImage
61. Another Jewish owned business (whose owners are descended from Holocaust survivors) faced accusations of being Nazi sympathizers and a barrage of criticism calling for people to boycott their restaurant over a kerfuffle about... a questionable t-shirt.… ImageImage
62. Another local business caught in the crossfire of cancel culture. Two politically opposed groups gathered in a bar, argument started, a fight broke out. And because the bar didn't take a stand against the "bad guys", now the bar is being targeted.… ImageImage
63. Another local business suffering the same fate, but in this case, the manager DID stand up to what they felt was bigotry (a MAGA hat) and refused to serve the customer. They were then fired. And then the mob came from all sides. Plus, it was in Canada!… ImageImage
64. Another bar falsely being accused of supporting Nazis and facing calls for a boycott because they didn't kick out some patrons who had attended a rally in support of free speech.… ImageImage
65. A social worker recounts being reported to professional authorities (which can revoke his accreditation) for expressing support for JK Rowling. @athornehere
66. A Brandeis professor explained to his class that "wetback" is a pejorative for Mexicans. Because he said the bad word, he was reported to the administration, who deemed him guilty of racial harassment, and threatened to fire him.…
67. Gibson's Bakery vs Oberlin. The utterly unjust behavior revealed here of a powerful liberal arts school falsely maligning and attempting to destroy an innocent family business is just horrendous.… ImageImage
This long piece goes into all the gory details of this case. The story is such an incredible demonstration of how moral certitude causes people to be blind to the truth and act in the most immoral way imaginable. ImageImageImageImage
68. Considering today's news about @bariweiss, I thought it appropriate to post her story about the cancellation of @BretWeinstein at Evergreen. For those who don't know the details, he and his wife @HeatherEHeying (who also taught there) ended up leaving.… ImageImageImage
If you're interested in digging into this story further, I encourage you to watch the documentary about the whole ugly debacle, made by @MikeNayna. It can be viewed here: . Also watch Bret and Heather's "Dark Horse podcast " to hear more from them.
69. A high school teacher of 34 years, in an effort to make light of an awkward situation, makes a "Heil Hitler" joke. Parent freakout ensues. After refusing the administration's demand that he resign, he is terminated. The school was torn apart over it.… ImageImageImage
Follow-up: After almost a year of legal wrangling, the union got the teacher reinstated.… Image
70. After a Muslim columnist for a college newspaper wrote a satirical piece making fun of woke pieties, he was told that he created a “hostile environment” and a staffer had “felt threatened” by his column. He was fired and his apartment vandalized.… Image
71. Another long-time educator fired for making a joke in bad taste. Thirty years of educational service, scholarship and activism on behalf of the underprivileged are outweighed by student outrage over a single inappropriate comment.… ImageImage
72. Another local bar dealing with a harassment campaign and calls to boycott because they welcomed a group that others deemed racist. The demonized group had actually had their previous venue cancelled due to the campaign against them. From @MsMelChen… ImageImageImageImage
Side point: In the article about the previous incident, there was mention of a fellow by the name of Daryl Davis who was part of the "racist" group. In case you never heard of him, he's really worth learning about. He is a truly great man.…
73. A free yoga class for students was cancelled over fears the teachings could be seen as a form of "cultural appropriation." Obviously, non-Indian people shouldn't be allowed to do yoga, just like non-Italians shouldn't be allowed to eat pasta.… ImageImage
74. Because her views on gender are not in line with the woke perspective, she was accused of "making people feel unsafe". As a result, she was pressured to resign from being the programs chair, and when she didn't bend the knee was forced out of the role.… ImageImage
75. A guy was convicted of a hate crime for posting a video where he pranked his girlfriend by getting her dog to make a Nazi salute when hearing "Heil Hitler". Everyone who knows him, including a Jewish comedian, says he isn't at all an anti-Semite.… Image
See the video yourself, if you can bear subjecting yourself to such horrible bigotry:
76. After writing an op-ed critiquing the ideological homogeneity on college campuses, a professor was subjected to a campaign of harassment, vandalism, intimidation and calls for his firing. And the college president said that, "he brought it on himself."… Image
Feel free to read his op-ed and see for yourself if anything about it "creates a hostile environment" or justifies the demonization that he was subjected to.…
77. Steven Hsu, a highly respected professor of theoretical physics was forced to step down from his post at Michigan State University, not for any misconduct, but for holding and exploring ideas that are unacceptable to today's thought police. Appalling.… ImageImageImage
78. Ian Buruma was fired from his job as editor at The New York Review of Books after an uproar resulting from his publishing a piece by Jian Ghomeshi (who had been charged with violent sexual misconduct). #MeToo villains must not be seen or heard, ever.… ImageImageImageImage
79. Previous story is very similar to the recent firing of NY Times editor James Bennett after a piece advocating for military intervention to deal with rioters caused a meltdown at the NYT.… ImageImageImageImage
80. This latest cancellation effort is from today! Students are campaigning to get a professor fired because she supposedly fell asleep (which she denies) during a Zoom lecture on anti-racism. What a monster.…
81. A co-host of a podcast that critiqued #MeToo found herself on the receiving end of a campaign orchestrated by a former employee of her husband. People boycotted the store, distributors cut them off, and eventually one of his shops closed as a result.… ImageImageImageImage
82. A philosophy prof publishes an article asking a provocative question about gender and race. Instead of critiquing her proposition as is normally done in these cases, she find herself bearing the brunt of a massive and coordinated academic witch-hunt.… ImageImageImageImage
Article mentioned in the previous tweet had repercussions not just for its author. The journal which published it had 2 editors resign and its Board of Directors suspended the authority of the associate editorial board. All due to the article controversy.…
83. Soccer player's WIFE posts something racist, soccer player gets dropped by the team.…
84. A principal is fired over a performance of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" at the school, because people complained the play was anti-Semitic.…
85. A poetry foundation's president and chairman have "resigned" after an outcry that that their statement of support for BLM was inadequate. Critics called their statement of support, "a violence."…
86. The top editor (and 20-year veteran) of The Philadelphia Inquirer "resigned" days after controversy erupted over a headline on a column that said "Buildings Matter, Too", a critique of the widespread destruction occurring during the racial protests.…
87. This just happened 2 weeks ago: A senior VP at Boeing "stepped down" following a complaint about a 1987 article arguing against allowing women in combat roles. I repeat: The article was from 33 years ago. (And he no longer subscribes to those views.)…
88. Acclaimed scientist and Nobel Prize winner Timothy Hunt forced to resign from University College after jokingly making an offensive comment about working with women. The European Research Council also kicked him out.…
89. Because he advised caution when dealing with gender non-conforming youth, a leading sex researcher (and also a well-liked clinician) was subjected to a concerted campaign of libel, misinformation, and online petitions. It eventually led to his firing.…
90. A Canadian school ended their relationship with an ex-Muslim, Iranian-born educator after he wrote an expletive-filled condemnation of Islam in response to an article about Muslim honor killings of young women (some just girls) in his birth country.… ImageImageImageImage
91. A software engineer got kicked off the lineup of speakers from a tech conference because of complaints about his offensive political views. Side note: This article is from Slate in 2015. Read it and compare how diff it is from the Slate of 2020.…
92. A federal judge got in trouble for complimenting his clerk as "street smart". As a result of the furor over his "insensitive" remark, he stepped down from his role as chief judge.…
93. Even though the dean actively expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement, because she also said the words, "everyone's life matters", it upset enough students that the school felt it necessary to fire her.…
94. The first black faculty deans at Harvard stepped down due to student protests over the fact that he was on Hrvy Weinstein's legal team. Note: this protest over someone serving as legal counsel took place at the country's top LAW SCHOOL. (Or is it #2?)…
95. A distinguished economist at the U of Chicago sent out a few tweets questioning the wisdom of "defunding the police." Mob outrage quickly ensued, calls for firing, petitions, etc. Soon enough he was fired from his consulting gig with the Fed.…
96. The chairman of the University of British Columbia board of directors "resigned" for saying.... oh, wait, he didn't actually say anything offensive. He *liked* the wrong tweets. Fired for liking a tweet by an unsavory character, that's a new one.…
97. A British radio show host who questioned the idea of "white privilege" in relation to the Black Lives Matter protests has been suspended.…
98. An MIT chaplain was fired after he sent a message to the university’s Catholic community suggesting that George Floyd’s killing may not have been due to racism and pointing out Floyd’s history of criminal behavior.…
See here for full text of the "offensive" email. It unequivocally condemns Floyd's killing. Ironically, in it he wrote, "People are... cancelling each other.... Everything we say (or don’t say) is treated with suspicion, rather than charity." Prophetic!…
99. Editor-in-chief of a poetry journal fired because he published a poem which was meant to highlight racism, but which, in the process, used some bad words. (This incident is related to #85 on the list, about the Poetry Foundation's president resigning.)… ImageImageImageImage
100. She isn't hateful towards transgender people, in fact she clearly states that she supports transgender people’s human rights. But because she said something the vast majority of people believe - that transgender women are not women - she was fired.… ImageImageImageImage
101. A Netflix exec said the n-word in the context of talking about offensive words that can't be said on TV. (It was kind of like the sentence, "The word n----r is a word we can't ever allow on TV.") Even that was unacceptable, and he was fired for it.…
102. Due to a student getting offended, the University of Wisconsin-Superior launched an investigation into an April Fool's Day satire piece written by a Jewish student making fun of Jewish stereotypes. (Imagine if they had heard of Woody Allen.)…
103. A Chipotle employee was falsely branded a racist for refusing to serve some dine-and-dash scammers. They posted their misleading video online and as a result of the viral outrage she faced a torrent of abuse and was eventually fired. Was all a lie.…
104. Like other such cases I've mentioned, she used the n-word in the context of explaining why it was offensive, but of course, context and intent never matter, so the head of the Human Rights Campaign’s educational arm was fired. Oops, "resigned."…
105. A black security guard at a high school was repeatedly called the n-word by a student disrespecting him. He told the student, "Stop calling me a n----r. That's an offensive slur." As a result, the security guard was fired.… Image
106. In this episode of @TheBARPod podcast, an incident is recounted of a stagehand who thought she had just heard the n-word said during a rehearsal, and said in shock, "Did she just say n----r?" Suspended. Incident starts at around 2 minutes in.
107. A professor submitted a letter to the court to be read at a former student's sentencing hearing. For doing this, PSU penalized him by removing his name from a counseling center he had founded (and led for 40 years), and imposed other sanctions.… ImageImage
108. A dean wrote in an email to a student that she wanted to discuss with her how to “better serve students, especially those who don’t fit our CMC mold.” This generosity was taken as a racial slight, and students protested until she was forced to resign.
Here's a letter from the editorial board of the Claremont McKenna College newspaper calling out the spineless administration for giving in to the insanity of the mob.
109. A UCLA professor of almost four decades was asked for leniency in grading due to the racial turmoil going on. He declined to grant it, and replied with a somewhat snarky response. Students petitioned that he be fired. For now he's suspended.…
110. @NoahCarl90, a Cambridge postdoc, lost a prestigious fellowship due to mob outrage at some of his work. Was subjected to an investigation, and a petition demanding his firing, due to committing the grave sin of defending race/intelligence research.…
This related article provides numerous letters from respected researchers condemning the unfair treatment Carl was subjected to.…
For those who care to dive into this case, he put together a FAQ page which provides detailed and thorough responses to the accusations against him.…
111. A 54-year-old fellow was fired from his supermarket job after he posted on his own Facebook page a Billy Connolly comedy sketch making fun of religion and suicide bombers. Coworkers complained to his boss it was anti-Islamic, so they fired him.…
If you want to see how terribly offensive it was, it starts at 7:15 in this clip:
112. Similar to #110, another philosophy doctorate facing an academic cancelling for daring to write about race/intelligence research, including a petition calling to boycott the journal until they retract his paper.…
113. A doctor in the UK was fired after he declined to acquiesce to the hypothetical question, “If you have a man, six foot tall with a beard, who says he wants to be addressed as ‘she’ and ‘Mrs’, would you do that?”…
114. Syracuse University student Adrianna San Marco was fired from her gig as a columnist at a local paper, The Daily Orange, when she dismissed the notion of “institutional racism” in an opinion piece for a separate, conservative website. @adriannasanmarc…
Worth mentioning that the student in the previous story has faced such a barrage of harassment and threats from her fellow students that she has decided not to continue her studies there.
115. A professor is in trouble because he assigned a white student to role-play a black historical figure in an educational setting in order to see things from their perspective. This was deemed "minstrelsy" and creating "an unsafe learning environment."…
116. A former Canadian cabinet minister has stepped down from his role as a commentator on a CBC News show and has left senior positions at two major companies after coming under fire for taking issue with the claim that Canada is systemically racist.…
117. Laura Kipnis, a liberal film professor at Northwestern University was subjected to a Title IX investigation for writing an article critical of the infantilizing victimhood culture that is characteristic of contemporary feminism. ImageImage
118. Remember the guy who held up a sign asking for beer money and ended up raising millions for charity? He got in trouble when a reporter unearthed some unsavory tweets from high school. Then that reporter got fired for his own offensive tweets!… ImageImageImage
119. Here's some delicious irony for you: A proposed debate at Durham University asking,"Is there a problem with free speech on campus?" banned a student from participating because he had tweeted that "women don't have penises". (Clearly yes, debate over!)…
He was also subjected to various other penalties, as reported in this article. A year later the school apologized to him for their behavior.… Image
120. During an editorial discussion about race, a CBC News host was quoting a journalist she was going to interview, and "used a word that should never be used". She has been suspended.…
121. A Chinese-American Fordham University student was banned from campus and required to take bias training after he posted a photo of himself with a gun memorializing the Tiananmen Square massacre and a second photo decrying hypocrisy from protesters.… ImageImageImageImage
122. This is a bit of an oldie but still worth mentioning, it was a harbinger of what was to come. Brendan Eich, co-founder of Mozilla, had to resign as CEO due to uproar over his donating $1,000 to an anti-gay marriage campaign six years earlier.… ImageImageImageImage
123. A professor is facing calls for his firing, and is under investigation from UCLA because he said the n-word while reading MLK Jr's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", and also for showing a documentary that showed a lynching.…
124. This is from yesterday so more details might still emerge, but from what's come out so far, it seems a Michigan public school teacher was fired for some very mild pro-Trump tweets he wrote.…
125. The editor-in-chief of Bon Appétit magazine stepped down after a photo of him wearing "brownface" at a 2013 Halloween party emerged. What's really weird about this is that I don't think the term "brownface" was even around in 2013. Was it?…
Oh, and in case you're imagining that he had some incredibly degrading and mocking costume, with shoe polish on his face or something like that, think again. here's what got him fired: Image
Most of the last 125 examples I listed were regular, middle/working-class people because I wanted to counter the lie that cancel culture is about wealthy, famous, public people. But it does ALSO unjustly affect those kinds of people. So now I'm going to focus on those cases. ImageImage
126. NBA announcer Grant Napear was fired by his radio station and resigned as the Sacramento Kings TV play-by-play announcer Tuesday after his tweet that said “All Lives Matter” amid the George Floyd protests was met with backlash.…
127. A major league soccer coach was fired for uttering the n-word while singing along to a song being played in the team's locker room. (Also, he is Dutch, which might mean that he was totally unaware of the significance of it. But it's nuts regardless.)…
128. The co-founder of the Wing, a women-only co-working space resigned due to complaints of racial mistreatment and overall dissatisfaction from black workers at her company.… ImageImageImage
129. Variety Editor-in-Chief Claudia Eller was placed on administrative leave late Thursday, less than 24 hours after a heated Twitter exchange over the lack of newsroom diversity.…
130. Alison Roman, a celebrity chef, briefly criticized 2 other celebrity women. Typically that wouldn't warrant much attention. But because racial motivations were imbued into her critique, it caused a major backlash, and she lost her gig at the NY Times.…
131. Megyn Kelly, another celebrity fired for violating unwritten rules about what you're allowed to discuss. She merely asked a question, "How did it become racist to make yourself look like someone you love on Halloween?" and lost her show as a result.…
The actual clip where she stated her terribly "offensive" view can be viewed here. The relevant segment starts at 5:17.
132. Sarah Silverman (who is a staunch liberal, and has become majorly woke in the past few years) had a movie role withdrawn because she wore blackface twelve years earlier, in a 2007 episode of her comedy show.…
You can watch the episode in question here. Ironically, the sketch was highlighting the cluelessness of white people in regards to racism and throughout the episode unequivocally condemns blackface as horribly offensive. Still, context doesn't matter.
133. An MTV reality star got kicked off the show after making some impolitic comments about BLM. (Of all the tweets I've seen that have gotten people fired, these seem incredibly mild.)…
134. In 2018 comedian Kevin Hart lost his Oscars hosting gig because of some offensive tweets that he wrote a decade earlier. Sheesh. Can't we just let the past stay in the past? (And wasn't like 95% of comedy during that era offensive jokes?)…
135. Another prominent media figure, Barbara Fedida, is out of a job after she made an inappropriate comment to a colleague. Fired for using the phrase "picking cotton". Ironically, she used to run their diversity & inclusion efforts!…
136. Scarlett Johansson had to step down from starring in the planned movie “Rub & Tug”, after facing a massive backlash for daring to play the role of a transgender man.…
137. The Flash actor Hartley Sawyer fired from show over offensive tweets. Admittedly, the tweets in question were pretty offensive, but it's pretty obvious that they were meant to be edgy jokes. More significantly, they are from ages ago, 2009-2013 era.…
138. This is from a few days ago, a Florida student is facing calls for punishment, even possible expulsion because of offensive social media posts critical of Israel he made years earlier, some when he was just 12.…
139. A prominent art curator at the SF Museum of Modern Art "resigned" after a petition was circulated calling for his ouster amid accusations of racism and white supremacy in reaction to him promising to "continue to collect white artists."…
140. Another prominent art museum figure, the director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, "resigned" after complaints arose about her cancelling an exhibit by a black artist focusing on police brutality.…
Here's the thing about punishing her for this cancellation that makes no sense: it was cancelled due to complaints from BLACK activists that it was insensitive to black people. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. See this article:… ImageImage
141. A Halifax coffee shop delivers a profuse apology intended to stave off a cancellation campaign aimed at them. What was the sin that turned the anger of the mob towards this establishment? The owner's boyfriend had used the word "slave" in a FB post.… Image
142. A chemistry professor faced a massive backlash for espousing an unpopular view regarding an incident of police brutality. Calls for his firing forced him to step down from his position as director of the department.…
143. A virtual gaming convention has been cancelled following criticism of its organizers’ silence regarding Black Lives Matter.…
144. After facing an onslaught of calls for his firing, Lee Fang, an Asian-American journalist at The Intercept is forced to apologize for sharing an interview with a black man who is not on board with all aspects of BLM.… ImageImageImageImage
145. The head of the Free Library of Philadelphia "resigns" amid complaints of racism. Read this detailed investigation to see how little substance there is to these claims. A group of minorities allege racial injustice and everyone treats it like gospel.…
146. An oldie circa 2005: Harvard president Larry Summers is fired for saying that rather than being due to 100% discrimination, biological factors might partially explain the gender imbalance in the math and science arenas. (Very similar to Damore.)…
147. For expressing his vehement disagreement with his college's cultural appropriation policies, a student is suspended from his student leadership positions, charged with harassment, investigated by the school, and kicked out of the Honor's College.… Image
148. After a professional complaint was filed against him for making a mildly risque joke in a public elevator at a conference, a professor is subjected to an ethics investigation and censured.…
149. An *unsuccessful* cancellation attempt: Steven Pinker, noted author and linguist (and a staunch liberal) was targeted by hundreds of academics who signed a letter that he be kicked out of a linguists society of which he is a distinguished fellow.…
150. A CS professor who wrote an article about how the gender discrepancy in coding occupations is not entirely due to discrimination is placed on probation by his school after students targeted him in a campaign to get him fired.…
151. Another media org firing a founder due to complaints of "discrimination". Unsurprisingly, the examples of misconduct cited in the article sound like typical office gripes, yet are treated as if someone wore a KKK hood in the office.… ImageImage
152. For questioning the fairness of trans women competing against natal women, tennis champion and longtime LGBT advocate Martina Navratilova has been removed as an ambassador to an organisation that supports LGBT athletes.…
To underscore just how ridiculous it is to accuse Navratilova of transphobia, it's worth pointing out that way back in 1981 - long before transgender figures were visible to the general public like they are now - she hired a transgender woman to be her tennis coach.
Follow-up to #19 on my list, where I linked to a Twitter thread by @SwipeWright, recounting his experience of being academically targeted for cancellation. He's now expanded on his experience in a more thorough, in-depth article.…
And another follow-up: Item #7 was about a gentleman who was kicked out of his own charity due to comments he made criticizing BLM. Happy to report that due in part to a petition calling out the injustice of his sacking, he has since been reinstated!…
153. A UK comedian/news commentator posted a tweet making fun of the royal baby. Not realizing there were racial connotations to his gag, he immediately took it down and apologized when the issue was pointed out to him. But he was still fired.…
154. The owner of The Second City comedy group "resigned" after accusations of institutionalized racism were aimed at him by a former employee. Could there possibly be a reasonable explanation for his actions? Not these days. Accused of racism? Gone!…
155. The non-binary director of "Boys Don't Cry", an Oscar-winning film that sympathetically portrays the life of a trans boy, was harassed and shouted down with accusations of transphobia, and not allowed to give her talk at a screening at Reed College.…
To be fair, there are differing reports on whether she was able to give her talk or not. The article linked to above says that the talk eventually resumed. However, this article disputes that:…. And another report say that she was heckled for 2 hours. ImageImage
156. A professor proposes a controversial idea: that the decline of bourgeois norms has contributed to the deterioration of society. In response, students and alumni pen an open letter denouncing her as racist and calling for an investigation.…
157. Another "resignation" in response to accusations of racism in an organization, this time it's the director of a music festival. (This is the same festival where a Latina performer had white audience members sent to the back so POC could be up front.)… Image
158. A journalist is fired for making a light-hearted joke about catching coronovirus from his Asian barber. (This occurred in January, way before all the controversy took off of it being racist to call it the Chinese Flu.)…
159. After a student complains, a teaching assistant is reprimanded for showing a debate video that features controversial professor Jordan Peterson. She is accused of causing harm to the student, and also creating a toxic climate in the classroom.…
160. Uni cancels a talk by a noted anti-racist author who acknowledges his family's history with white supremacy bec students complained that it was "harmful and offensive," and demanded its cancellation. They also demanded an apology from the organizers.…
161. Last item reminded me of another oldie: In 2008, a student at a university (who also worked as a janitor there) was charged with racial harassment after a black woman complained about a book he was reading. The book was about the defeat of the KKK.…
This extremely outrageous incident was covered in a mini-documentary produced by @TheFIREorg:
162. Laurentian University’s dean of the faculty of graduate studies sent a tweet in which he used the hashtag #AllLivesMatters. Angry students campaigned to have him reprimanded and eventually he was forced to resign from the role.…
163. An author tweeted a complaint about a DC Metro employee who was eating on the subway (which isn't allowed), and as a result of the backlash against her that claimed what she did was racist, lost her book deal with her publisher.… ImageImage
164. A dispute over a college test question escalates to accusations of racism, which led to complaints to the administration, and ends with the termination of a professor at the University of Tennessee.…
I have a bunch of examples of show cancellations, but since they aren't people being cancelled, I wasn't sure if I should include them. However, IMHO, they are indeed examples of cancel culture, so as a compromise, I'll list them, but put them all under a single number.
165a. Due to an online campaign against the screening of the 1990 action-comedy "Kindergarten Cop" (due to its portrayal of a cop in a preschool), a community film series cancelled it. (One of the campaigners even compared it to "Birth of a Nation".)… ImageImage
165b. A planned screening in NYC of a documentary about Jordan Peterson was scrubbed due to complaints from the venue's staff that they were "uncomfortable" with it.…
165c. Another screening of the Jordan Peterson documentary was cancelled in Toronto, also because of complaints from the theater employees.…
165d. Another venue (a church) that planned on showing the Jordan Peterson documentary received the threat below. They chose not to back down, and the screening was uneventful. Reported here:… Image
165e. In Calgary, a screening of the movie "The Red Pill" was *doubly* cancelled. It was first meant to be shown at the University of Calgary. After complaints shut that down, it was rebooked at an arthouse cinema and then that got shut down.…
165f. Another cancellation of a screening of The Red Pill following an online petition was started against it, this time in Australia.…
166. A talk by Professor Adolph Reed, a prominent black Marxist scholar, was cancelled after complaints that he was too critical of the contemporary identity politics centered approach.… ImageImageImage
165g. Another screening of The Red Pill documentary was cancelled by a theater in Ottawa after complaints and threats were made to the theater.…
167. A longtime restaurant owner felt it necessary to retire after causing a massive online backlash on social media. He was a former police officer himself, but his posts, which both criticized POs and also criticized a protester, sparked angry criticism.…
165h. Another show cancellation. After protests and complaints by people who said the event was racist toward Asians, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston canceled an event in which visitors were invited to don replicas of traditional Japanese kimonos.…
168. After a detective posted a photo on Instagram of her niece protesting with a sign that says "Shoot the Fuck Back", co-workers complained that she was encouraging violence against police officers, and she was soon fired as a result.…
169. After people complained about a popular meteorologist who wrote on his personal blog that the violence occurring in Seattle was similar to the violence of Kristallnacht, the radio station hosting his show immediately fired him.…
Worth reading his personal take on the controversy:…
170. A woman was fired from her job as a literary agent after someone reported "offensive" tweets to her employer. I couldn't find any news sources reporting on it, but this thread digs into the details and verifies the firing with the employer.
165i. A performance of "The Mikado," a Gilbert and Sullivan opera set in feudal Japan, was cancelled after facing backlash from the Asian-American theater community and bloggers over accusations of racism and “yellowface".…
171. An arts center that had appointed a folk singer to lead its new residency program removed the artist from the post after complaints about how he had used the n-word in a song highlighting the problem of racism and xenophobia in America.…
172. A prominent journalist who was one of the judges for a literature organization's Book of the Year award was removed as a judge because of comments he made on Twitter about the prudence of Black Lives Matter protests during the pandemic.…
173. A woman loses her job after a social media outcry in response to her dressing up on Halloween as a Boston Marathon bomb victim.
174. A professor has been removed from all his teaching responsibilities, and is under investigation, after social media erupted due to him making the most mild joke ever about "needing to get my mask" when talking to a student on Zoom who was from Wuhan.…
Amazingly, the mob has tarred the professor as racist and xenophobic, even though seconds after he made the "offensive" remark, he actually offered to host the student in his own home if he had any troubles. Image
175. The University of Pittsburgh has removed an Asian-American program director at its medical center because he wrote a scholarly article arguing against affirmative action for black and Hispanic students. (And the paper was retracted.)…
165j. A show cancellation too crazy to believe: the NYPL cancelled a talk that was to be about CANCELLED WOMEN due to complaints from trans activists. (Also related, the woman mentioned, Natasha Chart, was fired for her feminist views.)…
176. Due to a student complaint, an investigation was launched over a professor saying the n-word when discussing James Baldwin's work; she said the word when she quoted his actual words. In the end, the investigation cleared her of the charges.…
177. A software engineer (@mkay_fain) was fired from her job because she wrote an article that was critical of the trend of non-binary identities. After the firing she was then further targeted by industry colleagues to inflict additional damage.…
178. A professor of communications is no longer teaching his course (suspended? fired? it's not clear) because students complained that in a lecture he used a Chinese word ("niege") that sounds like the n-word.…. See also here:…
179. A professor is under fire, with students calling for his termination, because he was spotted at a pro-police rally for a short while. He wasn't holding up any signs or yelling any slogans. For just listening and observing the event, they want him…
180. A University of Cincinnati professor is suspended, and under investigation, for referring to COVID-19 as "the chinese virus" in an email.…
181. Similar to the last example, a professor at Syracuse University is suspended for referring to Covid-19 as the "Wuhan Flu or the Chinese Communist Party Virus" on his syllabus.…
182. A tenured professor of 27 years was fired because of a song he wrote that humorously describes the innate potential humans have to be hateful and cruel.…
The song can be heard here:
183. An Emory University law professor was suspended and faced a termination hearing for using the n-word in a class discussion of a civil rights case, and in a follow-up discussion with a student.…
184. An author of a sci-fi short story was bullied and harassed so badly for her story being insensitive to trans people that she chose to voluntarily have the story pulled (a self-cancellation). It turns out the author was herself trans!…
165k. Another show cancellation: An exhibit of paintings by an avowedly ANTI-RACIST artist was cancelled because some of the works included depictions of KKK figures (intended to shed light on bigotry, not to celebrate it).…
185. A Scottish poet faces a campaign of harassment, intimidation and cancellation from trans activists after she took a stand against those advocating violence against lesbian activists.…
186. A history professor who asked his students to consider weighing the positives and negatives of slavery sparked a student campaign to get him fired, which led to being investigated and found guilty, and eventually removed from the classroom.…
165L. A play by a prominent award-winning, progressive, leftist, lesbian, feminist playwright was cancelled after accusations of transphobia. What were the actual transphobic views she subscribed to? No one seems able to point them out.…
187. A professional cyclist was suspended from participating in upcoming races because he admitted to being a Trump fan. And for committing the unforgivably racist sin of using a black hand emoji. Seems totally reasonable and fair, no?…
188. After students complained they were offended by controversial theories he proposed, the school found an art prof guilty of sexual-harassment and took away some of his courses, which reduced his workload so he lost his health insurance. He resigned.…
189. A University of Central Florida professor, @CharlesNegy, is facing an investigation and outraged students calling for his firing because he challenged certain tenets of progressive dogma.…
A more detailed exposé of what Negy is facing can be read here:…
190. Writer posts to FB about a rejection she got for an essay about hate crimes against hijabi women. Editor was offended that a WHITE woman would write such a thing. Within 48 hours, the tiff escalates to the point that her career was utterly demolished.…
191. A Nobel laureate who was supposed to give a keynote speech has been disinvited from a biology conference due to concerns from other speakers about his views on the COVID-19 pandemic. (His talk was not going to be related to the pandemic at all.)…
192. For using the term "colored people" in the context of addressing the problem of online harassment black players have to endure, the chairman of the UK Football Association was forced to resign.…
193. A gaming website cut ties with a longtime freelance writer because he had the temerity to suggest that there are questions regarding trans people that need to be thoughtfully debated.
194. A feminist journalist who had a voice role in a video game was dropped from the game because of her "offensive" views on transgender transitioning.…
195. A Christian medical student was expelled for holding the "wrong" views. Even after removing his offensive posts from social media and writing public apologies for his pro-life and pro-gun beliefs, they still expelled him.…
196. A Wesleyan University professor was fired (sorry, "resigned") after posting some abrasive comments on Facebook against Biden supporters.…
197. A mini restaurant within an apparel store in Toronto received complaints of "cultural appropriation" from people upset that the white owners were selling Asian food. The apparel store apologized, shut it down and apologized "for the hurt they caused."…
165m. Another show cancellation: An Edmonton theatre company cancels a production of Othello, after the decision to cast a white woman in the leading role prompted anger and sharp criticism. (Yet somehow, no one's ever considered cancelling "Hamilton".)…
198. A teacher was told he had to refer to a transgender student with male pronouns. He disagreed, and chose to avoid the issue by only referring to the student by their name. Once, when an accident was about to happen, he slipped up, and was then fired.… Image
199. An exclusive British boarding school has fired a teacher because he gave a presentation which presented viewpoints that questioned “current radical feminist orthodoxy”.…
In regards to the previous case, some of the students started a petition to reinstate the fired teacher. If you'd like to show your support, you can sign it here:…
200. When the deputy director for a Maryland Governor’s dept shared his views on social media defending Kyle Rittenhouse, and on other hot topics, his posts drew attention from state lawmakers, who called for his dismissal. He was fired soon after.…
201. A meteorologist flubbed some words and ended up saying Martin Luther Coon instead of Martin Luther King. Obviously, it was an innocent mistake and after he apologized, everyone understood and moved on, right? Of course not. Fired after uproar ensued.…
This is a common mistake that happens regularly to newscasters. See this compilation of newscaster bloopers for a sampling of other times this sort of word jumble happens to people on-air.
202. A publisher has cancelled a book due to questionable accusations of Islamophobia against the author. The book's subject? Cancel Culture.…
For those curious about what exactly was the "Islamophobic" statement she is accused of, it's this: She wrote, “Can you please remind me of the age of the Prophet Mohammad’s first wife? Thank you in anticipation!” to a woman in regards to a discussion about pedophiles.
203. A high schooler held on to a 3-second video of a 15-year-old girl saying the n-word (seemingly in the context of parroting the lyrics to a rap song), and released it three years later so as to ruin her future.… ImageImage
204. Another case of anti-racism activism leading to someone losing their job. The head of a theater company (which he founded) was ousted due to complaints and months of conflict over his stance on racial issues.…
205. An actress with a starring role in a production of "The Color Purple" lost her job because another actor publicized a personal Facebook post of hers from 5 years prior where she expressed her religious belief that homosexuality is a sin.…
206. A Canadian fashion celebrity/influencer was fired from her tv show because of a disagreement with a black colleague which turned acrimonious when accusations of racism and "threatening" arose. Now the evidence reveals she did nothing wrong.…
207. As a result of the prior (unjust) cancellation of Jessica Mulroney, her husband, Ben Mulroney, also was forced to step down from his job as a TV host. (Oops, he "resigned".)…
208. In response to a twitter account bringing attention to a NYTimes reporter who (on her own private twitter account) expressed excitement about the Biden inauguration, the NY Times fired the reporter.…
209. A vice president at the left-leaning Niskanen Center made an edgy joke on Twitter that played off the Right and Left's mutual loathing of Mike Pence: "If Biden really wanted unity, he'd lynch Mike Pence." As a result of the tweet, he was fired.…
Back in October, I posted about the case of Charles Negy, a Florida professor who was facing an investigation and calls for termination after he upset some students when he didn't go along with certain progressive ideas. He has since been fired.
210. A University of Illinois law professor was placed on administrative leave and had his classes cancelled for writing a blanked out reference to the n-word. He literally wrote n----- (not spelling out the word, but using blank placeholders).… ImageImageImage
211. An award winning science reporter was fired (sorry, "resigned") from the New York Times after news that he said the n-word (in the context of discussing the slur) caused an uproar among Times' staffers. See his groveling apology below. ImageImageImage
212. I've deliberately avoided including MeToo related cancellations because they're often too murky, but this article that delves into the cancellation of Al Franken unequivocally reveals how shallow and dishonest the accusations against him were.…
213. When a literary agent was reported to her employer that she was a user of Parler, they thanked the snitch and promptly fired her. She hadn't expressed anything objectionable, her offense was purely that she was *using* the social media platform.…
214. More cancellations of journalists. Due to a sarcastic tweet about military aid to Israel that they claimed was anti-Semitic and “fake news”, The Guardian chose to cancel Nathan Robinson's column.…
215. Action star Gina Carano was fired from her role in The Mandalorian after she sparked outrage due to social media posts that people found offensive. She had been under fire for some time already for openly expressing conservative viewpoints.…
216. The University of Colorado Boulder (a public university bound by the 1st Amendment) cancelled classes and declined to renew a contract of a visiting professor due to outrage on campus over the fact that he gave a 3-minute speech at Trump’s 1/6 rally.…
217. A mother-daughter duo who make vegan cupcakes provoked outrage when their Instagram posts supporting BLM were accused of being insincere and performative. The mob started a petition against them and succeeded in getting their book contract terminated.…
Note: the list keeps going after this point, but the thread seems to have been broken here, so click this to jump back into the thread.
218. A cancellation from before the era of "cancel culture": As part of a running gag with a friend, a woman posted an ironic photo of herself pretending to be disrespectful at a military cemetery. It provoked such a storm of outrage, she lost her job.… ImageImage
219. A UK soccer star thanked his friend on social media with the words, “Gracias negrito,” a term of endearment where he's from. But because it struck the British audience as racially offensive, he was fined £100,000 and suspended for three games.…
220. Chris Harrison, host of The Bachelor, "is stepping down" after a social-media firestorm erupted. What was his transgression? During an interview with one of the contestants, he didn't condemn her for attending an event that was impolitic.… ImageImageImage
221. A liberal staffer at Smith College has been forced to resign after she pushed back against the antiracist and woke ideology being foisted upon her and the rest of the school. She was offered a settlement in exchange for her silence. She refused.…
221b. If you support what she's standing for, I strongly encourage you to donate to her fundraiser here:…
222. Another media figure punished for an n-word blowup. Did he say the magical word? No. He merely *discussed* whether people should be fired for uttering it in innocuous contexts like NY Times reporter Don McNeil was. But even that is problematic.…
223. Another n-word blowup. A makeup artist fired for singing along to a rap song whose lyrics included the n-word.…
224. A SUNY student is suspended for social media posts that violate the progressive orthodoxy.…
225. The deputy editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association has been fired (oops, "resigned") after he sparked a major backlash over a segment on a podcast where he briefly and mildly questioned the idea of "structural racism".
226. Two law professors have been fired because one of them had the temerity to state an inconvenient fact about the performance of black students, and the other didn't challenge her.…
227. After raising concerns about the Critical Race Theory concepts being introduced into his seventh-grade daughter’s history curriculum, the head football coach was fired from his position at a Massachusettes public school. He's now suing.…
228. A top programmer was forced to quit his job after controversy erupted over the fact that he had hosted a YouTube channel years earlier that frequently criticized SJWs. (Ironically, one of his videos was titled "Are Thoughtcrimes Becoming Real?"🤔)…
229. The newly appointed black editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue was fired (sorry, "resigned") after outrage erupted over mildly offensive stuff she said ten years ago, when she was just 17. She apologized profusely, but it didn't matter.…
230. Call this one a "self-cancellation": A CUNY law school dean announced that she is stepping down in "atonement" for the unforgivable sin of referring to herself as a "slaveholder".…
231. Item #225 on this list was about the deputy editor of JAMA being fired after he sparked a backlash over a podcast where he mildly questioned the idea of "structural racism". Now the editor-in-chief has been suspended for this grave transgression too.…
232. A student body vice president (who is not white) was suspended from her position after posting “Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like #AllLivesMatter” on FB following the shooting deaths of five police officers during a BLM protest.…
233. A Canadian journalist was removed from the board of a municipal political party after a photo of him from 2017 holding his fingers in the "ok" symbol surfaced, with the accusation being that he was indicating support for white supremacy.…
234. A tenured community college professor briefly interrupted a "white fragility" training seminar to express her qualms about it. So her school suspended her from teaching and spent 9 months and perhaps $200,000 'investigating' her.…
235. After raising some concerns during a "micro aggressions seminar", a medical student at the University of Virginia was subjected to formal censure, repeated psychological evaluations, suspension, and eventual expulsion.…
236. Three people have been fired due to a blowup resulting from a racially insensitive comment a radio show host made. Firing the person who made the comment, I can somewhat understand. But the other two people?…
237. A Minneapolis city manager was promptly fired after he called for due process for the police officer who shot Daunte Wright. One of the council members who voted to fire him said she did so out of fear of potential reprisals from protestors. Mob rule.…
238. A math teacher at an elite NYC private school who wrote an article criticizing the anti-racism indoctrination that is going on at his school has been suspended from teaching.…
239. A police officer of almost two decades was fired because he donated $25 to the defense fund of Kyle Rittenhouse. He specified that his donation be anonymous, but when his identity was revealed due to a hack, the mob (and media) went after him.
240. A Central Michigan University professor was fired for saying the n-word when quoting the facts of a lawsuit that explicitly revolved around using the n-word.…
241. A professor who was aggressively hostile to a student who was arguing for greater respect of police officers has been placed on leave after a clip of their exchange went viral on social media.…
242. After Apple employees complained about (and started a petition against) a new hire who had expressed some supposedly sexist ideas in a 2016 book, Apple fired him.…
243. A teacher who said that George Floyd would still be alive if he had cooperated with the police was suspended after her comments were deemed racially insensitive.…
244. Comments during a lecture from a law student that women have vaginas and are not as physically strong as men upset fellow classmates who reported her to the school. The school has initiated a formal investigation into her "offensive" conduct.
245. Another professor fired for using the n-word in the context of quoting a historical text and speaking out against the sins of racism. As in all religions, neither intent nor context is an excuse to utter blasphemy.…
246. A Canadian professor who expressed disagreement on her personal blog with some of the tenets of progressive orthodoxy was suspended after students complained about her.…
247. An Associated Press journalist was fired days after being hired when conservatives dug up objectionable tweets from her past and sparked a backlash against her. (Although the AP insists that the firing was due to violations of its social media policy.)…
248. Previously "only" suspended, now the Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious journal JAMA is officially given the boot because during a JAMA podcast a doctor has said that socioeconomic factors, not structural racism, held back communities of color.
249. A UK cricket player has been suspended over edgy tweets (now deemed offensive of course) that he made 8-9 years ago, when he was just a teenager.…
250. A composer who criticized the violent destruction of the 2020 riots found himself blackballed by his entire professional circle.…
251. A black Jewish diversity officer condemned anti-Semitic violence. That invoked the fury of some pro-Muslim activists who complained against her to her employer, a children's publishing organization. A few days later, she had "resigned".…
252. A clerk pricing the products in a store expressed concern that selling a certain toy was potentially racist. Another employee misheard her, felt her comment itself was racist, and reported her, after which she was fired.…
253. A bestselling author, @millihill, and the founder of a network of support groups for pregnant women was dropped by a human rights organization and subjected to a torrent of online abuse for disagreeing with aspects of trans ideology.…
254. In the context of giving an example of expressing a view that could get you in trouble, a professor said she was "sick of talking about Black Lives Matter". A student reported her comments to the administration and she is now under investigation.…
255. After questioning the appropriateness of "gender affirmative therapy" in regards to trans children, a psychotherapy student was expelled from his university and then lost his job as a volunteer counselor.
256. A library branch manager who criticized BLM on her social media was demoted and transferred to a different branch after coworkers complained about her views.…
257. Due to some edgy comments made eight years earlier on a podcast, the new host of Jeopardy! has been terminated after hosting just a few episodes. The remarks were nothing more than groan-worthy in 2013, but in 2021 they are career killing.…
258. The University of Alabama’s assistant vice president and dean of students was fired after only 7 months on the job (oops, "resigned") after old tweets surfaced where he expressed some far-left viewpoints.…
A follow-up to #257: Mike Richards has now been fired by Sony, not just from the hosting position, but from his old executive-producer position.…
259. A small business owner publicly critiqued a job applicant (without revealing her identity) on her social media account. It attracted the ire of the mob and before long her entire business (and personal life) had been burned to the ground.…
260. A prominent feminist professor, Selina Todd, had her planned talk at an international feminist conference cancelled because of accusations that her views on protecting women's-only spaces were transphobic.…
261. A prominent professor had a schedules guest lecture cancelled because some people object to his stance on diversity.
261b. This article describes the professor's transgressions and how the mob reacted to his heresies:…
261c. Dorian Abbot, the professor at the center of the lecture cancellation, gives a first hand account of the experience of the mob coming after him.…
262. An esteemed music professor (who is Chinese) incurred the wrath of his students when he screened the 1965 version of “Othello", since it has Laurence Olivier in blackface. He apologized for his indiscretion but has since been removed from teaching.…
263. Another professor fired for saying something offensive, but this time offensive to the Right. Thank god for @TheFIREorg.
264. A Virginia teacher was suspended (but has since been reinstated after a lawsuit) for expressing his opposition to a *proposed* school policy requiring teachers to abide by pronoun requests. Worth emphasizing that: it wasn't even yet a rule!…
265. Kathleen Stock, a professor of philosophy critical of the gender ideology of trans activists was forced to resign from her university after facing an onslaught of harrassment for her views and receiving no support from the university administration.… ImageImage
266. A social media post mistakenly thought to be mocking the death of George Floyd triggered an online mob that got multiple innocent people fired from their jobs, doxxed, harassed and had their homes vandalized. All due to a false allegation of racism.…
237. An eminent astronomer was compelled to retract an article (whose goal was to improve fairness in the field), and issue a slavish apology for it, after academics came after him that his research was "harmful" and "threatening" to certain populations.…
268. A gender non-conforming actor had his life upended by trans activists (resulting in suicide attempts) because a role he was cast to play angered them, saying it was harming their community. (And the show was cancelled as a result of the backlash.)…
269. Students objected after a professor used the n-word in the context of discussing its offensiveness and quoting it in works that analyzed the appropriateness of its use. The university responded by suspending him.…
270. Here are 11 women who have been censored or penalized for transgressing against the tenets of trans ideology, some of whom I have already posted about individually.…
271. A 62-year-old theater professor wrote in an email that students shouldn't be so sensitive. In response, the students reacted with extreme sensitivity, arranging a boycott, and demanding he be fired. The school suspended the teacher of 16 years.…
272. More from the theater world: A prominent choreographer was ousted from her own theater company (after being subjected to an investigation by her board of trustees) because her views on the trans debate upset her employees.…
273. A devout Christian who posted online that he considered homosexuality a sin was kicked out of his social work course at Sheffield University and deemed unfit to practice when a student found his post and reported him to the school.…
274. A Fordham professor was fired because he mixed up the names of two black students and then made a clumsy apology for his error.…
275. Another case of a scholar under attack for expressing views unpopular with the progressive crowd. First he is placed under investigation, then his class proposals are rejected by his Uni, and eventually his publisher canceled his book contract.…
276. An unsuccessful cancellation: A campaign to get a board member of the National Book Circle ousted failed. Why did they want him out? Bec he had the temerity to disagree with those who claimed that the publishing industry was racist. Burn the heretic!…
277. A high school teacher who criticized BLM, condemned violent rioters and disagreed with various aspects of progressive dogma on her private social media accounts was fired as a result of her postings.…
278. The CEO of a Planned Parenthood affiliate who worked for the organization for nearly 40 years was fired because she quoted another person's use of the n-word when relating an incident that happened in a meeting.…
279. Another book cancelled by spineless publishers who kowtow to anyone upset about hearing an idea that doesn't conform to contemporary woke standards.
280. Shawnee University penalized a professor for not using the preferred pronouns of a trans student. He offered to use the person's chosen name, but that wasn't good enough. When he refused to comply they punished him.…
281. Another (progressive) writer cast beyond the pale for using language that displeased the woke mob. After she apologized and expressed contrition, the mob still didn't let up, and now her publisher has cut ties with her.…
282. Another teacher fired (oops, "resigned") because he wouldn't acquiesce to the pronoun police. When did "preferred" pronouns become "required" pronouns?…
283. A data scientist at Thomson Reuters found his company's dogmatic support of BLM to be negatively impacting the impartiality of their news coverage. So he wrote an internal report explaining his concerns. It upset colleagues. He was fired as a result.…
284. A professor who mentioned to his class the incontrovertible FACT that blacks perform worse than whites who perform worse than Asians on IQ tests was suspended and placed under investigation. He didn't ascribe causes, just stated the empirical truth.…
286. One of the most accomplished and respected psychiatrists in the world was suspended from one job, dismissed from another and "resigned" from a third, all because of a well-meaning, but inartful, compliment towards a black woman.…
287. Another educator fired for uttering the n-word during a discussion over its appropriateness in certain contexts. As @JohnHMcWhorter said about a similar case, this is "performative delicacy" and "makes black people look dumb".… ImageImage
288. Another person summarily axed for transgressing a sacred tenet of progressive dogma and expressing criticism of transgender ideology.…
289. Sometimes cancellations happen from the Right too, and we should be equally incensed about them. A long time educator found himself out of a job after he read a silly children's story that some found to be inappropriate.
290. A high school teacher was fired from her job due to her expressing on social media her disagreement with tenets of gender ideology and CRT.…
291. A lesbian author had an award nomination retracted because she got into a twitter argument that some people claimed was transphobic.…
292. Another professor in trouble for saying forbidden words in the context of explaining their offensive nature.…
293. Trans activists targeted a nurse for questioning aspects of gender ideology and she is now being subjected to a professional investigation threatening her career.…
294. A librarian's efforts to resist the American Library Association's push to inject progressive politics into libraries got him fired.…
295. A feminist scholar was scheduled to give a talk at Harvard on British Romanticism and philosophy. When the organizers found out she didn't subscribe to the progressive orthodoxy on gender she was disinvited. Read her amazing response here:…
296. More canceling from the publishing world: a book about a black subculture sparked a social media outcry that spurred the publisher to apologize for it and pull it from the shelves. The problem that caused the outrage? It was written by a white woman.… ImageImageImageImage
297. A world-renowned cancer researcher had his life ripped to shreds over nebulous accusations that stemmed from a 2-year-long consensual relationship with a colleague.…
298. A progressive 71-yr-old author was kicked out of a conference she was being honored at because... she accidentally referred to a black author she was praising as "a colored person" instead of "a person of color". Cruelty masquerading as "inclusivity".
299. Princeton University used the pretext of a 15-year-old consensual relationship (for which he had already been punished) to fire a tenured professor who spoke out against the progressive racial narrative. But don't worry, Cancel Culture isn't real.…
300. There is no greater manifestation of cancel culture than taking away a person's livelihood. @SwipeWright (who has already had an appearance on this list at #19) got kicked off of Etsy and PayPal for simply stating biological facts (aka "hate speech").…
301. A Midwesterner made some silly TikTok videos about his culture shock living in NYC and had some mildly critical reactions about how crazy it all seemed to him and as a result.... the Internet mob went after him and got him fired.…
302. A Minneapolis theater that had scheduled a performance by comedian Dave Chappelle found itself unexpectedly facing a backlash from some of its staff and customers. They cancelled his show at the last minute.…
303. A conference for intelligence researchers cancelled one of the presenters, @KirkegaardEmil, because the keynote speaker accused him of racism and threatened to boycott it if he participated. (Article is by @NoahCarl90, who is #110 on this list.)…
304. An acclaimed college football coach of over two decades was forced to "resign" in response to outrage over his reading a "shameful" word that was written on the computer screen of one of his players.…
305. After a composer expressed his support for critics of gender ideology, the CEO of the company he co-founded denounced him and announced that he was "taking a break".…
306. A progressive documentary filmmaker who was initially lauded by the Left for her work, found herself, and her film, totally blacklisted, and denounced by her former supporters, after her work fell afoul of some Muslim critics.… ImageImageImage
306b. Sam Harris just released a 3-hour discussion with the creator of the film, where she goes into extraordinary detail about the injustice done to her. This is a cancellation of someone who herself admits she didn't believe in cancel culture.…
306c. I encourage all who are moved by her story and want to help her out to donate to her fundraiser:…
307. Editor of science journal fired for allowing criticism of black authored paper on the importance of diversity.…
307b. See also this account of events from @PsychRabble, another player targeted in this insane debacle.…
308. A professor is summarily fired for showing his class a painting that had an image of Muhammad, even though he had warned the class about it ahead of time and given anyone who objected to seeing it a chance to opt-out of the class.…
309. A graphic artist (@ninapaley) who had successfully completed a crowdfunded campaign to fund her comic book had the campaign cancelled by IndieGoGo because it expressed a gender critical perspective.…
310. A story corroborating the recent NYT report on schools transitioning kids behind their parents' backs: A UK math teacher who would not go along with "affirming" a gender change occurring without the parent's knowledge was fired for 'transphobia'.…
311. A Canadian high school teacher who challenged a progressive shibboleth was sacked for his heresy.…
312. A Spanish feminist academic @Laura__Favaro was sacked for writing and researching about the gender debate in an "unapproved" manner.
She's pushing back. Support her in her fight against those trying to silence her by donating to her fundraiser here:… ImageImageImage
313. Another academic fired for challenging progressive pieties, this time regarding the controversial subject of IQ and race.
He's suing the university. If you want to help in his fight, donate to his fundraiser here:
314. @byrne_a, a well respected, and previously published, academic philosopher, had his book contract reneged on. Why? Because trans activists mounted a smear campaign against him after he had the temerity to argue that a woman is "an adult human female".…
315. A law professor is suspended and placed under investigation by his university for misconduct. His crime? They won't tell him, but we do know that he publicly expressed opposition to their DEI policies. See… and…
316. Another instance of questioning DEI costing someone a job: Graduate students were upset that U of Toronto Psychology professor @yorl expressed skepticism about DEI policies in a podcast, so they petitioned the school to prevent his hiring.…
317. A former educator who was bullied during a DEI session, and then thrown under the bus by his professional colleagues for his failure to bend the knee to the anti-racism ideology, killed himself last week.…
318. A left-leaning journalist, @davidvolodzko, is fired by The Seattle Times after the mob comes after him for the transgression of being too critical of Lenin and communism.…
320. Liking a tasteless tweet earns a NASCAR driver an indefinite suspension.…

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More from @SoOppressed

Jan 3
With everyone talking about the Rotherham grooming gang scandals that were buried in the media, it is worth reminding the world that this didn't just happen in Rotherham. It happened all over the UK. Here is a list of many more such gangs which were allowed to operate:
Read 16 tweets
Jan 4, 2023
1/6 In the recent trans bathroom case (Adams v School Board), one of the dissenting judges said, "gender identity is an immutable, biological component of a person’s sex". This is in direct contradiction to everything trans activists have been telling us for years! Some examples:
2/6 From the Human Rights Campaign's FAQ for parents of non-binary youth:
3/6 From Harvard Medical School:…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 16, 2021
Yesterday, @wil_da_beast630 asked for examples of modern "neo-racist" segregation, so here's a compilation of many such instances of progressive-backed segregation, AKA "anti-racism".
1. Segregated college housing at NYU:…
2. A student demand for segregated housing (aka "affinity housing") at Williams College:… Image
Read 21 tweets
Feb 10, 2021
Thread: So many people are reacting with surprise to the NY Times's firing of a star journalist with the explanation that "intent doesn't matter". That's insane! they exclaim. How can any reasonable person think that? Well, I've got news for you: This insanity is not at all new.
There are so many cases like this one, of people being punished even though there was absolutely no offense intended. In fact, in some cases, they were even trying to highlight how *bad* the word is! It's the collective shrugging of our shoulders when these outrageous...
....incidents happen that allows this standard to become the new normal. If you disagree that "intent doesn't matter", don't stay silent the next time this happens. Here's a sampling of many other such cases where people were punished even though no offense was intended.
Read 42 tweets
May 9, 2019
1/6 This article is a perfect example of why the media has lost its credibility. The headline is obviously meant to give the (false) impression that she was denied her win due to unfair sexist discrimination. The reality is much less disturbing.…
2/6 First of all, she wasn't denied the marathon win. She was denied a novelty Guinness World Record for racing *while wearing a nurse's outfit*. This is obviously very different from being denied the actual marathon world record, as the headline implies.
3/6 Secondly, she was informed BEFOREHAND what the criteria were to be eligible for the award, and she knowingly chose *NOT* to meet those criteria. There is nothing unfair about being denied an award if you deliberately chose not to follow the rules required to earn that reward.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 17, 2019
In regards to the Smollett case, despite the fact that the usual suspects will insist that this is a rare occurrence, the reality of phony racist (and homosexual) hate crimes perpetrated by the "victim" is actually quite common. Here's just a small sampling of such cases:
Read 31 tweets

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