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It’s Wednesday 15 July and we’re back at the Royal Courts of Justice for Day 7 of the Johnny Depp v NGN libel trial. He is suing the publisher of the The Sun newspaper for libel after it claimed he was a “wife-beater”
Today's schedule is as follows:
Ben King (in person) – Mr Depp’s former estate manager
Kevin Murphy (video link) – Mr Depp’s estate manager
Katherine Kendall (video link) – Actor and #MeToo advocate

Winona Ryder (video link) – Actor and former girlfriend of Mr Depp

Kate James (video link) – Former personal assistant to Ms Heard
No Winona in person. Shame.
The action is happening in court 13 - the principal court for the purposes of this trial.
Proceedings are due to start today at 10am BST. I will be live-tweeting throughout the day from the reporters court (38) which is connected by videolink.
Just a reminder that I cannot record video, audio or take any pictures whilst anywhere in the court or court precincts. It is a potential criminal offence to do so.
With regard to the live-tweeting I have a legal and professional responsibility to be “contemporaneous, accurate and fair”. I can’t speculate or answer any questions as to how I think it might be going for either party.
Also - what I am writing is a summary of what is being said in court. I am paraphrasing the exchanges in order to keep up with people as they talk. Nothing is a direct quote unless it is in “direct quotes”.
For direct quotes you will need to read the transcripts which I am now posting each evening after proceedings have finished. You can read the first six days here: plus all the witness statements.
I am reporting this trial on a day-by-day basis depending on my other commitments and the general affordability of doing so. My work is entirely crowdfunded and there is a tip jar pinned to the top of my twitter feed.
Thanks so much if you have made a contribution. Please only tip what you can afford and keep it small. There’s a £2.50 or £5 option. Those are the best ones.
If you can’t get the payment portal to work I have a paypal me account:
As I mentioned earlier I had a look at the analytics this morning and my twitter feed has received more than 50,000,000 impressions in the last 7 days, which is a bit of a bump from the previous week (by about 50m).
I am also getting 1000 replies a day. Thanks very much indeed to everyone taking an interest. Please accept my apologies if I don’t respond.
Today there are 11 other journalists with me in court 38, but @SianHarrisonpa and @SamioTobin who work High Courts full time for the Press Association have disappeared. Maybe they’re making the representations over access to documents to the court (mentioned yesterday).
@sianharrisonPA @samiotobin Sam Sian and I are meant to be going for a drink this evening but as I was up after midnight trying to wrestle transcripts onto my website I think I will be better off walking out of court tonight and trying to find a quiet corner in which to sleep.
@sianharrisonPA @samiotobin I’m sure they’ll understand.
@sianharrisonPA @samiotobin Having been pasty-shamed for my lunch choices over the last two days I am going to attempt something healthier today, and I might even give up the chocolate bar. But i draw the line at swapping out the Diet Coke (other colas are available).
@sianharrisonPA @samiotobin “Court rise!”

Judge is here. We’re underway.
@sianharrisonPA @samiotobin Ben King is being sworn in.
Ben King is Mr Depp’s former estate manager.

He is being asked to check his witness statement is correct and true.
Mr King is wearing a dark suit, light coloured shirt, dark (blue?) plain tie. He has greying hair and looks quite trim. He is one of the few witnesses not to be wearing glasses and I think from what little he’s said so far, he is English.
He has three full bottles of water on his left in the witness box and there is still some confusion over documents which is why he hasn’t started giving evidence.
BK = Ben King
QC = Sasha Wass QC for The Sun (NGN)

QC you gave a 12 par WS effectively dealing with the Australia trip in 2015 and didn’t mention and London and Vancouver
BK I think I mentioned London
QC you did, but you didn’t really deal with the events there
BK no
QC you then delivered a second WS this week in which you say you saw AH drink two bottles of wine a night and take pills - did you volunteer this information or did Mr Depps solicitors come to you?
BK it was simply providing a bit more information as necessary
QC did you go to them or did they come to you
BK it was just providing information

[Judge intervenes BK is very softly spoken and is hard to hear - he has been told now three times to speak up]
QC so you had a point of contact with JD’s legal team
BK in order to do this
QC what kind of timeframe
BK since I was asked to give evidence
QC since 2016
BK well I don’t know the dates
QC was there one particular point of contact
BK no
QC Adam Waldman?
BK he was one of them
QC was Mr Waldman in the provision of your second statement in any way
BK I don’t know
QC did you have any contact with him in the provision of your second statement
BK no more than anyone else
QC so is your answer yes, then
BK can you ask me the question again
QC when did you last deal with Mr Waldman
BK I don’t know
QC are you trying to be helpful
BK yes of course
QC is it true you were told that when you were first interviewed for your job in Oct 2014 that JD was teetotal
BK correct
QC that he had been a drinker and was no longer
JD yes correct
QC and what you say in your second statement was that when you went to JD’s house in London you saw cases of wine and you were surprised by this
BK correct
QC and you say you didn’t see JD drink
BK correct
QC but you did see AH drink
BK yes
QC so you reached the conclusion that AH drank 2 bottles of wine a night
BK not every night
QC but you came to this conclusion by counting the bottles that were drunk - not seeing AH drink
BK correct
QC did you know if JD was clean from drugs in Oct 2014
BK I don’t know
QC would he have done drugs in front of you
BK I don’t know if he was clean of drugs - not my business I was just there to manage the hom
QC did you see him drink wine?
BK no
QC could have have been
BK no because there would only be one glass in the morning to clear up
[we go to a bundle]
QC takes him to the 2014 massage/monster/swallow an E each/go to a Peruvian spot text
[see previous transcripts] - your evidence is that you didn’t see him take any drugs
BK not these drugs
QC did you see him take any drugs? Cocaine?
BK no
QC Marijuana
BK yes
QC but you told me..
.. you didn’t see him take drugs.
BK not those drugs [he gestures to the documents]
QC right - when did you see him take marijuana
BK he used to smoke it around the house most days
QC and JD used to leave notes around the house for AH - did you read them?
BK no - well only to...
… check they weren’t for me.
QC did you know what their arguments were about
BK well it wasn’t my business
QC do you don’t know what their arguments were about
BK well I sort… I
QC why did you, if you didn’t know what the arguments were about did you say in your WS that...
… AH was the antagoniser.
BK it seemed to me that’s how I saw it
QC so why was she the antagoniser BK that’s how it was
QC you are only saying this because you are here to support Mr Depp
BK if that’s what you think
QC you say you never saw any voilence on either side
BK correct
QC but you saw a smashed glass and a smashed bottle
BK yes
QC and you say you never saw Mr Depp smash anything
BK no
QC I’m going to show you a short clip
[we go to the clip we saw yesterday and on Day 1 of JD shouting “motherfucker”, pouring a large glass of wine...
…. kicking and smashing cupboards.]
QC did you ever see JD conduct himself like that during the time you worked for him
BK no I didn’t
QC you were present in Australia during the damaged finger incident 8 March 2015.
BK yes
QC I later read in the media that it was alleged that AH threw a bottle at JD...
… the bottle smashed and the impact of the vodka bottle smashing, cut the tip of his finger off. Is that correct - you read it in the media
BK well probably yes
QC is it true or not? It’s in your statement
BK well if that’s what my statement says
Judge - I can read it in your...
… statement. Is it true?
BK yes
QC now you weren’t told what had happened when you arrived at the house or what had happened to Mr Depp’s finger
BK yes
QC the house was wrecked and you were tasked to look out for JD’s fingertip
BK yes whilst clearing up
QC and you describe in your statement the clean up efforts - immediate damage and then organised floor sandings, paintwork, plasterwork, chipped stonework etc - and you took a photograph.
QC we can see from the photo a smashed window, smashed glasses, debris on the side, bottles of alcohol in and out of the fridge and this was part of a much greater picture of wreckage?
BK that was the predominant damage in that area
QC yes in that area, but there was...
… much more elsewhere in the house
BK I suppose so
[argument about a phone being ripped from the wall - BK doesn’t remember this]
QC you also said there was no urine on the floor - why say what there wasn’t
BK there was something said about messages written in urine around the..
… house
QC I don’t think anyone is saying there were messages written in urine. It was alleged that JD had urinated inside and outside the house
BK there was no urine
QC what mess was there
BK blood, paint, graffiti
QC and you are sure there was no urine
BK quite sure
QC how can
you know
BK the carpet company didn’t complain and I think I would have noticed when I came back a week later for the deep clean and repairs I think I would have noticed.
Ben King photo of the damage to the house in Australia in March 2015.
[We get to the point where BK finds JD’s fingertip and QC challenges his conclusion as to how it might have happened. He accepts he is neither a pathologist, doctor or detective]
[QC challenging him on an apparent change in his story from WS1 to WS2 about the cuts to AH’s arm - Ws1 he says he saw no cuts, bruises or injuries to AH in WS2 he says he did she cuts to her arm and advised her to cover them when they flew back to LA]
QC in WS2 you did say...
… you noticed cuts on her arm, straight diagonal cuts but you say you didn’t notice anything in your first WS - two different accounts
BK I don’t accept that
QC you don’t accept you have given two completely conflicting accounts?!
Judge - I think we’ve gone as far as we...
… need to with that.
QC okay - anyway - we’d got to LA - you advised her to cover he sleeves - why
BK because people might be there to take photographs
QC how did she look - good? her best?
BK I dont’ remember
QC you remember the cuts but you dont’ remember how she looked
QC later on in your witness statement you say she said to you “have you ever been so angry with someone that you’ve just lost it?”
BK correct
QC but you didn’t ask why she said that
BK no
QC AH may well say she has no recollection of saying that
BK she said it
[we’re going through a chronology for the judge.
On 9 March BK flies with AH to LA. Then a week later, BK returns, then on 21 March JD and AH took a private flight back to Australia]
QC and they had their dogs with them and they arrived at the house with them
BK correct
QC and no one told you the dogs had been brought into the country illegally and you took the dogs to a grooming parlour at one point
BK yes
QC and the groomers took photos of them
BK I didn’t have any control over that
QC and the ownership of the dogs was revealed to the media
BK not by me
QC and it was only after the photos were published in the media that it became apparent there was a problem with the dogs
BK yes
QC and when JD and AH were back in Austrlia after 21 April [sorry I think I said 21 March earlier] that it was a very happy time for the..
… couple.
BK I can’t comment on that
QC well you commented on their relationship in your statement when things weren’t going well, why can’t you comment on their happiness?
BK well I can tell you there were still arguments if that’s helpful.
QC it is, thank you.
[we go to the text exchange between Jerry Judge and JD in which JJ is happy for AH and JD and JD responds with the “lock the monster” text]
QC does that help you explain what was going on there
BK yes - but there were still arguments.
[no further questions from QC]
[David Sherborne on his feet - DS is JD’s barrister]
DS was your contract with JD your first?
BK no I’ve been a house manager, butler for many clients
DS High profile ones - you don’t need to name them
BK yes, many
DS you were asked about arguments and when you were talking...
… about London. and you say in your witness statement you witnessed AH goading JD. Was this only Australia?
BK no in London and Australia
DS you were then asked who you spoke to abut your 2nd witness statement - is that your evidence or evidence of someone else
BK it’s all my...
… evidence in both statements.
DS and you were challenged on saying that all the alcohol was for AH - because you saw a glass - what did you mean
BK yes I knew JD didn’t drink and I only saw one glass when I cleared up by the bedside.
DS who did you see drinking
BK - I saw AH...
… drink, but not JD.
DS were there other visitors?
BK yes AH had a group of friends to stay.
DS I’m going to ask you about what happened in London first… you say you heard AH and JD arguing
BK correct
DS then Mr Depp left notes and you had to read them in case they were...
… instructions.
BK yes in case they wanted me to do something or they might be thank you notes for something I had done for them.
DS and JD sometimes left notes for AH which were loving notes
DS and you say you heard an comment from AH when JD removed his hand from her arm
… whilst they were watching TV and she said “maybe you don’t love me”
BK yes
DS which escalated
[BK goes on to say he thought they sounded like children sometimes]
DS and you say AH was always the antagoniser
BK yes
DS and that JD would move into another room to get away from AH
BK yes
DS can I then take you, so to speak, to Australia - in your 2nd WS you say you didn’t see urine, you chaperoned the cleaners and ensured they weren’t taking photos and out of professional curiosity
BK yes to oversee their work
DS you didn’t smell urine, or see it
BK no
DS have you got experience of clearing up urine in houses
Judge - I don’t think we need to…
DS no… can I then take you to the idea that you were completely wrong to say messages had been written in urine [he refers to AH’s WS in which she says JD pissed inside the house...
… and tried to write her name in urine to nervous laughter from those present]
BK i’m not sure what you want me to say
Judge - what’s the question
DS what do you say about that
BK there was no urine in the house
[we’re on to the blood spattering and trails - BK says they were up the stairs, downstairs and in a couple of bedrooms]
DS you say on the flight back to LA AH asked “have you ever been so angry with someone that you lost it? and you said it had never happened to you
BK yes
DS and when you said no she repeated the question
BK yes
DS was that at the beginning of the flight?
BK yes
DS did you speak much after that
BK no we were both exhausted - I’d been cleaning the house for 13 hours and she’d had a very emotional time
DS did she speak to many...
… people or do much?
BK no - she did go to the bathroom in the plane on our second flight and I think that was to make a phone call.
BS and then when you landed in LA you advised AH to cover her arms. it was put to you you made this up after hearing Jerry Judge’s tape about the
… cuts.
DS what JJ says is that those cuts were self-inflicted - did you know which arm they were on?
BK no
DS it’s been suggested to you that you’ve come here in order to support Mr Depp and to lie on oath.
BK I would not lie on oath - everything I have said is true
DS do you..
depend on Mr Depp for your livelihood? No I was brought in as the… hired help if you will and I have many other clients who I do the same for.
And that concludes Ben King’s evidence. We’re on a 10 minute break. I’ll try to tweet as much of both his statements as I can during the break because I am a masochist.
I worked for the Claimant, Mr John Christopher Depp II and Ms Amber Heard, as their house manager in London for one month, in October 2014, and subsequently ...
… Australia for seven months, from February 2015 to August 2015, during Mr Depp's filming of Pirates of the Caribbean. I have not worked for Mr Depp since this date.
l do not know the full details of the Claimant's claims against the Defendants in these proceedings. However, I have been shown paragraphs 8.a.8 to 8.a.11 of the Defendants' Amended Defence, which state:
a.8. On or around 3 March 2015 Ms Heard and the Claimant were in Australia. The Claimant subjected Ms Heard to a three-day ordeal ofphysical assault which left her with injuries including a broken lip, swollen nose, and cuts all over her body.
On the first day, during an argument about the Claimant's drug use, the Claimant pushed Ms Heard, slapped her, and shoved her to the ground before she retreated to a locked bedroom.
The Claimant stayed up all night taking around eight MDMA (ecstasy) pills and drinking alcohol.
a.9. The following morning, the Claimant became physically abusive towards Ms Heard after shefound a bag ofMDMA pills and confronted him about his drug-taking. The Claimant argued thafMDMA was not on his "not allowed" list,
which Ms Heard disputed. [11 response, the Claimantswallowed more pills and chased them down with liquor. Ms Heard, concerned about the interaction of the various drugs the Claimant was taking,
asked him what else he had taktJn that day. The Claimant screamed at her and grabbed her by the wrist as she tried /ol(l{.We iheroom, then violently dropped it and .mid words to the effect "f "leave anyway".
Sfje,leftthetoom ant) barricaded herselfinto another room. 1'he Claim011t br"ke through the \dppf'.;/::Zn.d attacktJd U~ Heard. During the course o f the day. the Claimant hit Ms Heard .. lfl.!J#ikl!# tim";S. shpved tmdpushed her to the ground.
[sorry I’m copy and pasting from a v dodgy pdf which is at a slight angle as reproduced]
choked her, a11d spat in her .face. 111e CJl!f11ian.t then/umtled her a liquor botlle that he was dri11king from and asked her, "What .~,~~~·</P?''JYhenMsHeard threw thtl bottle 011 the float; t

[hmm… maybe I should put them both up online and link to them. best use of time]
Okay both Ben King Witness statements are up here:
scroll to the bottom.
Right I’m running out for a quick break before the next witness
Kevin Murphy – Mr Depp’s estate manager has been sworn in via videolink from Chicago. He seems an affable chap - early 50s, short-ish gret hair, dark plain suit and tie, blue shirt and glasses with translucent rims. He has orange in-ear earphones in. And he is currently...
… confirming his witness statement.
QC is on her feet.
QC you looked after the properies owned by Mr Depp and you were responsible for maintenance, security etc
KM yes
QC you didn’t live or eat with JD and AH
KM I did not
QC you had a working relationship with AH
KM yes
QC but your paymaster was JD
KM correct
QC you say you never heard her complaining of abuse by JS
KM there was one incident she talked about
QC that ws the headbutt incident in Dec 2015
KM I don’t know if there was a headbutt
QC would you epect her to share things about her personal life?
KM I don’t know
QC so JD...
… complained about Ah to you. So you got one side of the story. Do you agree?
KM I don’t know the story… there were instances…
QC you got one side
KM I didn’t hear anything from AH
QC so you agree.
QC in you WS - Ms Heard’s request for false statements in Australian proceedings - that’ your description of what happened?
KM yes
QC and in trying to support that assertion you refer to an email chain between you, Marty Singer and AH
KM I don’t see where you are looking
QC okay I’m going to try to get something up on your screen
an email starting 11 Oct 2015 from AH to Marty - Marty Singer?
KM yes
QC and MS is JD’s lawyer?
KM I thought he was representing AH?
QC had you come across him before?
KM I had heard his name before but I don’t think we’d interacted
QC he was JD’s lawyer of many years
KM okay
[the email chain appears to show MS asking for someone called Kate James for a document to find out whether AH and JD’s dogs were vaccinated]
QC and one of your duties was to ensure the dogs were vaccinated before going to Australia - so the fact it wasn’t in order was...
…your fault and that of Kate James.
KM that’s not correct.
QC now the dogs travelled to Australia with AH and JD on 21 April 2015. Were you on the plane with them?
KM I was not
QC but you accept JD chartered a plane to Australia on that date
KM I don’t know who chartered the plane
QC there were two dogs - Pistol and Boo. JD bought it for his mum and his mum returned the dog to JD
KM I think he said that
QC the issue of the dogs illegal entry into...
… Australia would have been a problem for Mr Depp?
KM yes
QC JD’s visa into Australia could have been affected if he were charged
KM I don’t know the answer to that
QC you can confirm tho that JD’s filming schedul had been interrupted by a damaged finger
KM yes
QC and the last thing JD wanted was a further interruption to the filming of that film
KM I can’t speak to that
QC when something was posted on social media showing the dogs and when this came to light, JD arranged that his lawyer in the US Marty Singer dealt with this
KM I don't
… know.
QC and as we’ve seen from the email traffic how it was you were included in a chain from MS.
Judge - we’ve done this
QC AH never asked you to make a false statement in relation to the proceedings involving the dog
KM that’s incorrect
QC you say she...
… she threatened you.
KM that’s how I saw it
QC you say she she said it would be a shame if something happened to your job
KM well there’s more - she said I want your help
QC I will read out your statement “well I want your help on this I wouldn’t want you to have a problem with your job”
KM correct
QC and you describe this as threatening language which made you feel uneasy
KM that’s correct
QC In fact AH never did this
KM is that a question
QC I am suggesting you were lying
KM I am not
QC you are saying is that AH is asking you to commit perjury. Would you commit perjury
KM no
[QC goes on to read out from KM’s witness statement about this in full]
QC you say AH threatened you and your job if you failed to make a statement. What you don’t say is if you made a false statement or not.
QC did you make a false statement?
[KM has been asked to be taken to his statement as he can’t see it at the moment]
QC nowhere do you mention whether or not you gave a statement as you say you were asked to in the Australian proceedings.
KM I did give a declaration
QC you made a second statement to this court and it turns out that you had made a statement in the Australian proceedings and you left it out of the first WS
KM not intentionally left out
QC it was left out to be intentionally misleading
KM I would not agree with that.
QC let’s go to your statement to the Australian authorities about the dogs - you signed that statement and you were prepared to go to court and take an oath on the basis of that statement
[she out reads the statement]
QC … among my responsibilities… i have to assist with travel documents for their dogs Pistol and Boo. this involves submitting proper applications and permits and vaccinations… on other occasions AH’s assistant Kate James would be responsible…
KM she would assist
… I was the person responsible
QC over the years I have been responsible for obtaining paperwork for the dogs all over the world - it is a householdpolicy that neithe JD or AH travel with the dogs unless they have prior approval
KM true, but it wasn’t complied with
QC it is policy that we don’t inform JD an AH if everything is okauy - only if there is a problem. Tru?
KM not completely correct - JD never wanted the dogs to travel so I would only spek to AH about
QC that’s not true JD was as keen as AH to get the dogs to Australia...
QC you say that you would notify JD and AH if there was a problem
KM not correct - just JD
QC well why explicitly state Mr Depp unless it was true
KM it’s not true
QC why put something untrue in a statement
KM because it was what I was asked to agree to at threat of losing my job
QC but you’d worked for him for years, he’s an approachable man, is he not?
KM yes
QC and so you’re saying AH asked you to lie in your witness statement and potentially lie on oath in court
KM yes
QC why didn’t you ask JD to intervene when you were asked to lie on oath
QC because
[sorry this is KM] AH wielded a lot of power and she could make my life very difficult
QC it was open to you to approach mr depp
KM I didn’t feel like that was an option.
[we go back to KM’s witness statement in which he says it was ms James primary responsiblity to arrange the responsibility for the dogs]
QC so given you’ve just told it was your responsibility, this part of your WS is untrue
KM that’s correct
QC and we know Ms James was...
… fired by AH. and you weren’t sorry to see her go
KM I wouldn’t say that
QC you didn’t have a good relationship with Ms James did you
KM I thought we did
QC and you say in your WS that you thought Ms James had arranged the docs for the dogs to go to Oz - and that’s a lie
KM can you show me this in the statement
[QC goes through it again]
QC that’s not true is it
KM no
QC because it was your job and you were blaming it on Ms James. Do you agree
KM that’s the way it’s written for me by Marty Singer and AH
QC AH played no part in writing
… this statement. Did she?
KM she did
QC how
KM in conversations with me AH said we should place the blame on KJ because she wasn’t working for her any more, but I should be there for back up
Judge - which statement are we talking about
QC the one to the Australian court
QC did you read the statement before you signed it
KM yes
QC AH was not there when you drafted the statement or signed it
KM no
QC as far as you are aware did she ever see that statement
KM I don’t know
QC you are now admitting committing perjury as part of something your...
… boss’s wife asked you to do.
KM that’s correct
QC would it be easier to commit perjury because of what JD asked you to do
KM I wouldn’t, no, because Johnny never asked me to lie
QC your WS contains a number of lies which you have made to assist JD and discredit AH
KM I disagree
QC the WS we’ve just read together attributes joint responsibility to JD and AH
KM as it’s written, but as I’ve said that’s untrue
QC they were both involved ingetting the dogs to Australia
KM no - JD never wanted them there - that’s why AH’s name was on the docs
[we are watching a TV interview with JD in which he explains the dog incident - saying he didn’t try to smuggle them in. JD replies he didn’t but “there might have been other things smuggled” to whooping from the crowd’]
QC Mr Depp took joint responsiblity for the dogs because he was
KM are you saying that in regard to the video clip we just watched?
QC that’s one reason I am making the assertion - let’s watch another clip
[this is what looks like a hostage video made by AH and JD...
… talking about the importance of biosecurity in Australia]
QC JD knew exactly what was going on
DS is that a question?
Judge - do you agree that JD knew what was going on with the dogs.
KM I do not agree
This is JD and AH's hostage video. It’s on YouTube:

[They go to a text message from JD to Ah - dated 20 April 2016]
QC the australian dog case was concluded on 18 April 2016. what the text says is “how many times can be apologise for the same things… how do you think the goddam felony charges went away?” what does that refer to
KM I dont’ know
QC where there any other felony charges hanging over anyone else in April 2016
KM I don’t know
QC you have represented this entire episode in an entirely misleading way in order to discredit AH and to protect the fact you had failed to do your job properly
KM disagrees
QC now in your WS you also say you’ve see AH shout at JD but never JD shout at AH
KM that’s true
[we go back to the “motherfucker” wine pouring cupboard smashing video]
QC did JD have a problem with alcohol over the time he worked with you
KM yes
QC and on and off because he tried to control it he would behave in a way we saw in that clip
KM I would disagree
QC you’ve never seen him that way
KM no. he looked angry at the cabinet and AH for...
… filming him.
QC and you’ve never seen him do anything like that
KM no
QC did you know he took illegal drugs
KM I’ve never seen him take drugs
QC did you know he took drugs from someone else - eg Nathahn Holmes
KM I do not recall hearing that from NH
QC you say AH drinks and takes amphetamine and takes Provigil - a drug for narcolepsy
KM I don’t know
QC it’s not an illegal drug is it
KM I dont’ know
QC well where are you getting your info from in this statement
KM "I know when she takes it she gets very speedy"
[we rise for lunch]
See I can do healthy. More expensive, mind.
We’re back in the room. Judge is sitting, there’s some timetabling discussion now.
I think and I say THINK because all the hacks are confused, that the court has agreed not to xe Winona Ryder today.
Because they’re running behind on time.
I’m not sure about Katherine Kendall who was meant to be now.
But they’re very keen to get Kate James (AH’s former assistant) on this afternoon.
Kevin Murphy (KM) is being asked to look at a document by Sasha Wass (QC)
[It is a text with apicture of a closet - 23 March 2015 6.57 - “Good morning sir - so um Johnny Destroyed AH’s closet and there’s some other damage to PH5 (one of JD’s ECB apartments)]
QC that’s from Whitney to you... you say I suppose so I’m up
QC and she texts back “insanity...
… just fucking insanity.”
QC and this is where AH kept her clothes
KM yes and some of Johnny’s were there but mainly AH’s
QC and she normally keeps her clothes very orderly
KM yes
QC and there’s some orderly shoes there
KM [checks he’s looking at the same photo]
QC there’s a photo of the clothes rail on its side. in fact it’s half the way down the stairs
KM it’s on the mezzanine, yes and I see the shoes
QC and something or somebody appears to have caused the shelves to be knocked on their side - do you agree
KM yes
QC and we see [on another photo] clothes strewn over the floor
KM can you describe it a bit more
QC there’s a clothes rail on the floor and if you scroll right down the message says “just to give you an idea”
KM i see it
QC so do you agree that on 23 March to clear up the mess
QC you were called to clear up the mess
KM well no the mess was shown to me and I went there
QC and you went there to clean it up
KM yes with another co-worker
QC On 15 Dec 2015 did you receive an email from AH...
… this is a one-line text.
KM [doesn’t have it]
QC I’ll read it out to you
QC on 16 Dec 2015…
DS says KM has it - do you have a core bundle and a supplementary bundle
KM it’s possible but I’m not sure where I’m at
Judge - Ms Wass will read it to you
Judge - and DS will correct her if she’s got it wrong
QC on 16 Dec 2015 you got a text “hey there I just wanted to let you know that the maids will be needed downtown today” what did you understand by that
KM that’s been said to me many many many many times.
KM It just meant they were needed for cleaning
QC you attended on that occasion
KM I don’t recall
QC and that was the occasion you were told by AH that she was assaulted by Johnny Depp
KM could you give me some more context on the date
QC let’s go to your WS
QC in your QS you say I have been told that JD is accused of beating AH so badly in the head and body that their bed broke. I attended on 16 Dec and AH called to me from the master bedroom. She was crying she said JD had hit her in the head several times and pulled out her hair.
QC I was not far from her and I became suspicious as I could not see any marks or bruises or any areas where hair had been removed from her head. I believe she was waiting for a makeup artist - remember now?
KM I do now
QC do you remember the gold graffiti in the...
… apartment.
KM vaguely
QC do you want to see the photo
KM no I’ve seen it on the internet, but at the time I was called to the bedroom and there was someone there already cleaning
QC AH told you that JD had pushed her onto the bed in PH4 with such force the bed frame had broken
KM no I remember her pointing to a tuft of hair and saying JD had pulled it out and then pointing to the bed and saying this is where JD broke the bed
QC and contrary to your WS AH had bruising coming up under both eyes
KM that’s incorrect
QC you’re aware that if someone gets hit
… on the nose it can cause bilateral bruising
KM that’s incorrect - there were no marks, no bruising, no redness
QC that’s untrue - you’re saying this to protect Mr Depp
KM your statement is false.
QC look at this photo and tell me if you can see any bilateral bruising to AH’s..
… eyes.
[it is the photo of AH with a white t-shirt on, hair scraped back looking straight into the camera with apparent bruising on both eyes]
QC did you see that?
KM I did
QC the metadata reveals it was created on 16 Dec 2015.
QC the day you went to see AH
QC is that how she looked to you when you saw her
KM I would reiterate - to redness, no scratching, no signs of physical abuse or confrontation
Judge - so she didn’t look like this photo
KM I am not a bruise exper, but when I saw her with no makeup
… there were no bruises and no signs of any kind of physical confrontation which she described as very violent.
[we go to next photo of AH looking up with a mark under her right eye and a swollen or puffy lip]
QC you saw her that day - is that how she looked
KM she had none of..
… the marks or contusions that she was describing to me
QC so there was no sign of an assault on her face and body
KM that’ correct
QC you are lying about that to protect JD and discredit AH
KM that’s incorrect ma’am
QC but you agree you saw a broken bed
KM yes
QC and tufts of
… hair on the floor.
KM I saw one tuft
[we move on to poopgate]
QC following this party you received a contact from the housekeeper Hilda Vargas showing faeces
KM yes
QC she was affronted and she believed them to be human faeces
KM yes
QC do you agree Boo (the dog) had...
… difficulty learning to defecate.
KM I don’t think it was the training - it was the follow-through.
QC I’m going to ask you to look at the screen...
[I think we’re going to texts. We are. WE can see them in the sense that they are visible, but they are illegible.]
KM I’m sorry, but it’s not legible.
[oh. he can’t see them properly either]
QC this is a text convo between you and AH in Oct 2014 - you say hi got your message not to worry about being rushed you are always very sweet to me - correct
KM most times yes she was
QC re Boo I’d like to put him with a dog trainer - it woiuld help him get socialised...
… I will discuss with J. Have a great trip….
QC [AH says- I’m worried he’s got brain damage - last night he’s shit on Johnny all over him whilst he was sleeping - I hate telling her off when she doesn’t seem to remember] remember that
KM I don’t think it was biological
… and I think the training was good, but it was just the follow-through about leaving the door open so they had time to go out
QC and you sent the photos to JD of the defecation in your bed you say JD was disgusted. Is that the truth
KM yes
[we go to a bundle]
[not in “your” bed “the” bed. sorry]
[She reads a series of text from JD saying “Poop? That story made my day”
“I’ve been through a whole lot of shit with her… the jokes are endless… hahaha… love you doll…
my wife left a whopper poop on my bed… Amber Turd…”]
QC it appears JD found this amusing
KM no I think
… he was being sarcastic.
QC did he laught about this sort of thing generally
KM I don’t know
QC you don’t know if he had a lavatorial sense of humour
[we go to another group of texts - from JD to AH]
QC it’s a blank text, but the image is “photo of faeces” and it’s dated 12 May
QC now you say that she referred to the photo of the faeces to you and said it was just a harmless prank. That never happened
KM it’s the truth
QC it was made up to make AH seem disgusting and discredit her
KM no that’s not true
Judge - pls finish your xe in two or three mins
QC before this is up I’m going to show you a series of texts from 2019 between you and JD - they demonstrate that you have gone out of your way to assist JD by giving evidence which is untrue in this case. Do you understand
KM I understand
QC did you have an opportunity to read those texts between you and JD
KM they were only 30% legible
QC let me read one “I’ll always have your back any time any where… continued exposure of Ms Scamber is key”… “here’s an example of evidence I sent to Adam” Adam Waldman?
KM I don’t know
QC [text from KM saying that AH’s photos and story was wrong and that KM had datestamped photos showing the true story] Was this an indication that you and Adam Waldman had been discussing the case
KM it could have been in relation to the US case
QC then you say “I have two photos that directly conflict with her two depo photos… taken at the same time during the AH requested tour of the room…” [goes on to text his correspondent about the weakness of AH’s evidence, suggesting it is all a set up]
QC [reads JD’s text about KM being a warrior for him and joining the battle] that was about a suggestion that you made on your WS that your photos were different to AH’s - you are suggesting there is some sort of conspiracy that different photographs suggest this is a fraud
KM I’m not suggesting - I’m saying it is a fraud
QC so you’ve concocted a story that JD’s domestic abuse is all an elaborate hoax
[no further questions]
DS (for JD) my Lord it’s now 3pm. My re-ex will take half an hour
[he is exasperated at how much QC keeps over-running]
[judge acknowledges]
DS to save me going back to these texts let’s look at them now - what is JD talking about when he says this is a crime against womankind - what did he mean
KM that this is something that doesn’t just affect him but everyone
DS have you given evidence which you believe was untrue
KM no
DS did you believe AH was telling the truth when she said JD hit her
KM no. she was not
DS you were asked about the exchange with Mr Singer- one of the other people on the emails was Karl Austin - did you know he was AH’s entertainment lawyer
KM I did not
DS it was then suggested to you that you were lying when you said JD had nothing to do with the dogs in terms...
… of travel. Because you put he had nothing to do with the travel of the dogs in your WS and in evidence - do you remember.
KM I remember

[today is really dragging, isn’t it…]
DS and there’s an email from you saying to AH that dogs will have to go cargo to Australia - they can’t come into the cabin. Not even service dogs can go in the cabin to Oz. It’ll cost $10K without the plane ticket and they’ll need 10 days quarantine. Do you still want me...
… to go ahead?
KM yep
DS and this is just to AH, isn’t it?
KM yes
DS then you say - would you allow them to fly cargo? and she says shit okay - we’re out of options then - I don’t know what else to do. see that
KM yes
DS do you see that because of the paperwork the timeframe was always the end of April - I believe the dogs are not able to enter Australia until the 27th - see that
KM yes
DS then an email from AH to you - I am sorry I thought they couldn’t come - what processes are you talking about and you say that there are some non-refundable processes even if the dogs aren’t going could you advise
KM yes
DS then you say we never finished this convo...
… and you ask her if she wants to continue this process… given she doesn’t want to send them cargo
[interminable texts and emails between AH, KM and Stephen Deuters follow about the dogs]
[SD asks KM if AH is aware of the final situation which is that the dogs can’t travel]
DS you were challenged by QC that JD was involved in the processs of taking the dogs to Australia. Is that correct
KM he was not involved
DS what did AH say when dog-gate blew up
KM she wanted me to ask Kate James to make a statement that was false - she wanted Kate to say messed up the paperwork, didn’t get the right paperwork, something to that effect
DS and did she
KM no
DS what happened
KM I didn’t ask her
DS why not
KM I refused
DS you came to make a statement about the dogs - QC asked you qs about this and you said its content reflected what AH wanted you to say. Did you speak to JD about this statement
KM no
DS what did AH want you to say
KM that essentially it was my fault in one way or another, so that the paperwork wasn’t completed and I could take the blame for her
DS we know you agreed to do that. You explained that you were scared of what AH would do because she wielded thepower in the relationship
KM that..
… she was in a position of power in the relationship.
DS would she follow through on her threat
KM yes I thought she would follow through
DS you signed this statement, were you happy to do so
KM no
DS what did you do about it
KM once they had been divorced and I knew she didn't
… have any power over me I hired an attorney to help me retract my statement
DS who paid for that attorney
KM me
[we move on to when AH tells KM that she was hit in the face several times]
DS you were shown photographs by QC - if AH looked like that would you have said in...
… your statement there were no cuts marks or bruises to her face
KM no I would not
DS it was said to you AH pointed out injuries - did she
KM she just said she had been hit in the face several times
DS she did point you to the hair and the bed and you took photographs of both
KM correct
[we go to 21 April - poopgate]
DS QC showed you a text exchange which showed he found it funny - you said he found it sarcastic. Was that a one off
KM it happened a lot
DS when I told him he was very upset and surprised
DS did AH tell you it was just a harmless...
… prank or not.
KM she certainly did
DS QC accused you of lying several times on your WS. In Dec 2019 were you working for JD
KM I was no
DS you parted company in August 2016
KM correct
DS and in your 2nd WS on 23 June 2020 - were you working for JD
KM I was not
DS did you have to come here to give evidence for JD and be accused of lying on oath for Ms Wass
KM I definitely did not
[no further questions]
[Judge says he is free to go]
[we’re having a short break. There is confusion in the reporters court as to who is up next - we’ve lost Winona and we think we’ve lost Katherine Kendall.]
[it is Kate James - Former personal assistant to Ms Heard. She is Australian with long blonde hair. Sh is wearing a charcoal grey jacket and a teal (?) blouse - I’d say she was in her 40s]
[she is being taken to her witness statements to affirm they are correct and true]
[KS has put on some stylish glasses to read her 2 witness statements]
Sasha Wass QC for NGN on her feet
QC you worked as a personal assistant from March 2012 - to Feb 2015 when your employment was terminated. How were you paid - did the money go to your bank account?
KS I was part time and at first it was a cheque, but then when I became full time
was paid through Paychecks. I became a W2 employee [which sounds like PAYE over here from what she’s saying]
QC so a 1099 person is self-employed
KS more a sort of flexible-working arrangement
QC and a salary is a W2 is where all benefits and taxes are paid at source...
KS correct
QC whilst you were with AH there was a lot of comms between you - I want to take you to two particular occasions...
[we go to a file]
[sorry I’ve been calling her KS - it’s KJ]
[we go to an email from AH to KJ dated 10 May 2014 whilst AH was working on the Aderol diaries]
QC would you and she be separated
KJ yes
QC you were in LA and if she was travelling you would be apart
KJ yes but when she was shooting...
… I would liaise over her schedule and manage her home in LA
QC so you weren’t in each others’ company when she travelled
KJ I brokered that deal that I wou;dn’t travel as I was a single mom and needed to pick my son up from school every day
QC do you remember she was filming the Aderol diaries with james Franco and AH sent you an email telling you not to send the line of her schedule to NH or Christy or anyone on his team
KJ yes
QC what is the one line of your schedule
KJ the scene that is going to be shot
QC she says I dont’ want anyone on Johnny’s team to see anything romantic or anything that could [cause] Johnny to lose it
KJ correct
QC did you understand that AH was concerned that JD might get upset or angry if he was made aware of romantic scenes between AH and the leading...
… man of the film
KJ I reckon it was more because she had a history with JF and she had described him as aggressive and rapey and she didn’t want it to cause confusion
QC you use the word rapey and that was exactly the same word that JD used in evidence about JF
QC have you spoken to JD recently
KJ I have not spoken to JD in many years
QC how many years
KJ five years
[we go to a file]
[it is a schedule]
QC I’m going to read a text from JD to you dated 13 Aug 2016 - “thank you sweetheart I’m disgusted that I ever touched that scum… come over for a spot of purple and we’ll fix her flabby ass nice and good"
Complete text: “Thank you sweetheart.. I’m disgusted that I ever touched that fuckin' scum. Back on Tuesday!!!! And then.. Court. Will hit you when I get back. come over for a spot of purple and we’ll fix her flabby ass nice and good. Loveth. J"
QC this was a text to you a few days before JD’s divorce with AH came through - remember that?
KJ I do now - thank you for reminding me
QC what’s purple?
KJ red wine
QC to fix her flabby ass - that was about AH, wasn’t it?
KJ yes
QC how friendly were you with JD
KJ that was probably the first text I had received from JD about Amber
QC your employment was terminated in Feb 2015, then there’s a public disputed which started at the end of May 2016 and JD contacted you out of the blue.
KJ yes
QC have you been in contact with him or someone..
on his team
KJ I don’t understand your question. it’s too broad
QC I suggest you and either JD or someone working for him colluded
to discredit AH
KJ no
QC you said AH drank 2 bottles of wine a night
KJ no I didn’t I said she drank vast quantities
QC when
KJ cos in the...
… morning I would go in and tidy up the bottles and because between 2am and 4am I would regularly get vile, drunken and abusive text messages from her.
QC I’m going to ask you about texts between you and AH...
[we do that]
[QC has got distracted because “I have managed to pour water all over my papers”]
QC [text on 24 May 2014 - from AH to KJ after a plane journey with JD] remember?
KJ correct
QC remember the journey was from Boston to LA: I have to leave JD - he’s just freaked out on me - he’s drinking again, worse than ever, I need to get out I’ve asked Stephen to help book us
… on the red-eye. I need to make this move.
QC having seen this text are you reminded of what the subject matter was
KJ I remember the day clearly
QC and she stayed in a hotel
KJ I don’t know why as she had her own apartment yes
QC she shared that apartment with him
KJ yes she went to the Chateau with four of her friends and basically had a pool party all day
QC she was supported by her friends
KJ yes drinking and swimming and having fun
QC you are influenced by your bias
KJ no I’m not
KJ says QC knows exactly why she is here which is because he has read her 2nd witness statement and she has no financial dependence on JD and she is a sexual violence survivor and that she will know what a big deal that is to be...
… in court making her position clear in this case
[as she is speaking angrily to Ms Wass the judge intervenes and says “we have the answer to your question”]
[QC gives up and says she has no further questions]
[DS re-examines]
DS have you see AH’s fifth WS - have you seen any...
… confidential statement that AH has made?
KJ no
DS why did you take exception to what AH said in her 5th witness statement
KJ because she took a story about ME being violently raped in Brazil 26 years ago and she twisted it into her own story and she used it for her own use.
DS you were asked by Ms Wass about mr Franco and what AH said about Ms Franco and you used the word rapey - is that a word you heard AH use or someone else
DS you asked when you last spoke to JD and you said 5 years and then the text from 4 years ago and you were shown a text from AH about a flight with JD and you also said you had texts from her between 2am and 4am - you said she was drunk texting you. We have very few texts...
… between you and AH. Why have we got so few texts between you and AH - the ones which have been supplied.
KJ yes because I was using a phone logged into her icloud account and then when she terminated my employment she deleted all thetexts out of the cloud. Any that were...
… abusive of course she saved.
DS have you come to this court to lie on JD’s behalf
KJ absolutely not
DS have you come to court to lie
KJ absolutely not
DS did you have to come to court
KJ I’ve been subpoena’d so yes
DS are you dependent on JD
KJ no I’ve been blessed to work...
… for one of kindest men in Hollywood - so no
DS and before you worked for AH were you used to working for well known people
KJ I would say that out of the people I have worked for AH is the least well known of all of them
[KJ;s evidence ends and the videolink is terminated]
[I suggest that you look out for the transcript of KJ’s answers to QC - I will post them on twitter as soon as I get the transcript. One of the journalists here may post them online sooner as they are one of the strongest...
… of the day.]
[sorry - i understated that - I should have said by far the most explosive of the trial so far]
Let’s dig out the bits from KJ’s 2nd witness statement:
1. I work as a personal assistant to high profile people in the entertainment industry. I have been working in that capacity in Los Angeles for approximately 20 years. I worked for Amber Heard from around March 2012 until February 2015.
4. This is my second statement. I make it in response to paragraph 43 only of Amber Heard’s Fifth Witness Statement.
5. When I was 26 years old and traveling in Brazil, I was violently raped by an unknown male at Machete point, having been woken by the perpetrator whilst sleeping alone in my dwelling. This ordeal went on for 5-6 hours and I narrowly escaped with my life.
This torturous experience of such extreme sexual violence has haunted me ever since and permanently changed the trajectory of my life to this day. Over the years, I have shared this incident with many close friends, family and therapists.
6. In 2013, Ms Heard became aware of what happened to me as I had talked about it with a friend of hers at her apartment. Ms Heard then summoned me to her office where we sat on her couch and she questioned me about it, she was curious as to how I coped with it on
a daily basis and she suggested I buy a gun. I was shocked at that suggestion as I would not consider having a gun in my home with a small child around. I responded that I chose to see myself as a “rape survivor” and not a “rape victim”, and that is how I found my own
way to cope.
7. On June 25, 2020, I received documents pertaining to my involvement on behalf of the Claimant in this case. As I perused the documents, much to my utter shock and dismay, I discovered that Ms Heard had in fact stolen my sexual violence conversation with her and
twisted it into her own story to benefit herself. This of course caused me extreme distress and outrage that she would dare to attempt to use the most harrowing experience of my life as her own narrative.
This was the exact quote from KJ which the judge cut in on:

"I’m a sexual violence survivor and that is very very serious to take that stance if you’re not one and I am one and that’s the reason I’m here because I take offence…"
I am going to describe what is going on as facutally as possible, and it may be that this is just the end of a very long day, half way through a long trial, but Kate James has just accused AH in open court of stealing her traumatic life experience of being raped and...
… putting it in her witness statement. This witness statement has not been released to the public yet because we only get to see it once the witness has been sworn in. AH is due to be sworn in on Friday (though the way this trial is going…)
… and she will undoubtedly be cross-examined on this. Obviously if she admits fabricating this story the trial will collapse. If she maintains it is true (which it may well be), she will have to be able to be able to give a credible account of it in court.
To say this caused a flurry of activity amongst the reporters in court would be an understatement. This, I suggest, is “a developing situation".
Well. That concludes today’s live tweeting. If you are able to make a small contribution to the tip jar I would be very grateful. This is the link:
Thanks for all the supportive tweets today. V grateful.
I’ll post the transcript as soon as I get it.
Here is the exact quote from Kate James on Amber Heard.

David Sherborne: Was she the first well known person you had worked with in Hollywood?

Kate James: She is probably the least known person I’ve ever worked with in Hollywood, to be honest.
Kate James’ first witness statement:

1. I work as a personal assistant to high profile people in the entertainment industry. I have been working in that capacity in Los Angeles for approximately 20 years. I worked for Amber
Heard from around March 2012 until February 2015.
2. Unless stated otherwise, the facts and matters referred to in this witness statement are within my own knowledge and true or are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief based on sources stated within this witness statement.
3. I make this witness statement in support of the Claimant’s claim in these proceedings.

4. I do not know the full details of the Claimant's claims against the Defendants in these proceedings.
Start of my employment by Amber Heard
5. I had not heard of Amber at the time that I was hired. My son was 4 years old at the time, and Amber was looking for someone part-time and she lived in the same neighbourhood as me
which is an important factor in LA with the traffic to consider.
The terms suited me as I would be able to pick up my son from school every day. A similar part-time and flexible position is extremely difficult to find in my line of work. I recall being surprised when she chose to hire me since I am almost 20 years her senior...
… I briefly pondered on why she didn’t choose a candidate closer in age to her. However I needed the work and accepted it.
6. Amber was already dating Johnny when I started working for her. At first, Amber didn’t tell me who Johnny was, and would speak in disparaging terms about him. She would say that she was “dating this old man” and suchlike.
… She then disclosed that it was Johnny Depp, and
I met him shortly after that. My first impression of him was how softly spoken and peaceful
he was, almost a bit shy. He was very pleasant and courteous upon meeting me.
Alcohol abuse
7. During my time working for her, Amber would drink vast quantities of red wine each night. Meanwhile, she would ask me to buy Johnny non-alcoholic beer, as that’s all that she would
allow him to drink.
My experience of Amber and Johnny’s relationship
8. In the three years that I worked for Amber, I would go to her house almost every day,
including on weekends. I would not announce when I was going to attend the apartment to
drop things off or pick things up...
… so it would regularly be without notice. I never saw any
sign of an altercation, or even the aftermath of a serious and messy fight in the way that Amber describes in her statements.
9. I never saw any physical violence by either Amber or Johnny. I saw Amber much more
frequently than Johnny, almost every day for three years apart from when she was out of
town. I understand that the period of my employment...
… overlaps with the majority of incidents in which Amber has alleged that Johnny was violent towards her.
I never once saw any bruising, swelling, or any evidence of what could have resulted from violence. I would often see her naked, or semi-naked, when she was getting dressed or at fittings. I was around her a lot, often 7 days a week.
10. Johnny was calm and quite shy in all of my experiences of him. He was always thoughtful
and kind, and a genuinely decent person. I remember on more than one occasion where I had to bring my son back to work with me after...
… picking him up from school. Johnny would be there and would hang out with him, teaching him how to play the guitar.
He would be patient and kind with him. I would never have left my son with Johnny while I was working if I had any concerns about him whatsoever. Johnny would come back from travelling with gifts like little skull necklaces for his children...
… and he would always bring an extra one back for my son. I thought this was very thoughtful and kind, particularly considering that Amber was my employer and not him.
Letter to the Department of Homeland Security, September 2014
11. Amber asked me to send a letter she had drafted to Homeland Security in September 2014. She had hired a girl called Savannah McMillan to work as her set assistant. Savannah, a British citizen, had been held in immigration...
… and questioned about the frequency that she had
been coming and going from the USA. Amber’s letter falsely claimed that Savannah was just
a friend, and not an employee, so it was correct that she only had a tourist visa.
12. In Amber’s letter, she called it fraudulent that it was being alleged that Savannah was
working for Amber unlawfully. She said that as Savannah’s “friend” she could “say truthfully and unequivocally that this allegation is entirely false ...
… I would like to go on the record
saying that Savannah McMillen is a personal friend, and to my knowledge, has never worked
unlawfully or otherwise in the United States. Or for me.’...
I knew this to be untrue, and that Amber was therefore wilfully lying to the US immigration department. I took a photograph of the letter and one of the pay checks from Amber to Savannah.
Australia, 2015
13. I am aware that shortly after Amber fired me, she got into trouble for unlawfully smuggling her dogs into Australia. We had previously used a dog transportation company who were hired to sort out the necessary paperwork
and guide us through the process of preparing the dogs. This had worked well in 2014 when Amber took the dogs to England.
When it became clear that Amber was intending to go to Australia, we were advised that it’s a six-month process to prepare the dogs’ immigration and began the process. Ultimately as the departure time approached...
… we became aware that there would be a discrepancy of around 10 days for the dogs to travel by private jet to Australia, the only other option being that they would have to travel in the hold on a commercial flight on the correct date.
14. I would attempt to talk to Amber about the date discrepancy frequently while we were trying to sort out the logistics, but her eyes would glaze over, and she would walk away. I discussed with Kevin Murphy about my concerns about the deadline, and Kevin in turn also then
… emailed Amber to explain that there would be a problem if they travelled before the correct
departure date and that it would be illegal….
... Amber chose to ignore both of us. She deliberately
smuggled the dogs into Australia. As in several circumstances which I observed, it was as if...
… she felt that she was above the law.
… 15. It is my understanding that someone then took them to a local grooming parlour in Australia
and started bragging that they were Johnny Depp’s dogs. The owner posted about it on
Facebook, and Amber got found out.
16. I remember the huge uproar at the time. I was told that Johnny had to send the dogs back to Los Angeles on a private jet, which would have cost a fortune from Australia. Ultimately...
… I woke up one morning many months later to find an email from my mother with an attachment of a newspaper article from my home town of Brisbane. I was devastated when I found out that Amber had blamed me in court...
… I broke down in tears at the thought that she blatantly lied in court in my home town and blamed me. Obviously I knew that was a complete lie and yet she had no problem in apparently perjuring herself in order to avoid responsibility.
17. I have been told about the discussion that took place where Amber contemplated asking
Kevin to ask me to sign a false statement to support her position that she did not know the
dogs were not ready to be taken into Australia. Amber knew they weren’t ready, yet chose to...
… take them anyway. The fact that she was willing to ask me to sign such a statement under
oath, especially as an Australian who cares and understands about the laws of my own
country, is a reflection of her approach to me (and anyone in fact) in general. She did not care...
… about throwing anyone under the bus, if it meant saving her own skin. Even if it meant lying
in Court and to authorities. I believe it would have been obvious to Amber that I would not
lie for her and so she decided not to approach me.
18. I recall a previous occasion in September 2013 when I was asked to speak with Kevin
Murphy about amending the dogs’ medical records so that they could travel together on 25
September 2013. Amber asked me if I knew a vet she could “grease”.
End of employment

19. Amber fired me on 16 February 2015, pretty much right after she got back from their
wedding in the Bahamas.

She blindsided me.
Attached to Kate James first witness statement are three documents. First is alleged to be a paycheck made out to Amber Heard’s friend Savannah McMillan, (the surname in the check is McMillian)
The second is a photo of a statement apparently signed by Amber Heard saying Savannah McMillen is a friend and “has never worked unlawfully or otherwise in the United States. Or for me.”

[apols for the appalling quality. it’s how it came to me]
The third is a photo of a print out of an email allegedly from Amber Heard asking Kate James to find someone to alter the dogs' health doc [email addresses redacted by me]:
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