And that is low. EPOP each of the last 3 months has been below U.S historic low from the prior 72 years on record.
data after late June until week ending July 12.
Down 2.6 pp since June #JobsReport week.
Map shows estimated employment rates by state averaging over 2 weeks to 7/14 to reduce noise.
This map shows each state's change between two different two-week periods: from the 2 weeks ending in the June #JobsReport week June 16 to the most-recent 2 weeks available ending July 14.
Here's the raw data.
Points to significantly slower growth, rather than reversal.…
14.4% on June 14
19.2% on July 11, most recent data.
This rough seasonal adjustment gives a 1.0-2.2 pp decline in 18+ EPOP in HPS, instead of 1.4-2.6.