Thank you, @Heart_SCCT and especially my friends @RonBlankstein @Agatston_Center presenting it, made it more special
Truly proud to be among the pantheon of cardiology giants who were previously recognized.

Privilege to work & learn so closely, this relationship blossoming not only with him but entire family
@Agatston_Center is national treasure & even today remains a source of inspiration for me🙏

I then hit #jackpot with collaboration of most dynami, smartest individuals
#PowerOfFriendship of this group been the biggest gift from this journey

idea so far from mainstream-> rejected by all major journal
found refuge in JACC Imaging courtesy @LubbDup
10 yrs later celebrating the journey at @MichaelJBlaha promotion to Professor

Taught us the #PowerOfHumilty
Contrary to conventional wisdom a significant proportion of the highest risk manage actually with no atherosclerosis & much lower risk

In an era where majority statin candidates
#PowerOfZero transformed CAC role from a screening test toa SDM tool allowing derisking & informed choices
Landing a major role in prevention/cholesterol management guidelines

I ask you to push the boundaries even more
dare going to places once considered taboo
If if we can keep an open mind and heart, we might be pleasantly surprised with what we find

with fresh eyes understand future's need
help find #PowerOfValue via happy marriage of CAC/CTA in both primary & secondary prevention
Be Brave, Change the World!
🙏@Heart_SCCT for this immense honor