It was interesting to see almost similar views for
"Is CAC Imaging Ready to be the Gatekeeper For Advanced Imaging in Low-Risk, Symptomatic Patients?"
Whats to disagree😀
@lesleejshaw @RonBlankstein @ChinnaiyanMD

"Do you think there is enough evidence to use CAC as the front-line test and the gatekeeper for coronary CT angiography (CCTA) in low-to-intermediate risk symptomatic patients?"
@RonBlankstein @lesleejshaw @CoronaryDoc @ChinnaiyanMD

"What are your concerns about using CAC for clinical decision-making in this population?"
@RonBlankstein @lesleejshaw @CoronaryDoc @ChinnaiyanMD @DrMarthaGulati @YaleCardiology @MichaelJBlaha

"Do you see a future for using CAC in symptomatic patients and what would be needed to make it happen?"
@RonBlankstein @lesleejshaw @CoronaryDoc @ChinnaiyanMD @DrMarthaGulati @YaleCardiology @MichaelJBlaha

@RonBlankstein @lesleejshaw @CoronaryDoc @ChinnaiyanMD @DrMarthaGulati @YaleCardiology @MichaelJBlaha