T Cells…

You were born with this.
This immune "army" attacks infections that you have never been exposed to.
This is your first line of defense.
a) you were losing the battle
b) you had fought this tough enemy before?
You would call in the special ops team who had studied the enemy from previous battles and was fully prepared to defeat them.
This is Acquired Immunity from previous infections.
It takes a while for the T cells to multiply and get to the site of the battle.
The B cells begin to rev up production to be prepared to make antibodies against the virus the next time it invades.
They are like a reconnaissance team that finds the enemy & alert the special ops team to their location. Antibodies attach to the virus & mark it as a target for the T cells (the special ops team) to come and destroy.
Your special ops team (the T cells) hang around longer in case any fighting breaks out again.
You can ramp up and deploy more of both of them pretty quickly if you need to.
We think this is why some people have milder cases of #COVID19: they may have fought a common cold like COVID.
People who caught SARS (a coronavrius like #COVID19) in 2003 still had a robust T-cell special ops team response to the original SARS coronavirus 17 years later!
Thus T cell immunity May be long lasting!…
We May not lose "immunity" if antibodies fade away.
The original SARS infection, SARS COV1, is a closely related virus to the current SARS COV2 (what many call #COVID19) & the T cells are ready to rock and roll 17 years after infection with SARS COV1!
Time will tell ...